Class SecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusion (1.14.1)

    mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs


request_cookies_to_exclude MutableSequence[]
A list of request cookie names whose value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation.
request_headers_to_exclude MutableSequence[]
A list of request header names whose value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation.
request_query_params_to_exclude MutableSequence[]
A list of request query parameter names whose value will be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. Note that the parameter can be in the query string or in the POST body.
request_uris_to_exclude MutableSequence[]
A list of request URIs from the request line to be excluded from inspection during preconfigured WAF evaluation. When specifying this field, the query or fragment part should be excluded.
target_rule_ids MutableSequence[str]
A list of target rule IDs under the WAF rule set to apply the preconfigured WAF exclusion. If omitted, it refers to all the rule IDs under the WAF rule set.
target_rule_set str
Target WAF rule set to apply the preconfigured WAF exclusion. This field is a member of oneof_ _target_rule_set.