Class CryptoKeyVersion (2.1.0)

CryptoKeyVersion(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

A CryptoKeyVersion represents an individual cryptographic key, and the associated key material.

An ENABLED version can be used for cryptographic operations.

For security reasons, the raw cryptographic key material represented by a CryptoKeyVersion can never be viewed or exported. It can only be used to encrypt, decrypt, or sign data when an authorized user or application invokes Cloud KMS.


name str
Output only. The resource name for this CryptoKeyVersion in the format projects/*/locations/*/keyRings/*/cryptoKeys/*/cryptoKeyVersions/*.
state .resources.CryptoKeyVersion.CryptoKeyVersionState
The current state of the CryptoKeyVersion.
protection_level .resources.ProtectionLevel
Output only. The ProtectionLevel describing how crypto operations are performed with this CryptoKeyVersion.
algorithm .resources.CryptoKeyVersion.CryptoKeyVersionAlgorithm
Output only. The CryptoKeyVersionAlgorithm that this CryptoKeyVersion supports.
attestation .resources.KeyOperationAttestation
Output only. Statement that was generated and signed by the HSM at key creation time. Use this statement to verify attributes of the key as stored on the HSM, independently of Google. Only provided for key versions with protection_level HSM.
create_time .timestamp.Timestamp
Output only. The time at which this CryptoKeyVersion was created.
generate_time .timestamp.Timestamp
Output only. The time this CryptoKeyVersion's key material was generated.
destroy_time .timestamp.Timestamp
Output only. The time this CryptoKeyVersion's key material is scheduled for destruction. Only present if state is DESTROY_SCHEDULED.
destroy_event_time .timestamp.Timestamp
Output only. The time this CryptoKeyVersion's key material was destroyed. Only present if state is DESTROYED.
import_job str
Output only. The name of the ImportJob used to import this CryptoKeyVersion. Only present if the underlying key material was imported.
import_time .timestamp.Timestamp
Output only. The time at which this CryptoKeyVersion's key material was imported.
import_failure_reason str
Output only. The root cause of an import failure. Only present if state is IMPORT_FAILED.
external_protection_level_options .resources.ExternalProtectionLevelOptions
ExternalProtectionLevelOptions stores a group of additional fields for configuring a CryptoKeyVersion that are specific to the EXTERNAL protection level.




The algorithm of the CryptoKeyVersion, indicating what parameters must be used for each cryptographic operation.

The GOOGLE_SYMMETRIC_ENCRYPTION algorithm is usable with CryptoKey.purpose ENCRYPT_DECRYPT.

Algorithms beginning with "RSA_SIGN_" are usable with CryptoKey.purpose ASYMMETRIC_SIGN.

The fields in the name after "RSA_SIGN_" correspond to the following parameters: padding algorithm, modulus bit length, and digest algorithm.

For PSS, the salt length used is equal to the length of digest algorithm. For example, RSA_SIGN_PSS_2048_SHA256 will use PSS with a salt length of 256 bits or 32 bytes.

Algorithms beginning with "RSA_DECRYPT_" are usable with CryptoKey.purpose ASYMMETRIC_DECRYPT.

The fields in the name after "RSA_DECRYPT_" correspond to the following parameters: padding algorithm, modulus bit length, and digest algorithm.

Algorithms beginning with "EC_SIGN_" are usable with CryptoKey.purpose ASYMMETRIC_SIGN.

The fields in the name after "EC_SIGN_" correspond to the following parameters: elliptic curve, digest algorithm.

For more information, see Key purposes and algorithms.



The state of a CryptoKeyVersion, indicating if it can be used.



A view for CryptoKeyVersions. Controls the level of detail returned for CryptoKeyVersions in KeyManagementService.ListCryptoKeyVersions and KeyManagementService.ListCryptoKeys.