Package Classes (1.13.6)

Summary of entries of Classes for cloudbilling.



Retrieves the Google Cloud Console billing accounts and associates them with projects.


Retrieves the Google Cloud Console billing accounts and associates them with projects.


A pager for iterating through list_billing_accounts requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial ListBillingAccountsResponse object, and provides an __aiter__ method to iterate through its billing_accounts field.

If there are more pages, the __aiter__ method will make additional ListBillingAccounts requests and continue to iterate through the billing_accounts field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual ListBillingAccountsResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


A pager for iterating through list_billing_accounts requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial ListBillingAccountsResponse object, and provides an __iter__ method to iterate through its billing_accounts field.

If there are more pages, the __iter__ method will make additional ListBillingAccounts requests and continue to iterate through the billing_accounts field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual ListBillingAccountsResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


A pager for iterating through list_project_billing_info requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial ListProjectBillingInfoResponse object, and provides an __aiter__ method to iterate through its project_billing_info field.

If there are more pages, the __aiter__ method will make additional ListProjectBillingInfo requests and continue to iterate through the project_billing_info field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual ListProjectBillingInfoResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


A pager for iterating through list_project_billing_info requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial ListProjectBillingInfoResponse object, and provides an __iter__ method to iterate through its project_billing_info field.

If there are more pages, the __iter__ method will make additional ListProjectBillingInfo requests and continue to iterate through the project_billing_info field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual ListProjectBillingInfoResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


A catalog of Google Cloud Platform services and SKUs. Provides pricing information and metadata on Google Cloud Platform services and SKUs.


A catalog of Google Cloud Platform services and SKUs. Provides pricing information and metadata on Google Cloud Platform services and SKUs.


A pager for iterating through list_services requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial ListServicesResponse object, and provides an __aiter__ method to iterate through its services field.

If there are more pages, the __aiter__ method will make additional ListServices requests and continue to iterate through the services field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual ListServicesResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


A pager for iterating through list_services requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial ListServicesResponse object, and provides an __iter__ method to iterate through its services field.

If there are more pages, the __iter__ method will make additional ListServices requests and continue to iterate through the services field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual ListServicesResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


A pager for iterating through list_skus requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial ListSkusResponse object, and provides an __aiter__ method to iterate through its skus field.

If there are more pages, the __aiter__ method will make additional ListSkus requests and continue to iterate through the skus field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual ListSkusResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


A pager for iterating through list_skus requests.

This class thinly wraps an initial ListSkusResponse object, and provides an __iter__ method to iterate through its skus field.

If there are more pages, the __iter__ method will make additional ListSkus requests and continue to iterate through the skus field on the corresponding responses.

All the usual ListSkusResponse attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup.


Represents the aggregation level and interval for pricing of a single SKU.


The interval at which usage is aggregated to compute cost. Example: "MONTHLY" aggregation interval indicates that usage for tiered pricing is aggregated every month.


The level at which usage is aggregated to compute cost. Example: "ACCOUNT" aggregation level indicates that usage for tiered pricing is aggregated across all projects in a single account.


A billing account in the Google Cloud Console <>__. You can assign a billing account to one or more projects.


Represents the category hierarchy of a SKU.


Request message for CreateBillingAccount.


Encapsulates the geographic taxonomy data for a sku.


The type of Geo Taxonomy: GLOBAL, REGIONAL, or MULTI_REGIONAL.


Request message for GetBillingAccount.


Request message for GetProjectBillingInfo.


Request message for ListBillingAccounts.


Response message for ListBillingAccounts.


Request message for ListProjectBillingInfo.


Request message for ListProjectBillingInfoResponse.


Request message for ListServices.


Response message for ListServices.


Request message for ListSkus.


Response message for ListSkus.


Request message for MoveBillingAccount RPC.


Expresses a mathematical pricing formula. For Example:-

usage_unit: GBy tiered_rates: [start_usage_amount: 20, unit_price: $10] [start_usage_amount: 100, unit_price: $5]

The above expresses a pricing formula where the first 20GB is free, the next 80GB is priced at $10 per GB followed by $5 per GB for additional usage.


The price rate indicating starting usage and its corresponding price.


Represents the pricing information for a SKU at a single point of time.


Encapsulation of billing information for a Google Cloud Console project. A project has at most one associated billing account at a time (but a billing account can be assigned to multiple projects).


Encapsulates a single service in Google Cloud Platform.


Encapsulates a single SKU in Google Cloud


Request message for UpdateBillingAccount.


Request message for UpdateProjectBillingInfo.



API documentation for module.


API documentation for module.