Class SearchAllIamPoliciesRequest (1.3.2)

Search all IAM policies request.

Optional. The query statement. An empty query can be specified to search all the IAM policies within the given scope. Examples: - policy : "" to find Cloud IAM policy bindings that specify user “”. - policy : "roles/compute.admin" to find Cloud IAM policy bindings that specify the Compute Admin role. - policy.role.permissions : "storage.buckets.update" to find Cloud IAM policy bindings that specify a role containing “storage.buckets.update” permission. - resource : "organizations/123" to find Cloud IAM policy bindings that are set on “organizations/123”. - (resource : ("organizations/123" OR "folders/1234") AND policy : "amy") to find Cloud IAM policy bindings that are set on “organizations/123” or “folders/1234”, and also specify user “amy”. See how to construct a query < policies#how_to_construct_a_query>__ for more details.

Optional. If present, retrieve the next batch of results from the preceding call to this method. page_token must be the value of next_page_token from the previous response. The values of all other method parameters must be identical to those in the previous call.