Class StandardResourceMetadata (1.1.0)

The standard metadata of a cloud resource. .. attribute:: name

The full resource name. For example: // m/projects/my_project_123/zones/zone1/instances/instance1. See Resource Names < urce_names#full_resource_name>__ for more information.

The project that this resource belongs to, in the form of projects/{project_number}.

One or more paragraphs of text description of this resource. Maximum length could be up to 1M bytes.

Location can be “global”, regional like “us-east1”, or zonal like “us-west1-b”.

Network tags associated with this resource. Like labels, network tags are a type of annotations used to group GCP resources. See Labelling GCP resources <l grouping-your-google-cloud-platform-resources>__ for more information.



API documentation for asset_v1p1beta1.types.StandardResourceMetadata.LabelsEntry class.