Class ListCertificateMapsRequest (1.2.0)

ListCertificateMapsRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Request for the ListCertificateMaps method.


parent str
Required. The project and location from which the certificate maps should be listed, specified in the format projects/*/locations/*.
page_size int
Maximum number of certificate maps to return per call.
page_token str
The value returned by the last ListCertificateMapsResponse. Indicates that this is a continuation of a prior ListCertificateMaps call, and that the system should return the next page of data.
filter str
Filter expression to restrict the Certificates Maps returned.
order_by str
A list of Certificate Map field names used to specify the order of the returned results. The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, add a suffix " desc".