Representation of a Google Cloud Bigtable AppProfile.
We can use a AppProfile to:
reload itself
create itself
update itself
delete itself
The ID of the AppProfile. Must be of the form `<code>_a-zA-Z0-9][-_.a-zA-Z0-9]</code>*. :type: routing_policy_type: int :param: routing_policy_type: (Optional) The type of the routing policy. Possible values are represented by the following constants:` :type: description: str :param: description: (Optional) Long form description of the use case for this AppProfile. :type: cluster_id: str :param: cluster_id: (Optional) Unique cluster_id which is only required when routing_policy_type is ROUTING_POLICY_TYPE_SINGLE. :type: multi_cluster_ids: list :param: multi_cluster_ids: (Optional) The set of clusters to route to. The order is ignored; clusters will be tried in order of distance. If left empty, all clusters are eligible. :type: allow_transactional_writes: bool :param: allow_transactional_writes: (Optional) If true, allow transactional writes for ROUTING_POLICY_TYPE_SINGLE.