Class MigrationSubtask (0.11.13)

MigrationSubtask(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

A subtask for a migration which carries details about the configuration of the subtask. The content of the details should not matter to the end user, but is a contract between the subtask creator and subtask worker.


Name Description
name str
Output only. Immutable. The resource name for the migration subtask. The ID is server-generated. Example: projects/123/locations/us/workflows/345/subtasks/678
task_id str
The unique ID of the task to which this subtask belongs.
type_ str
The type of the Subtask. The migration service does not check whether this is a known type. It is up to the task creator (i.e. orchestrator or worker) to ensure it only creates subtasks for which there are compatible workers polling for Subtasks.
Output only. The current state of the subtask.
processing_error google.rpc.error_details_pb2.ErrorInfo
Output only. An explanation that may be populated when the task is in FAILED state.
resource_error_details MutableSequence[]
Output only. Provides details to errors and issues encountered while processing the subtask. Presence of error details does not mean that the subtask failed.
resource_error_count int
The number or resources with errors. Note: This is not the total number of errors as each resource can have more than one error. This is used to indicate truncation by having a resource_error_count that is higher than the size of resource_error_details.
create_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
Time when the subtask was created.
last_update_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
Time when the subtask was last updated.
metrics MutableSequence[]
The metrics for the subtask.




Possible states of a migration subtask.