Class TrainingOptions (1.19.0)

Protocol buffer.

Type of loss function used during training run.

L1 regularization coefficient.

When early_stop is true, stops training when accuracy improvement is less than 'min_relative_progress'. Used only for iterative training algorithms.

Whether to stop early when the loss doesn't improve significantly any more (compared to min_relative_progress). Used only for iterative training algorithms.

The data split type for training and evaluation, e.g. RANDOM.

The column to split data with. This column won't be used as a feature. 1. When data_split_method is CUSTOM, the corresponding column should be boolean. The rows with true value tag are eval data, and the false are training data. 2. When data_split_method is SEQ, the first DATA_SPLIT_EVAL_FRACTION rows (from smallest to largest) in the corresponding column are used as training data, and the rest are eval data. It respects the order in Orderable data types: sql/data-types#data-type-properties

Specifies the initial learning rate for the line search learn rate strategy.

Distance type for clustering models.

[Beta] Google Cloud Storage URI from which the model was imported. Only applicable for imported models.

The method used to initialize the centroids for kmeans algorithm.


builtins.object > google.protobuf.pyext._message.CMessage > builtins.object > google.protobuf.message.Message > TrainingOptions



API documentation for bigquery_v2.types.Model.TrainingRun.TrainingOptions.LabelClassWeightsEntry class.