- 1.41.0 (latest)
- 1.40.0
- 1.39.0
- 1.38.0
- 1.37.0
- 1.36.0
- 1.35.0
- 1.34.0
- 1.33.0
- 1.32.0
- 1.31.0
- 1.30.0
- 1.29.0
- 1.28.0
- 1.27.0
- 1.26.0
- 1.25.0
- 1.24.0
- 1.22.0
- 1.21.0
- 1.20.0
- 1.19.0
- 1.18.0
- 1.17.0
- 1.16.0
- 1.15.0
- 1.14.0
- 1.13.0
- 1.12.0
- 1.11.1
- 1.10.0
- 1.9.0
- 1.8.0
- 1.7.0
- 1.6.0
- 1.5.0
- 1.4.0
- 1.3.0
- 1.2.0
- 1.1.0
- 1.0.0
- 0.26.0
- 0.25.0
- 0.24.0
- 0.23.0
- 0.22.0
- 0.21.0
- 0.20.1
- 0.19.2
- 0.18.0
- 0.17.0
- 0.16.0
- 0.15.0
- 0.14.1
- 0.13.0
- 0.12.0
- 0.11.0
- 0.10.0
- 0.9.0
- 0.8.0
- 0.7.0
- 0.6.0
- 0.5.0
- 0.4.0
- 0.3.0
- 0.2.0
Supported pandas APIs
The following tables show the pandas APIs that have been implemented (or not) in BigQuery DataFrames.
‘Y’ means it implements all parameters.
‘P’ means it implements only some parameters.
API | Implemented | Missing parameters |
T |
Y | |
add |
Y | |
annotations |
Y | |
array |
P | copy |
array_ufunc |
Y | |
bool |
Y | |
class |
Y | |
delattr |
Y | |
dict |
Y | |
dir |
Y | |
doc |
Y | |
eq |
Y | |
floordiv |
Y | |
format |
Y | |
ge |
Y | |
getattr |
P | name |
getattribute |
Y | |
getitem |
Y | |
gt |
Y | |
hash |
Y | |
init |
Y | |
init_subclass |
Y | |
iter |
Y | |
le |
Y | |
len |
Y | |
lt |
Y | |
matmul |
Y | |
mod |
Y | |
module |
Y | |
mul |
Y | |
ne |
Y | |
new |
Y | |
nonzero |
Y | |
or |
P | other, self |
pow |
Y | |
radd |
Y | |
reduce |
Y | |
reduce_ex |
Y | |
repr |
Y | |
rfloordiv |
Y | |
rmod |
Y | |
rmul |
Y | |
ror |
P | other, self |
rpow |
Y | |
rsub |
Y | |
rtruediv |
Y | |
setattr |
P | name |
setitem |
Y | |
sizeof |
Y | |
str |
Y | |
sub |
Y | |
subclasshook |
Y | |
truediv |
Y | |
weakref |
Y | |
abs |
Y | |
add |
P | fill_value, level |
add_prefix |
Y | |
add_suffix |
Y | |
agg |
P | args, axis, kwargs |
aggregate |
P | args, axis, kwargs |
align |
P | broadcast_axis, copy, fill_axis, fill_value, level, limit, method |
all |
P | kwargs, skipna |
any |
P | kwargs, skipna |
apply |
P | axis, by_row, engine, engine_kwargs, raw, result_type |
applymap |
P | kwargs |
assign |
Y | |
astype |
P | copy, errors |
at |
Y | |
axes |
Y | |
bfill |
P | axis, downcast, inplace, limit_area |
columns |
Y | |
combine |
Y | |
combine_first |
Y | |
copy |
P | deep |
corr |
Y | |
count |
P | axis |
cov |
P | ddof, min_periods |
cummax |
P | args, axis, kwargs, skipna |
cummin |
P | args, axis, kwargs, skipna |
cumprod |
P | args, axis, kwargs, skipna |
cumsum |
P | args, axis, kwargs, skipna |
describe |
P | exclude, include, percentiles |
diff |
P | axis |
div |
P | fill_value, level |
divide |
P | fill_value, level |
dot |
Y | |
drop |
P | errors, inplace |
drop_duplicates |
P | ignore_index, inplace |
droplevel |
Y | |
dropna |
P | subset, thresh |
dtypes |
Y | |
duplicated |
Y | |
empty |
Y | |
eq |
P | level |
equals |
Y | |
eval |
P | inplace, kwargs |
expanding |
P | axis, method |
explode |
Y | |
ffill |
P | axis, downcast, inplace, limit_area |
fillna |
P | axis, downcast, inplace, limit, method |
filter |
Y | |
first_valid_index |
Y | |
floordiv |
P | fill_value, level |
from_dict |
Y | |
from_records |
Y | |
ge |
P | level |
get |
Y | |
groupby |
P | axis, group_keys, observed, sort |
gt |
P | level |
head |
Y | |
iat |
Y | |
idxmax |
P | axis, numeric_only, skipna |
idxmin |
P | axis, numeric_only, skipna |
iloc |
Y | |
index |
Y | |
info |
Y | |
interpolate |
P | axis, downcast, inplace, kwargs, limit, limit_area, limit_direction |
isin |
Y | |
isna |
Y | |
isnull |
Y | |
iterrows |
Y | |
itertuples |
Y | |
join |
P | lsuffix, rsuffix, sort, validate |
kurt |
P | axis, kwargs, skipna |
kurtosis |
P | axis, kwargs, skipna |
le |
P | level |
loc |
Y | |
lt |
P | level |
map |
P | kwargs |
max |
P | kwargs, skipna |
mean |
P | kwargs, skipna |
median |
P | axis, kwargs, skipna |
melt |
P | col_level, ignore_index |
memory_usage |
P | deep |
merge |
P | copy, indicator, left_index, right_index, validate |
min |
P | kwargs, skipna |
mod |
P | fill_value, level |
mul |
P | fill_value, level |
multiply |
P | fill_value, level |
ndim |
Y | |
ne |
P | level |
nlargest |
Y | |
notna |
Y | |
notnull |
Y | |
nsmallest |
Y | |
nunique |
P | axis, dropna |
pct_change |
P | fill_method, freq, kwargs, limit |
pipe |
Y | |
pivot |
Y | |
pivot_table |
P | dropna, fill_value, margins, margins_name, observed, sort |
plot |
Y | |
pow |
P | fill_value, level |
prod |
P | kwargs, min_count, skipna |
product |
P | kwargs, min_count, skipna |
quantile |
P | axis, interpolation, method |
query |
P | inplace, kwargs |
radd |
P | fill_value, level |
rank |
P | pct |
rdiv |
P | fill_value, level |
reindex |
P | copy, fill_value, level, limit, method, tolerance |
reindex_like |
P | copy, limit, method, tolerance |
rename |
P | axis, copy, errors, index, inplace, level, mapper |
rename_axis |
P | axis, columns, copy, index, inplace |
reorder_levels |
Y | |
replace |
P | inplace, limit, method |
reset_index |
P | allow_duplicates, col_fill, col_level, inplace, level, names |
rfloordiv |
P | fill_value, level |
rmod |
P | fill_value, level |
rmul |
P | fill_value, level |
rolling |
P | axis, center, closed, method, on, step, win_type |
rpow |
P | fill_value, level |
rsub |
P | fill_value, level |
rtruediv |
P | fill_value, level |
sample |
P | axis, ignore_index, replace, weights |
select_dtypes |
Y | |
set_index |
P | inplace, verify_integrity |
shape |
Y | |
shift |
P | axis, fill_value, freq, suffix |
size |
Y | |
skew |
P | axis, kwargs, skipna |
sort_index |
P | axis, ignore_index, inplace, key, kind, level, sort_remaining |
sort_values |
P | axis, ignore_index, inplace, key |
stack |
P | dropna, future_stack, sort |
std |
P | ddof, kwargs, skipna |
sub |
P | fill_value, level |
subtract |
P | fill_value, level |
sum |
P | kwargs, min_count, skipna |
swaplevel |
Y | |
tail |
Y | |
to_csv |
P | chunksize, columns, compression, date_format, decimal, doublequote, encoding, errors, escapechar, float_format, index_label, lineterminator, mode, na_rep, quotechar, quoting, storage_options |
to_dict |
P | index |
to_excel |
P | columns, engine, engine_kwargs, float_format, freeze_panes, header, index, index_label, inf_rep, merge_cells, na_rep, startcol, startrow, storage_options |
to_gbq |
P | auth_local_webserver, chunksize, credentials, location, progress_bar, project_id, reauth, table_schema |
to_html |
Y | |
to_json |
P | compression, date_format, date_unit, default_handler, double_precision, force_ascii, indent, mode, storage_options |
to_latex |
P | bold_rows, caption, column_format, decimal, encoding, escape, float_format, formatters, index_names, label, longtable, multicolumn, multicolumn_format, multirow, na_rep, position, sparsify |
to_markdown |
P | storage_options |
to_numpy |
Y | |
to_orc |
P | engine, engine_kwargs, index |
to_parquet |
P | engine, kwargs, partition_cols, storage_options |
to_pickle |
P | compression, protocol, storage_options |
to_records |
Y | |
to_string |
Y | |
transpose |
P | args, copy |
truediv |
P | fill_value, level |
unstack |
P | fill_value, sort |
update |
P | errors |
value_counts |
Y | |
values |
Y | |
var |
P | ddof, kwargs, skipna |
API | Implemented | Missing parameters |
annotations |
Y | |
class |
Y | |
delattr |
Y | |
dict |
Y | |
dir |
Y | |
doc |
Y | |
eq |
Y | |
format |
Y | |
ge |
Y | |
getattribute |
Y | |
getitem |
Y | |
gt |
Y | |
hash |
Y | |
init |
P | axis, exclusions, group_keys, grouper, keys, level, obj, observed, selection, sort |
init_subclass |
Y | |
le |
Y | |
lt |
Y | |
module |
Y | |
ne |
Y | |
new |
Y | |
reduce |
Y | |
reduce_ex |
Y | |
repr |
Y | |
setattr |
Y | |
sizeof |
Y | |
str |
Y | |
subclasshook |
Y | |
weakref |
Y | |
agg |
P | args, engine, engine_kwargs |
aggregate |
P | args, engine, engine_kwargs |
all |
P | skipna |
any |
P | skipna |
count |
Y | |
cumcount |
Y | |
cummax |
P | axis |
cummin |
P | axis |
cumprod |
P | axis |
cumsum |
P | axis |
diff |
P | axis |
expanding |
P | args, kwargs |
max |
P | engine, engine_kwargs, min_count |
mean |
P | engine, engine_kwargs |
median |
Y | |
min |
P | engine, engine_kwargs, min_count |
nunique |
P | dropna |
prod |
Y | |
quantile |
P | interpolation |
rolling |
P | args, kwargs |
shift |
P | axis, fill_value, freq, suffix |
skew |
P | axis, kwargs, skipna |
std |
P | ddof, engine, engine_kwargs |
sum |
P | engine, engine_kwargs, min_count |
var |
P | ddof, engine, engine_kwargs |
API | Implemented | Missing parameters |
T |
Y | |
annotations |
Y | |
array |
P | copy |
class |
Y | |
delattr |
Y | |
dict |
Y | |
dir |
Y | |
doc |
Y | |
eq |
P | other |
format |
Y | |
ge |
P | other |
getattribute |
Y | |
getitem |
Y | |
gt |
P | other |
hash |
Y | |
init |
Y | |
init_subclass |
Y | |
le |
P | other |
len |
Y | |
lt |
P | other |
module |
Y | |
ne |
P | other |
new |
P | copy, tupleize_cols |
or |
P | other, self |
reduce |
Y | |
reduce_ex |
Y | |
repr |
Y | |
ror |
P | other, self |
setattr |
Y | |
sizeof |
Y | |
str |
Y | |
subclasshook |
Y | |
weakref |
Y | |
all |
P | args, kwargs |
any |
P | args, kwargs |
argmax |
P | args, axis, kwargs, skipna |
argmin |
P | args, axis, kwargs, skipna |
astype |
P | copy |
copy |
P | deep |
drop |
P | errors |
drop_duplicates |
Y | |
dropna |
Y | |
dtype |
Y | |
empty |
Y | |
fillna |
P | downcast |
get_level_values |
Y | |
has_duplicates |
Y | |
is_monotonic_decreasing |
Y | |
is_monotonic_increasing |
Y | |
is_unique |
Y | |
isin |
P | level |
max |
P | args, axis, kwargs, skipna |
min |
P | args, axis, kwargs, skipna |
name |
Y | |
names |
Y | |
ndim |
Y | |
nlevels |
Y | |
nunique |
P | dropna |
rename |
P | inplace |
shape |
Y | |
size |
Y | |
sort_values |
P | key, return_indexer |
to_numpy |
P | copy, na_value |
to_series |
Y | |
transpose |
P | args, kwargs |
value_counts |
P | bins |
values |
Y |
API | Implemented | Missing parameters |
ArrowDtype |
Y | |
BooleanDtype |
Y | |
DataFrame |
Y | |
Float64Dtype |
Y | |
Index |
Y | |
Int64Dtype |
Y | |
MultiIndex |
Y | |
NA |
Y | |
NamedAgg |
Y | |
Series |
Y | |
StringDtype |
Y | |
builtins |
Y | |
cached |
Y | |
doc |
Y | |
file |
Y | |
loader |
Y | |
name |
Y | |
package |
Y | |
path |
Y | |
spec |
Y | |
annotations |
Y | |
concat |
P | copy, keys, levels, names, sort, verify_integrity |
cut |
P | duplicates, include_lowest, ordered, precision, retbins, right |
get_dummies |
P | sparse |
merge |
P | copy, indicator, left_index, right_index, validate |
option_context |
Y | |
options |
Y | |
pandas |
Y | |
qcut |
P | precision, retbins |
read_csv |
P | cache_dates, chunksize, comment, compression, converters, date_format, date_parser, dayfirst, decimal, delim_whitespace, delimiter, dialect, doublequote, dtype_backend, encoding_errors, escapechar, false_values, float_precision, infer_datetime_format, iterator, keep_date_col, keep_default_na, lineterminator, low_memory, memory_map, na_filter, na_values, nrows, on_bad_lines, parse_dates, quotechar, quoting, skip_blank_lines, skipfooter, skipinitialspace, skiprows, storage_options, thousands, true_values, verbose |
read_gbq |
P | auth_local_webserver, credentials, dialect, location, progress_bar_type, project_id, query, reauth, use_bqstorage_api |
read_json |
P | chunksize, compression, convert_axes, convert_dates, date_unit, dtype_backend, encoding_errors, keep_default_dates, nrows, precise_float, storage_options, typ |
read_parquet |
P | columns, dtype_backend, filesystem, filters, kwargs, storage_options, use_nullable_dtypes |
read_pickle |
Y | |
to_datetime |
P | cache, dayfirst, errors, exact, infer_datetime_format, origin, yearfirst |
API | Implemented | Missing parameters |
T |
Y | |
add |
Y | |
and |
Y | |
annotations |
Y | |
array |
P | copy |
array_ufunc |
Y | |
bool |
Y | |
class |
Y | |
delattr |
Y | |
dict |
Y | |
dir |
Y | |
doc |
Y | |
eq |
Y | |
floordiv |
Y | |
format |
Y | |
ge |
Y | |
getattr |
P | name |
getattribute |
Y | |
getitem |
P | key |
gt |
Y | |
hash |
Y | |
init |
P | copy, data, dtype, fastpath, index, name |
init_subclass |
Y | |
invert |
Y | |
iter |
Y | |
le |
Y | |
len |
Y | |
lt |
Y | |
matmul |
Y | |
mod |
Y | |
module |
Y | |
mul |
Y | |
ne |
Y | |
new |
Y | |
nonzero |
Y | |
or |
Y | |
pow |
Y | |
radd |
Y | |
rand |
Y | |
reduce |
Y | |
reduce_ex |
Y | |
repr |
Y | |
rfloordiv |
Y | |
rmatmul |
Y | |
rmod |
Y | |
rmul |
Y | |
ror |
Y | |
rpow |
Y | |
rsub |
Y | |
rtruediv |
Y | |
setattr |
Y | |
sizeof |
Y | |
str |
Y | |
sub |
Y | |
subclasshook |
Y | |
truediv |
Y | |
weakref |
Y | |
abs |
Y | |
add |
P | axis, fill_value, level |
add_prefix |
Y | |
add_suffix |
Y | |
agg |
P | args, axis, kwargs |
aggregate |
P | args, axis, kwargs |
all |
P | axis, bool_only, kwargs, skipna |
any |
P | axis, bool_only, kwargs, skipna |
apply |
P | args, convert_dtype, kwargs |
argmax |
P | args, axis, kwargs, skipna |
argmin |
P | args, axis, kwargs, skipna |
astype |
P | copy, errors |
at |
Y | |
autocorr |
Y | |
between |
Y | |
bfill |
P | axis, downcast, inplace, limit_area |
clip |
P | axis, inplace, kwargs |
combine_first |
Y | |
copy |
P | deep |
corr |
Y | |
count |
Y | |
cov |
P | ddof, min_periods |
cummax |
P | args, axis, kwargs, skipna |
cummin |
P | args, axis, kwargs, skipna |
cumprod |
P | args, axis, kwargs, skipna |
cumsum |
P | args, axis, kwargs, skipna |
diff |
Y | |
div |
P | axis, fill_value, level |
divide |
P | axis, fill_value, level |
divmod |
P | axis, fill_value, level |
dot |
Y | |
drop |
P | errors, inplace |
drop_duplicates |
P | ignore_index, inplace |
droplevel |
Y | |
dropna |
Y | |
dt |
Y | |
dtype |
Y | |
dtypes |
Y | |
duplicated |
Y | |
empty |
Y | |
eq |
P | axis, fill_value, level |
equals |
Y | |
expanding |
P | axis, method |
explode |
Y | |
ffill |
P | axis, downcast, inplace, limit_area |
fillna |
P | axis, downcast, inplace, limit, method |
filter |
Y | |
floordiv |
P | axis, fill_value, level |
ge |
P | axis, fill_value, level |
get |
Y | |
groupby |
P | group_keys, observed, sort |
gt |
P | axis, fill_value, level |
hasnans |
Y | |
head |
Y | |
iat |
Y | |
idxmax |
P | args, axis, kwargs, skipna |
idxmin |
P | args, axis, kwargs, skipna |
iloc |
Y | |
index |
Y | |
interpolate |
P | axis, downcast, inplace, kwargs, limit, limit_area, limit_direction |
is_monotonic_decreasing |
Y | |
is_monotonic_increasing |
Y | |
isin |
Y | |
isna |
Y | |
isnull |
Y | |
kurt |
P | axis, kwargs, numeric_only, skipna |
kurtosis |
P | axis, kwargs, numeric_only, skipna |
le |
P | axis, fill_value, level |
loc |
Y | |
lt |
P | axis, fill_value, level |
map |
Y | |
mask |
P | axis, inplace, level |
max |
P | axis, kwargs, numeric_only, skipna |
mean |
P | axis, kwargs, numeric_only, skipna |
median |
P | axis, kwargs, numeric_only, skipna |
min |
P | axis, kwargs, numeric_only, skipna |
mod |
P | axis, fill_value, level |
mode |
P | dropna |
mul |
P | axis, fill_value, level |
multiply |
P | axis, fill_value, level |
name |
Y | |
ndim |
Y | |
ne |
P | axis, fill_value, level |
nlargest |
Y | |
notna |
Y | |
notnull |
Y | |
nsmallest |
Y | |
nunique |
P | dropna |
pad |
P | axis, downcast, inplace |
pct_change |
P | fill_method, freq, kwargs, limit |
pipe |
Y | |
plot |
Y | |
pow |
P | axis, fill_value, level |
prod |
P | axis, kwargs, min_count, numeric_only, skipna |
product |
P | axis, kwargs, min_count, numeric_only, skipna |
quantile |
P | interpolation |
radd |
P | axis, fill_value, level |
rank |
P | pct |
rdiv |
P | axis, fill_value, level |
rdivmod |
P | axis, fill_value, level |
reindex |
P | axis, copy, fill_value, level, limit, method, tolerance |
reindex_like |
P | copy, limit, method, tolerance |
rename |
P | axis, copy, errors, inplace, level |
rename_axis |
P | axis, copy, index, inplace |
reorder_levels |
Y | |
replace |
P | inplace, limit, method |
reset_index |
P | allow_duplicates, inplace, level |
rfloordiv |
P | axis, fill_value, level |
rmod |
P | axis, fill_value, level |
rmul |
P | axis, fill_value, level |
rolling |
P | axis, center, closed, method, on, step, win_type |
round |
P | args, kwargs |
rpow |
P | axis, fill_value, level |
rsub |
P | axis, fill_value, level |
rtruediv |
P | axis, fill_value, level |
sample |
P | axis, ignore_index, replace, weights |
shape |
Y | |
shift |
P | axis, fill_value, freq, suffix |
size |
Y | |
skew |
P | axis, kwargs, numeric_only, skipna |
sort_index |
P | ignore_index, inplace, key, kind, level, sort_remaining |
sort_values |
P | ignore_index, inplace, key |
std |
P | axis, ddof, kwargs, numeric_only, skipna |
str |
Y | |
struct |
Y | |
sub |
P | axis, fill_value, level |
subtract |
P | axis, fill_value, level |
sum |
P | axis, kwargs, min_count, numeric_only, skipna |
swaplevel |
P | copy |
tail |
Y | |
to_csv |
P | chunksize, columns, compression, date_format, decimal, doublequote, encoding, errors, escapechar, float_format, index_label, lineterminator, mode, na_rep, quotechar, quoting, storage_options |
to_dict |
Y | |
to_excel |
P | columns, engine, engine_kwargs, float_format, freeze_panes, header, index, index_label, inf_rep, merge_cells, na_rep, startcol, startrow, storage_options |
to_frame |
Y | |
to_json |
P | compression, date_format, date_unit, default_handler, double_precision, force_ascii, indent, mode, storage_options |
to_latex |
P | bold_rows, caption, column_format, decimal, encoding, escape, float_format, formatters, index_names, label, longtable, multicolumn, multicolumn_format, multirow, na_rep, position, sparsify |
to_list |
Y | |
to_markdown |
P | storage_options |
to_numpy |
Y | |
to_pickle |
P | compression, protocol, storage_options |
to_string |
Y | |
to_xarray |
Y | |
transpose |
P | args, kwargs |
truediv |
P | axis, fill_value, level |
unique |
Y | |
unstack |
P | fill_value, sort |
update |
Y | |
value_counts |
P | bins |
values |
Y | |
var |
P | axis, ddof, kwargs, numeric_only, skipna |
where |
P | axis, inplace, level |
API | Implemented | Missing parameters |
annotations |
Y | |
class |
Y | |
delattr |
Y | |
dict |
Y | |
dir |
Y | |
doc |
Y | |
eq |
Y | |
format |
Y | |
ge |
Y | |
getattribute |
Y | |
gt |
Y | |
hash |
Y | |
init |
P | orig |
init_subclass |
Y | |
le |
Y | |
lt |
Y | |
module |
Y | |
ne |
Y | |
new |
P | cls, data |
reduce |
Y | |
reduce_ex |
Y | |
repr |
Y | |
setattr |
P | key |
sizeof |
Y | |
str |
Y | |
subclasshook |
Y | |
weakref |
Y | |
date |
Y | |
day |
Y | |
dayofweek |
Y | |
floor |
P | args, kwargs |
hour |
Y | |
minute |
Y | |
month |
Y | |
normalize |
P | args, kwargs |
quarter |
Y | |
second |
Y | |
strftime |
P | args, kwargs |
time |
Y | |
tz |
Y | |
unit |
Y | |
year |
Y |
API | Implemented | Missing parameters |
annotations |
Y | |
class |
Y | |
delattr |
Y | |
dict |
Y | |
dir |
Y | |
doc |
Y | |
eq |
Y | |
format |
Y | |
ge |
Y | |
getattribute |
Y | |
gt |
Y | |
hash |
Y | |
init |
Y | |
init_subclass |
Y | |
le |
Y | |
lt |
Y | |
module |
Y | |
ne |
Y | |
new |
Y | |
reduce |
Y | |
reduce_ex |
Y | |
repr |
Y | |
setattr |
P | key |
sizeof |
Y | |
str |
Y | |
subclasshook |
Y | |
weakref |
Y | |
capitalize |
Y | |
cat |
P | na_rep, sep |
center |
Y | |
contains |
P | na |
endswith |
P | na |
extract |
P | expand |
find |
Y | |
fullmatch |
P | na |
get |
Y | |
isalnum |
Y | |
isalpha |
Y | |
isdecimal |
Y | |
isdigit |
Y | |
islower |
Y | |
isnumeric |
Y | |
isspace |
Y | |
isupper |
Y | |
len |
Y | |
ljust |
Y | |
lower |
Y | |
lstrip |
P | to_strip |
match |
P | na |
pad |
Y | |
repeat |
Y | |
replace |
P | n |
rjust |
Y | |
rstrip |
P | to_strip |
slice |
P | step |
startswith |
P | na |
strip |
P | to_strip |
upper |
Y | |
zfill |
Y |
API | Implemented | Missing parameters |
annotations |
Y | |
class |
Y | |
delattr |
Y | |
dict |
Y | |
dir |
Y | |
doc |
Y | |
eq |
Y | |
format |
Y | |
ge |
Y | |
getattribute |
Y | |
getitem |
Y | |
gt |
Y | |
hash |
Y | |
init |
P | axis, exclusions, group_keys, grouper, keys, level, obj, observed, selection, sort |
init_subclass |
Y | |
le |
Y | |
lt |
Y | |
module |
Y | |
ne |
Y | |
new |
Y | |
reduce |
Y | |
reduce_ex |
Y | |
repr |
Y | |
setattr |
Y | |
sizeof |
Y | |
str |
Y | |
subclasshook |
Y | |
weakref |
Y | |
agg |
P | args, engine, engine_kwargs |
aggregate |
P | args, engine, engine_kwargs |
all |
P | skipna |
any |
P | skipna |
count |
Y | |
cumcount |
Y | |
cummax |
P | axis |
cummin |
P | axis |
cumprod |
P | axis |
cumsum |
P | axis |
diff |
P | axis |
expanding |
P | args, kwargs |
max |
P | engine, engine_kwargs, min_count |
mean |
P | engine, engine_kwargs |
median |
Y | |
min |
P | engine, engine_kwargs, min_count |
nunique |
P | dropna |
prod |
Y | |
quantile |
P | interpolation |
rolling |
P | args, kwargs |
shift |
P | axis, fill_value, freq, suffix |
skew |
P | axis, kwargs, skipna |
std |
P | ddof, engine, engine_kwargs |
sum |
P | engine, engine_kwargs, min_count |
var |
P | ddof, engine, engine_kwargs |
API | Implemented | Missing parameters |
annotations |
Y | |
class |
Y | |
delattr |
Y | |
dict |
Y | |
dir |
Y | |
doc |
Y | |
eq |
Y | |
format |
Y | |
ge |
Y | |
getattribute |
Y | |
gt |
Y | |
hash |
Y | |
init |
P | axis, center, closed, method, min_periods, obj, on, selection, step, win_type, window |
init_subclass |
Y | |
le |
Y | |
lt |
Y | |
module |
Y | |
ne |
Y | |
new |
Y | |
reduce |
Y | |
reduce_ex |
Y | |
repr |
Y | |
setattr |
Y | |
sizeof |
Y | |
str |
Y | |
subclasshook |
Y | |
weakref |
Y | |
count |
P | numeric_only |
max |
P | args, engine, engine_kwargs, kwargs, numeric_only |
mean |
P | engine, engine_kwargs, numeric_only |
min |
P | engine, engine_kwargs, numeric_only |
std |
P | ddof, engine, engine_kwargs, numeric_only |
sum |
P | engine, engine_kwargs, numeric_only |
var |
P | ddof, engine, engine_kwargs, numeric_only |