Class StringMethods (0.15.0)

    index: vendored_pandas_typing.Axes | None = None,
    dtype: typing.Optional[
        bigframes.dtypes.DtypeString | bigframes.dtypes.Dtype
    ] = None,
    name: str | None = None,
    copy: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
    session: typing.Optional[bigframes.session.Session] = None

Vectorized string functions for Series and Index.

NAs stay NA unless handled otherwise by a particular method. Patterned after Python's string methods, with some inspiration from R's stringr package.



capitalize() -> bigframes.series.Series

Convert strings in the Series/Index to be capitalized.

Equivalent to str.capitalize.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series Series with captitalized strings.


    others: typing.Union[str, bigframes.series.Series],
    join: typing.Literal["outer", "left"] = "left"
) -> bigframes.series.Series

Concatenate strings in the Series/Index with given separator.

If others is specified, this function concatenates the Series/Index and elements of others element-wise.

Name Description
join {'left', 'outer'}, default 'left'

Determines the join-style between the calling Series and any Series in others (objects without an index need to match the length of the calling Series). To disable alignment, use .values on any Series/Index/DataFrame in others.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series Series with concatenated strings.


center(width: int, fillchar: str = " ") -> bigframes.series.Series

Pad left and right side of strings in the Series/Index.

Equivalent to

Name Description
width int

Minimum width of resulting string; additional characters will be filled with character defined in fillchar.

fillchar str, default ' '

Additional character for filling, default is whitespace.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series Returns Series or Index with minimum number of char in object.


    pat, case: bool = True, flags: int = 0, *, regex: bool = True
) -> bigframes.series.Series

Test if pattern or regex is contained within a string of a Series or Index.

Return boolean Series or Index based on whether a given pattern or regex is contained within a string of a Series or Index.

Name Description
pat str, re.Pattern

Character sequence or regular expression.

case bool, default True

If True, case sensitive.

flags int, default 0

Flags to pass through to the re module, e.g. re.IGNORECASE.

regex bool, default True

If True, assumes the pat is a regular expression. If False, treats the pat as a literal string.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series A Series or Index of boolean values indicating whether the given pattern is contained within the string of each element of the Series or Index.


endswith(pat: typing.Union[str, tuple[str, ...]]) -> bigframes.series.Series

Test if the end of each string element matches a pattern.

Name Description
pat str, tuple[str, ...]

Character sequence or tuple of strings. Regular expressions are not accepted.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series A Series of booleans indicating whether the given pattern matches the end of each string element.


extract(pat: str, flags: int = 0) -> bigframes.dataframe.DataFrame

Extract capture groups in the regex pat as columns in a DataFrame.

For each subject string in the Series, extract groups from the first match of regular expression pat.


    sub: str, start: typing.Optional[int] = None, end: typing.Optional[int] = None
) -> bigframes.series.Series

Return lowest indexes in each strings in the Series/Index.

Each of returned indexes corresponds to the position where the substring is fully contained between [start:end]. Return -1 on failure. Equivalent to standard str.find.

Name Description
start int, default 0

Left edge index.

end None

Right edge index.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series Series with lowest indexes in each strings.


fullmatch(pat, case=True, flags=0) -> bigframes.series.Series

Determine if each string entirely matches a regular expression.

Name Description
pat str

Character sequence or regular expression.

case bool

If True, case sensitive.

flags int, default 0

Regex module flags, e.g. re.IGNORECASE.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series Series of boolean values


get(i: int) -> bigframes.series.Series

Extract element from each component at specified position or with specified key.

Extract element from lists, tuples, dict, or strings in each element in the Series/Index.

Name Description
i int

Position or key of element to extract.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series Series


isalnum() -> bigframes.series.Series

Check whether all characters in each string are alphanumeric.

This is equivalent to running the Python string method str.isalnum for each element of the Series/Index. If a string has zero characters, False is returned for that check.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series Series or Index of boolean values with the same length as the original Series/Index.


isalpha() -> bigframes.series.Series

Check whether all characters in each string are alphabetic.

This is equivalent to running the Python string method str.isalpha for each element of the Series/Index. If a string has zero characters, False is returned for that check.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series Series with the same length as the originalSeries/Index.


isdecimal() -> bigframes.series.Series

Check whether all characters in each string are decimal.

This is equivalent to running the Python string method str.isdecimal for each element of the Series/Index. If a string has zero characters, False is returned for that check.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series Series or Index of boolean values with the same length as the original Series/Index.


isdigit() -> bigframes.series.Series

Check whether all characters in each string are digits.

This is equivalent to running the Python string method str.isdigit for each element of the Series/Index. If a string has zero characters, False is returned for that check.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series Series with the same length as the originalSeries/Index.


islower() -> bigframes.series.Series

Check whether all characters in each string are lowercase.

This is equivalent to running the Python string method str.islower for each element of the Series/Index. If a string has zero characters, False is returned for that check.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series Series or Index of boolean values with the same length as the original Series/Index.


isnumeric() -> bigframes.series.Series

Check whether all characters in each string are numeric.

This is equivalent to running the Python string method str.isnumeric for each element of the Series/Index. If a string has zero characters, False is returned for that check.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series Series or Index of boolean values with the same length as the original Series/Index.


isspace() -> bigframes.series.Series

Check whether all characters in each string are whitespace.

This is equivalent to running the Python string method str.isspace for each element of the Series/Index. If a string has zero characters, False is returned for that check.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series Series or Index of boolean values with the same length as the original Series/Index.


isupper() -> bigframes.series.Series

Check whether all characters in each string are uppercase.

This is equivalent to running the Python string method str.isupper for each element of the Series/Index. If a string has zero characters, False is returned for that check.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series Series or Index of boolean values with the same length as the original Series/Index.


len() -> bigframes.series.Series

Compute the length of each element in the Series/Index.

The element may be a sequence (such as a string, tuple or list) or a collection (such as a dictionary).

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series A Series or Index of integer values indicating the length of each element in the Series or Index.


ljust(width, fillchar=" ") -> bigframes.series.Series

Pad right side of strings in the Series/Index up to width.

Name Description
width int

Minimum width of resulting string; additional characters will be filled with character defined in fillchar.

fillchar str, default ' '

Additional character for filling, default is whitespace.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series Returns Series or Index with minimum number of char in object.


lower() -> bigframes.series.Series

Convert strings in the Series/Index to lowercase.

Equivalent to str.lower.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series Series with lowercase.


lstrip() -> bigframes.series.Series

Remove leading characters.

Strip whitespaces (including newlines) or a set of specified characters from each string in the Series/Index from left side. Replaces any non-strings in Series with NaNs. Equivalent to str.lstrip.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series Series without leading characters.


match(pat, case=True, flags=0) -> bigframes.series.Series

Determine if each string starts with a match of a regular expression.

Name Description
pat str

Character sequence or regular expression.

case bool

If True, case sensitive.

flags int, default 0

Regex module flags, e.g. re.IGNORECASE.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series Series of boolean values


pad(width, side="left", fillchar=" ") -> bigframes.series.Series

Pad strings in the Series/Index up to width.

Name Description
width int

Minimum width of resulting string; additional characters will be filled with character defined in fillchar.

side {'left', 'right', 'both'}, default 'left'

Side from which to fill resulting string.

fillchar str, default ' '

Additional character for filling, default is whitespace.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series Returns Series or Index with minimum number of char in object.


repeat(repeats: int) -> bigframes.series.Series

Duplicate each string in the Series or Index.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series Series or Index of repeated string objects specified by input parameter repeats.


    pat: typing.Union[str, re.Pattern],
    repl: str,
    case: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
    flags: int = 0,
    regex: bool = False
) -> bigframes.series.Series

Replace each occurrence of pattern/regex in the Series/Index.

Equivalent to str.replace or re.sub, depending on the regex value.

Name Description
pat str, re.Pattern

String can be a character sequence or regular expression.

repl str

Replacement string.

case default None

Determines if replace is case sensitive: - If True, case sensitive (the default if pat is a string) - Set to False for case insensitive - Cannot be set if pat is a compiled regex.

flags int, default 0

Regex module flags, e.g. re.IGNORECASE. Cannot be set if pat is a compiled regex.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series A copy of the object with all matching occurrences of pat replaced by repl.


reverse() -> bigframes.series.Series

Reverse strings in the Series.


rjust(width, fillchar=" ") -> bigframes.series.Series

Pad left side of strings in the Series/Index up to width.

Name Description
width int

Minimum width of resulting string; additional characters will be filled with character defined in fillchar.

fillchar str, default ' '

Additional character for filling, default is whitespace.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series Returns Series or Index with minimum number of char in object.


rstrip() -> bigframes.series.Series

Remove trailing characters.

Strip whitespaces (including newlines) or a set of specified characters from each string in the Series/Index from right side. Replaces any non-strings in Series with NaNs. Equivalent to str.rstrip.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series Series without trailing characters.


    start: typing.Optional[int] = None, stop: typing.Optional[int] = None
) -> bigframes.series.Series

Slice substrings from each element in the Series or Index.

Name Description
start int, optional

Start position for slice operation.

stop int, optional

Stop position for slice operation.

step int, optional

Step size for slice operation.


startswith(pat: typing.Union[str, tuple[str, ...]]) -> bigframes.series.Series

Test if the start of each string element matches a pattern.

Name Description
pat str, tuple[str, ...]

Character sequence or tuple of strings. Regular expressions are not accepted.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series A Series of booleans indicating whether the given pattern matches the start of each string element.


strip() -> bigframes.series.Series

Remove leading and trailing characters.

Strip whitespaces (including newlines) or a set of specified characters from each string in the Series/Index from left and right sides. Replaces any non-strings in Series with NaNs. Equivalent to str.strip.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series Series or Index without leading and trailing characters.


upper() -> bigframes.series.Series

Convert strings in the Series/Index to uppercase.

Equivalent to str.upper.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series Series with uppercase strings.


zfill(width: int) -> bigframes.series.Series

Pad strings in the Series/Index by prepending '0' characters.

Strings in the Series/Index are padded with '0' characters on the left of the string to reach a total string length width. Strings in the Series/Index with length greater or equal to width are unchanged.

Name Description
width int

Minimum length of resulting string; strings with length less than width be prepended with '0' characters.

Type Description
bigframes.series.Series Series of objects.