Class ModelExportOutputConfig (1.0.3)

Output configuration for ModelExport Action.

Required. The Google Cloud Storage location where the model is to be written to. This location may only be set for the following model formats: "tflite", "edgetpu_tflite", "tf_saved_model", "tf_js", "core_ml". Under the directory given as the destination a new one with name "model-export--", where timestamp is in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ ISO-8601 format, will be created. Inside the model and any of its supporting files will be written.

Additional model-type and format specific parameters describing the requirements for the to be exported model files, any string must be up to 25000 characters long.



API documentation for automl_v1.types.ModelExportOutputConfig.ParamsEntry class.