Class MatchingEngineIndexEndpoint (1.70.0)

    index_endpoint_name: str,
    project: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    location: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    credentials: typing.Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials] = None,

Matching Engine index endpoint resource for Vertex AI.



Time this resource was created.


Returns a list of deployed indexes on this endpoint.


Description of the index endpoint.


Display name of this resource.


Customer-managed encryption key options for this Vertex AI resource.

If this is set, then all resources created by this Vertex AI resource will be encrypted with the provided encryption key.


The underlying resource proto representation.


User-defined labels containing metadata about this resource.

Read more about labels at


Name of this resource.


"Private service access network.


"Private service connect ip address.


Public endpoint DNS name.


Full qualified resource name.


Time this resource was last updated.



    index_endpoint_name: str,
    project: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    location: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    credentials: typing.Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials] = None,

Retrieves an existing index endpoint given a name or ID.

Example Usage:

my_index_endpoint = aiplatform.MatchingEngineIndexEndpoint(
my_index_endpoint = aiplatform.MatchingEngineIndexEndpoint(
Name Description
index_endpoint_name str

Required. A fully-qualified index endpoint resource name or a index ID. Example: "projects/123/locations/us-central1/index_endpoints/my_index_id" or "my_index_id" when project and location are initialized or passed.

project str

Optional. Project to retrieve index endpoint from. If not set, project set in aiplatform.init will be used.

location str

Optional. Location to retrieve index endpoint from. If not set, location set in aiplatform.init will be used.

credentials auth_credentials.Credentials

Optional. Custom credentials to use to retrieve this IndexEndpoint. Overrides credentials set in aiplatform.init.


    display_name: str,
    network: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    public_endpoint_enabled: bool = False,
    description: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    labels: typing.Optional[typing.Dict[str, str]] = None,
    project: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    location: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    credentials: typing.Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials] = None,
    request_metadata: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[typing.Tuple[str, str]]] = (),
    sync: bool = True,
    enable_private_service_connect: bool = False,
    project_allowlist: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[str]] = None,
    encryption_spec_key_name: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    create_request_timeout: typing.Optional[float] = None,
) -> (

Creates a MatchingEngineIndexEndpoint resource.

Example Usage:

my_index_endpoint = aiplatform.IndexEndpoint.create(
Name Description
display_name str

Required. The display name of the IndexEndpoint. The name can be up to 128 characters long and can be consist of any UTF-8 characters.

network str

Optional. The full name of the Google Compute Engine network to which the IndexEndpoint should be peered. Private services access must already be configured for the network. If left unspecified, the network set with aiplatform.init will be used. Format projects/{project}/global/networks/{network}. Where {project} is a project number, as in '12345', and {network} is network name.

public_endpoint_enabled bool

Optional. If true, the deployed index will be accessible through public endpoint.

description str

Optional. The description of the IndexEndpoint.

labels Dict[str, str]

Optional. The labels with user-defined metadata to organize your IndexEndpoint. Label keys and values can be no longer than 64 characters (Unicode codepoints), can only contain lowercase letters, numeric characters, underscores and dashes. International characters are allowed. See for more information on and examples of labels. No more than 64 user labels can be associated with one IndexEndpoint (System labels are excluded)." System reserved label keys are prefixed with "" and are immutable.

project str

Optional. Project to create IndexEndpoint in. If not set, project set in aiplatform.init will be used.

location str

Optional. Location to create IndexEndpoint in. If not set, location set in aiplatform.init will be used.

credentials auth_credentials.Credentials

Optional. Custom credentials to use to create IndexEndpoints. Overrides credentials set in aiplatform.init.

request_metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Optional. Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

sync bool

Optional. Whether to execute this creation synchronously. If False, this method will be executed in concurrent Future and any downstream object will be immediately returned and synced when the Future has completed.

enable_private_service_connect bool

If true, expose the index endpoint via private service connect.

project_allowlist Sequence[str]

Optional. List of projects from which the forwarding rule will target the service attachment.

encryption_spec_key_name str

Optional. The Cloud KMS resource identifier of the customer managed encryption key used to protect the index endpoint. Has the form: projects/my-project/locations/my-region/keyRings/my-kr/cryptoKeys/my-key. The key needs to be in the same region as where the compute resource is created. If set, this index endpoint and all sub-resources of this index endpoint will be secured by this key. The key needs to be in the same region as where the index endpoint is created.

create_request_timeout float

Optional. The timeout for the request in seconds.

Type Description
ValueError A network must be instantiated when creating a IndexEndpoint.


delete(force: bool = False, sync: bool = True) -> None

Deletes this MatchingEngineIndexEndpoint resource. If force is set to True, all indexes on this endpoint will be undeployed prior to deletion.

Name Description
force bool

Required. If force is set to True, all deployed indexes on this endpoint will be undeployed first. Default is False.

sync bool

Whether to execute this method synchronously. If False, this method will be executed in concurrent Future and any downstream object will be immediately returned and synced when the Future has completed.

Type Description
FailedPrecondition If indexes are deployed on this MatchingEngineIndexEndpoint and force = False.


    deployed_index_id: str,
    display_name: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    machine_type: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    min_replica_count: typing.Optional[int] = None,
    max_replica_count: typing.Optional[int] = None,
    enable_access_logging: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
    reserved_ip_ranges: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[str]] = None,
    deployment_group: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    auth_config_audiences: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[str]] = None,
    auth_config_allowed_issuers: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[str]] = None,
    request_metadata: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[typing.Tuple[str, str]]] = (),
    deploy_request_timeout: typing.Optional[float] = None,
) -> (

Deploys an existing index resource to this endpoint resource.

Name Description
index MatchingEngineIndex

Required. The Index this is the deployment of. We may refer to this Index as the DeployedIndex's "original" Index.

deployed_index_id str

Required. The user specified ID of the DeployedIndex. The ID can be up to 128 characters long and must start with a letter and only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. The ID must be unique within the project it is created in.

display_name str

The display name of the DeployedIndex. If not provided upon creation, the Index's display_name is used.

machine_type str

Optional. The type of machine. Not specifying machine type will result in model to be deployed with automatic resources.

min_replica_count int

Optional. The minimum number of machine replicas this deployed model will be always deployed on. If traffic against it increases, it may dynamically be deployed onto more replicas, and as traffic decreases, some of these extra replicas may be freed. If this value is not provided, the value of 2 will be used.

max_replica_count int

Optional. The maximum number of replicas this deployed model may be deployed on when the traffic against it increases. If requested value is too large, the deployment will error, but if deployment succeeds then the ability to scale the model to that many replicas is guaranteed (barring service outages). If traffic against the deployed model increases beyond what its replicas at maximum may handle, a portion of the traffic will be dropped. If this value is not provided, the larger value of min_replica_count or 2 will be used. If value provided is smaller than min_replica_count, it will automatically be increased to be min_replica_count.

enable_access_logging bool

Optional. If true, private endpoint's access logs are sent to StackDriver Logging. These logs are like standard server access logs, containing information like timestamp and latency for each MatchRequest. Note that Stackdriver logs may incur a cost, especially if the deployed index receives a high queries per second rate (QPS). Estimate your costs before enabling this option.

reserved_ip_ranges Sequence[str]

Optional. A list of reserved ip ranges under the VPC network that can be used for this DeployedIndex. If set, we will deploy the index within the provided ip ranges. Otherwise, the index might be deployed to any ip ranges under the provided VPC network. The value sohuld be the name of the address ( Example: 'vertex-ai-ip-range'.

deployment_group str

Optional. The deployment group can be no longer than 64 characters (eg: 'test', 'prod'). If not set, we will use the 'default' deployment group. Creating deployment_groups with reserved_ip_ranges is a recommended practice when the peered network has multiple peering ranges. This creates your deployments from predictable IP spaces for easier traffic administration. Also, one deployment_group (except 'default') can only be used with the same reserved_ip_ranges which means if the deployment_group has been used with reserved_ip_ranges: [a, b, c], using it with [a, b] or [d, e] is disallowed. Note: we only support up to 5 deployment groups(not including 'default').

auth_config_audiences Sequence[str]

The list of JWT audiences that are allowed to access. A JWT containing any of these audiences will be accepted. auth_config_audiences and auth_config_allowed_issuers must be passed together.

auth_config_allowed_issuers Sequence[str]

A list of allowed JWT issuers. Each entry must be a valid Google service account, in the following format: auth_config_audiences and auth_config_allowed_issuers must be passed together.

request_metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Optional. Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

deploy_request_timeout float

Optional. The timeout for the request in seconds.


    deployed_index_id: str,
    queries: typing.Optional[
    ] = None,
    num_neighbors: int = 10,
    filter: typing.Optional[
    ] = None,
    per_crowding_attribute_neighbor_count: typing.Optional[int] = None,
    approx_num_neighbors: typing.Optional[int] = None,
    fraction_leaf_nodes_to_search_override: typing.Optional[float] = None,
    return_full_datapoint: bool = False,
    numeric_filter: typing.Optional[
    ] = None,
    embedding_ids: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None
) -> typing.List[

Retrieves nearest neighbors for the given embedding queries on the specified deployed index which is deployed to either public or private endpoint.

Example usage:
    my_index_endpoint = aiplatform.MatchingEngineIndexEndpoint(
    my_index_endpoint.find_neighbors(deployed_index_id="deployed_index_id", queries= [[1, 1]],)
Name Description
deployed_index_id str

Required. The ID of the DeployedIndex to match the queries against.

queries Union[List[List[float]], List[HybridQuery]]

Optional. A list of queries. For regular dense-only queries, each query is a list of floats, representing a single embedding. For hybrid queries, each query is a hybrid query of type aiplatform.matching_engine.matching_engine_index_endpoint.HybridQuery.

num_neighbors int

Required. The number of nearest neighbors to be retrieved from database for each query.

filter List[Namespace]

Optional. A list of Namespaces for filtering the matching results. For example, [Namespace("color", ["red"], []), Namespace("shape", [], ["squared"])] will match datapoints that satisfy "red color" but not include datapoints with "squared shape". Please refer to for more detail.

per_crowding_attribute_neighbor_count int

Optional. Crowding is a constraint on a neighbor list produced by nearest neighbor search requiring that no more than some value k' of the k neighbors returned have the same value of crowding_attribute. It's used for improving result diversity. This field is the maximum number of matches with the same crowding tag.

approx_num_neighbors int

Optional. The number of neighbors to find via approximate search before exact reordering is performed. If not set, the default value from scam config is used; if set, this value must be > 0.

fraction_leaf_nodes_to_search_override float

Optional. The fraction of the number of leaves to search, set at query time allows user to tune search performance. This value increase result in both search accuracy and latency increase. The value should be between 0.0 and 1.0.

return_full_datapoint bool

Optional. If set to true, the full datapoints (including all vector values and of the nearest neighbors are returned. Note that returning full datapoint will significantly increase the latency and cost of the query.

numeric_filter List[NumericNamespace]

Optional. A list of NumericNamespaces for filtering the matching results. For example: [NumericNamespace(name="cost", value_int=5, op="GREATER")] will match datapoints that its cost is greater than 5.

embedding_ids str

Optional. If queries is set, will use queries to do nearest neighbor search. If queries isn't set, will first use embedding_ids to lookup embedding values from dataset, if embedding with embedding_ids exists in the dataset, do nearest neighbor search.


    filter: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    order_by: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    project: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    location: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    credentials: typing.Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials] = None,
    parent: typing.Optional[str] = None,
) -> typing.List[]

List all instances of this Vertex AI Resource.

Example Usage:

aiplatform.BatchPredictionJobs.list( filter='state="JOB_STATE_SUCCEEDED" AND display_name="my_job"', )

aiplatform.Model.list(order_by="create_time desc, display_name")

Name Description
filter str

Optional. An expression for filtering the results of the request. For field names both snake_case and camelCase are supported.

order_by str

Optional. A comma-separated list of fields to order by, sorted in ascending order. Use "desc" after a field name for descending. Supported fields: display_name, create_time, update_time

project str

Optional. Project to retrieve list from. If not set, project set in aiplatform.init will be used.

location str

Optional. Location to retrieve list from. If not set, location set in aiplatform.init will be used.

credentials auth_credentials.Credentials

Optional. Custom credentials to use to retrieve list. Overrides credentials set in aiplatform.init.

parent str

Optional. The parent resource name if any to retrieve list from.


    deployed_index_id: str,
    queries: typing.Optional[
    ] = None,
    num_neighbors: int = 1,
    filter: typing.Optional[
    ] = None,
    per_crowding_attribute_num_neighbors: typing.Optional[int] = None,
    approx_num_neighbors: typing.Optional[int] = None,
    fraction_leaf_nodes_to_search_override: typing.Optional[float] = None,
    low_level_batch_size: int = 0,
    numeric_filter: typing.Optional[
    ] = None,
) -> typing.List[

Retrieves nearest neighbors for the given embedding queries on the specified deployed index for private endpoint only.

Name Description
deployed_index_id str

Required. The ID of the DeployedIndex to match the queries against.

queries Union[List[List[float]], List[HybridQuery]]

Optional. A list of queries. For regular dense-only queries, each query is a list of floats, representing a single embedding. For hybrid queries, each query is a hybrid query of type aiplatform.matching_engine.matching_engine_index_endpoint.HybridQuery.

num_neighbors int

Required. The number of nearest neighbors to be retrieved from database for each query.

filter List[Namespace]

Optional. A list of Namespaces for filtering the matching results. For example, [Namespace("color", ["red"], []), Namespace("shape", [], ["squared"])] will match datapoints that satisfy "red color" but not include datapoints with "squared shape". Please refer to for more detail.

per_crowding_attribute_num_neighbors int

Optional. Crowding is a constraint on a neighbor list produced by nearest neighbor search requiring that no more than some value k' of the k neighbors returned have the same value of crowding_attribute. It's used for improving result diversity. This field is the maximum number of matches with the same crowding tag.

approx_num_neighbors int

The number of neighbors to find via approximate search before exact reordering is performed. If not set, the default value from scam config is used; if set, this value must be > 0.

fraction_leaf_nodes_to_search_override float

Optional. The fraction of the number of leaves to search, set at query time allows user to tune search performance. This value increase result in both search accuracy and latency increase. The value should be between 0.0 and 1.0.

low_level_batch_size int

Optional. Selects the optimal batch size to use for low-level batching. Queries within each low level batch are executed sequentially while low level batches are executed in parallel. This field is optional, defaults to 0 if not set. A non-positive number disables low level batching, i.e. all queries are executed sequentially.

numeric_filter Optional[list[NumericNamespace]]

Optional. A list of NumericNamespaces for filtering the matching results. For example: [NumericNamespace(name="cost", value_int=5, op="GREATER")] will match datapoints that its cost is greater than 5.


    deployed_index_id: str,
    min_replica_count: int = 1,
    max_replica_count: int = 1,
    request_metadata: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[typing.Tuple[str, str]]] = (),
    mutate_request_timeout: typing.Optional[float] = None,

Updates an existing deployed index under this endpoint resource.

Name Description
index_id str

Required. The ID of the MatchingEnginIndex associated with the DeployedIndex.

deployed_index_id str

Required. The user specified ID of the DeployedIndex. The ID can be up to 128 characters long and must start with a letter and only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. The ID must be unique within the project it is created in.

min_replica_count int

Optional. The minimum number of machine replicas this deployed model will be always deployed on. If traffic against it increases, it may dynamically be deployed onto more replicas, and as traffic decreases, some of these extra replicas may be freed.

max_replica_count int

Optional. The maximum number of replicas this deployed model may be deployed on when the traffic against it increases. If requested value is too large, the deployment will error, but if deployment succeeds then the ability to scale the model to that many replicas is guaranteed (barring service outages). If traffic against the deployed model increases beyond what its replicas at maximum may handle, a portion of the traffic will be dropped. If this value is not provided, the larger value of min_replica_count or 1 will be used. If value provided is smaller than min_replica_count, it will automatically be increased to be min_replica_count.

request_metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Optional. Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

timeout float

Optional. The timeout for the request in seconds.


    *, deployed_index_id: str, ids: typing.List[str] = []
) -> typing.List[]

Reads the datapoints/vectors of the given IDs on the specified deployed index which is deployed to public or private endpoint.

Example Usage:
    my_index_endpoint = aiplatform.MatchingEngineIndexEndpoint(
    my_index_endpoint.read_index_datapoints(deployed_index_id="public_test1", ids= ["606431", "896688"],)
Name Description
deployed_index_id str

Required. The ID of the DeployedIndex to match the queries against.

ids List[str]

Required. IDs of the datapoints to be searched for.


to_dict() -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]

Returns the resource proto as a dictionary.


    sync: bool = True,
) -> (

Undeploys every index deployed to this MatchingEngineIndexEndpoint.

Name Description
sync bool

Whether to execute this method synchronously. If False, this method will be executed in concurrent Future and any downstream object will be immediately returned and synced when the Future has completed.


    deployed_index_id: str,
    request_metadata: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[typing.Tuple[str, str]]] = (),
    undeploy_request_timeout: typing.Optional[float] = None,
) -> (

Undeploy a deployed index endpoint resource.

Name Description
deployed_index_id str

Required. The ID of the DeployedIndex to be undeployed from the IndexEndpoint.

request_metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Optional. Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

undeploy_request_timeout float

Optional. The timeout for the request in seconds.


    display_name: str,
    description: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    labels: typing.Optional[typing.Dict[str, str]] = None,
    request_metadata: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[typing.Tuple[str, str]]] = (),
    update_request_timeout: typing.Optional[float] = None,
) -> (

Updates an existing index endpoint resource.

Name Description
display_name str

Required. The display name of the IndexEndpoint. The name can be up to 128 characters long and can be consist of any UTF-8 characters.

description str

Optional. The description of the IndexEndpoint.

labels Dict[str, str]

Optional. The labels with user-defined metadata to organize your Indexs. Label keys and values can be no longer than 64 characters (Unicode codepoints), can only contain lowercase letters, numeric characters, underscores and dashes. International characters are allowed. See for more information on and examples of labels. No more than 64 user labels can be associated with one IndexEndpoint (System labels are excluded)." System reserved label keys are prefixed with "" and are immutable.

request_metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Optional. Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

update_request_timeout float

Optional. The timeout for the request in seconds.



Helper method that blocks until all futures are complete.