Class ContentValidationStats (1.60.0)

ContentValidationStats(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)


Name Description
source_gcs_uri str
Cloud Storage URI pointing to the original file in user's bucket.
valid_record_count int
Number of records in this file that were successfully processed.
invalid_record_count int
Number of records in this file we skipped due to validate errors.
partial_errors MutableSequence[]
The detail information of the partial failures encountered for those invalid records that couldn't be parsed. Up to 50 partial errors will be reported.
valid_sparse_record_count int
Number of sparse records in this file that were successfully processed.
invalid_sparse_record_count int
Number of sparse records in this file we skipped due to validate errors.



ContentValidationStats(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)