Class TimeOffset (1.58.0)

TimeOffset(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Time offset setting.


Name Description
offset str
[offset] is the time difference from the cut-off time. For scheduled jobs, the cut-off time is the scheduled time. For non-scheduled jobs, it's the time when the job was created. Currently we support the following format: 'w|W': Week, 'd|D': Day, 'h|H': Hour E.g. '1h' stands for 1 hour, '2d' stands for 2 days.
window str
[window] refers to the scope of data selected for analysis. It allows you to specify the quantity of data you wish to examine. Currently we support the following format: 'w|W': Week, 'd|D': Day, 'h|H': Hour E.g. '1h' stands for 1 hour, '2d' stands for 2 days.



TimeOffset(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Time offset setting.