Class Candidate (1.49.0)

Candidate(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)


Name Description
index int
Output only. Index of the candidate.
Output only. Content parts of the candidate.
Output only. The reason why the model stopped generating tokens. If empty, the model has not stopped generating the tokens.
safety_ratings MutableSequence[]
Output only. List of ratings for the safety of a response candidate. There is at most one rating per category.
finish_message str
Output only. Describes the reason the mode stopped generating tokens in more detail. This is only filled when finish_reason is set. This field is a member of oneof_ _finish_message.
Output only. Source attribution of the generated content.
Output only. Metadata specifies sources used to ground generated content.




The reason why the model stopped generating tokens. If empty, the model has not stopped generating the tokens.

Values: FINISH_REASON_UNSPECIFIED (0): The finish reason is unspecified. STOP (1): Natural stop point of the model or provided stop sequence. MAX_TOKENS (2): The maximum number of tokens as specified in the request was reached. SAFETY (3): The token generation was stopped as the response was flagged for safety reasons. NOTE: When streaming the Candidate.content will be empty if content filters blocked the output. RECITATION (4): The token generation was stopped as the response was flagged for unauthorized citations. OTHER (5): All other reasons that stopped the token generation BLOCKLIST (6): The token generation was stopped as the response was flagged for the terms which are included from the terminology blocklist. PROHIBITED_CONTENT (7): The token generation was stopped as the response was flagged for the prohibited contents. SPII (8): The token generation was stopped as the response was flagged for Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (SPII) contents.



Candidate(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)