Class RecordError (1.46.0)

RecordError(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)


Name Description
The error type of this record.
error_message str
A human-readable message that is shown to the user to help them fix the error. Note that this message may change from time to time, your code should check against error_type as the source of truth.
source_gcs_uri str
Cloud Storage URI pointing to the original file in user's bucket.
embedding_id str
Empty if the embedding id is failed to parse.
raw_record str
The original content of this record.




Values: ERROR_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): Default, shall not be used. EMPTY_LINE (1): The record is empty. INVALID_JSON_SYNTAX (2): Invalid json format. INVALID_CSV_SYNTAX (3): Invalid csv format. INVALID_AVRO_SYNTAX (4): Invalid avro format. INVALID_EMBEDDING_ID (5): The embedding id is not valid. EMBEDDING_SIZE_MISMATCH (6): The size of the embedding vectors does not match with the specified dimension. NAMESPACE_MISSING (7): The namespace field is missing. PARSING_ERROR (8): Generic catch-all error. Only used for validation failure where the root cause cannot be easily retrieved programmatically. DUPLICATE_NAMESPACE (9): There are multiple restricts with the same namespace value. OP_IN_DATAPOINT (10): Numeric restrict has operator specified in datapoint. MULTIPLE_VALUES (11): Numeric restrict has multiple values specified. INVALID_NUMERIC_VALUE (12): Numeric restrict has invalid numeric value specified. INVALID_ENCODING (13): File is not in UTF_8 format.



RecordError(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)