Cloud Storage Client - Class ReadStream (1.43.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Cloud Storage Client class ReadStream.

A Stream implementation that wraps a GuzzleHttp download stream to provide getSize() from the response headers.


Google \ Cloud \ Storage



Create a new ReadStream.

Name Description
stream Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface

The stream interface to wrap


Return the full size of the buffer. If the underlying stream does not report it's size, try to fetch the size from the Content-Length response header.

Type Description
int The size of the stream.


Read bytes from the underlying buffer, retrying until we have read enough bytes or we cannot read any more. We do this because the internal C code for filling a buffer does not account for when we try to read large chunks from a user-land stream that does not return enough bytes.

Name Description
length int

The number of bytes to read.

Type Description
string Read bytes from the underlying stream.