Google Cloud OsConfig V1 Client - Class ExecResource (2.0.0)

Reference documentation and code samples for the Google Cloud OsConfig V1 Client class ExecResource.

A resource that allows executing scripts on the VM.

The ExecResource has 2 stages: validate and enforce and both stages accept a script as an argument to execute. When the ExecResource is applied by the agent, it first executes the script in the validate stage. The validate stage can signal that the ExecResource is already in the desired state by returning an exit code of 100. If the ExecResource is not in the desired state, it should return an exit code of 101. Any other exit code returned by this stage is considered an error. If the ExecResource is not in the desired state based on the exit code from the validate stage, the agent proceeds to execute the script from the enforce stage. If the ExecResource is already in the desired state, the enforce stage will not be run. Similar to validate stage, the enforce stage should return an exit code of 100 to indicate that the resource in now in its desired state. Any other exit code is considered an error. NOTE: An exit code of 100 was chosen over 0 (and 101 vs 1) to have an explicit indicator of in desired state, not in desired state and errors. Because, for example, Powershell will always return an exit code of 0 unless an exit statement is provided in the script. So, for reasons of consistency and being explicit, exit codes 100 and 101 were chosen.

Generated from protobuf message


Google \ Cloud \ OsConfig \ V1 \ OSPolicy \ Resource




Name Description
data array

Optional. Data for populating the Message object.

↳ validate Google\Cloud\OsConfig\V1\OSPolicy\Resource\ExecResource\Exec

Required. What to run to validate this resource is in the desired state. An exit code of 100 indicates "in desired state", and exit code of 101 indicates "not in desired state". Any other exit code indicates a failure running validate.

↳ enforce Google\Cloud\OsConfig\V1\OSPolicy\Resource\ExecResource\Exec

What to run to bring this resource into the desired state. An exit code of 100 indicates "success", any other exit code indicates a failure running enforce.


Required. What to run to validate this resource is in the desired state. An exit code of 100 indicates "in desired state", and exit code of 101 indicates "not in desired state". Any other exit code indicates a failure running validate.

Type Description




Required. What to run to validate this resource is in the desired state. An exit code of 100 indicates "in desired state", and exit code of 101 indicates "not in desired state". Any other exit code indicates a failure running validate.

Name Description
var Google\Cloud\OsConfig\V1\OSPolicy\Resource\ExecResource\Exec
Type Description


What to run to bring this resource into the desired state.

An exit code of 100 indicates "success", any other exit code indicates a failure running enforce.

Type Description




What to run to bring this resource into the desired state.

An exit code of 100 indicates "success", any other exit code indicates a failure running enforce.

Name Description
var Google\Cloud\OsConfig\V1\OSPolicy\Resource\ExecResource\Exec
Type Description