Known issues

The following issues and limitations are known:

  • In some cases, a Parallelstore instance is created that does not meet the expected performance numbers. If your performance testing shows that your instance's IOPS are insufficient, you should delete and recreate your Parallelstore instance.

  • The number of files in a directory is limited to 1.8 million. The actual limit may be lower and is specific to each directory, depending on the rest of the file system.

  • Some POSIX features are not supported.

  • Mmap in python and pytorch are not compatible with the --disable-caching flag in dfuse mount. If needed, remove the --disable-caching flag when mounting dfuse, but be aware of the implications of caching across multiple client VMs.

  • Interception is only effective for dynamically linked applications that use libc. IO is intercepted in Python, but not Go.

  • Once a Parallelstore instance is created, its capacity cannot be changed.

  • If you use both Shared VPC and VPC Service Controls, you must have the host project that provides the network and the service project that contains the Parallelstore instance inside the same perimeter for the Parallelstore instance to function correctly. Separating the host project and service project with a perimeter might cause the existing instances to become unavailable and might prevent the creation of new instances.