Interface Config (7.0.0)

Available configuration options. All fields are optional. See the defaultConfig object defined in this file for default assigned values.





bufferSize?: number;

The number of spans in buffered traces needed to trigger a publish of all traces to the Stackdriver Trace API, unless flushDelaySeconds seconds has elapsed first.


clsMechanism?: CLSMechanism;

The trace context propagation mechanism to use. The following options are available: - 'async-hooks' uses an implementation of CLS on top of the Node core async_hooks module in Node 8+. This option should not be used if the Node binary version requirements are not met. - 'async-listener' uses an implementation of CLS on top of the continuation-local-storage module. - 'auto' behaves like 'async-hooks' on Node 8+, and 'async-listener' otherwise. - 'none' disables CLS completely. - 'singular' allows one root span to exist at a time. This option is meant to be used internally by Google Cloud Functions, or in any other environment where it is guaranteed that only one request is being served at a time. The 'auto' mechanism is used by default if this configuration option is not explicitly set.


contextHeaderBehavior?: ContextHeaderBehavior;

Specifies whether to trace based on the 'traced' bit specified on incoming trace context headers. The following options are available: 'default' -- Don't trace incoming requests that have a trace context header with its 'traced' bit set to 0. 'require' -- Don't trace incoming requests that have a trace context header with its 'traced' bit set to 0, or incoming requests without a trace context header. 'ignore' -- The 'traced' bit will be ignored. In other words, the context header isn't used to determine whether a request will be traced at all. This might be useful for aggregating traces generated by different cloud platform projects.


credentials?: {
        client_email?: string;
        private_key?: string;

The contents of a key file. If this field is set, its contents will be used for authentication instead of your application default credentials.


disableUntracedModulesWarning?: boolean;

If set to true, prevents a warning from being emitted if modules are required before the Trace Agent.


enabled?: boolean;

Whether to enable to Trace Agent or not. Once enabled, the Trace Agent may not be disabled.


enhancedDatabaseReporting?: boolean;

If true, additional information about query parameters and results will be attached (as labels) to spans representing database operations.


flushDelaySeconds?: number;

Buffer the captured traces for flushDelaySeconds seconds before publishing to the Stackdriver Trace API, unless the buffer fills up first. Also see bufferSize.


ignoreMethods?: string[];

Request methods that match any string in ignoreMethods will not be traced. matching is *not* case-sensitive (OPTIONS == options == OptiONs)

No methods are ignored by default.


ignoreUrls?: Array<string | RegExp>;

URLs that partially match any regex in ignoreUrls will not be traced. In addition, URLs that are _exact matches_ of strings in ignoreUrls will also not be traced (this is deprecated behavior and will be removed in v3). URLs should be expected to be in the form of: /componentOne/componentTwo... For example, having an ignoreUrls value of ['/'] will ignore all URLs, while having an ignoreUrls value of ['^/$'] will ignore only '/' URLs. Health checker probe URLs (/_ah/health) are ignored by default.


keyFilename?: string;

A path to a key file relative to the current working directory. If this field is set, the contents of the pointed file will be used for authentication instead of your application default credentials. If credentials is also set, the value of keyFilename will be ignored.


logLevel?: number;

Log levels: 0=disabled, 1=error, 2=warn, 3=info, 4=debug The value of GCLOUD_TRACE_LOGLEVEL takes precedence over this value.


maximumLabelValueSize?: number;

The maximum number of characters reported on a label value. This value cannot exceed 16383, the maximum value accepted by the service.


onUncaughtException?: string;

Specifies the behavior of the trace agent in the case of an uncaught exception. Possible values are: ignore: Take no action. The process may terminate before all the traces currently buffered have been flushed to the network. flush: Handle the uncaught exception and attempt to publish the traces to the API. Note that if you have other uncaught exception handlers in your application, they may choose to terminate the process before the buffer has been flushed to the network. Also, if you have no other terminating uncaught exception handlers in your application, the error will get swallowed and the application will keep on running. You should use this option if you have other uncaught exception handlers that you want to be responsible for terminating the application. flushAndExit: Handle the uncaught exception, make a best effort attempt to publish the traces to the API, and then terminate the application after a delay. Note that the presence of other uncaught exception handlers may choose to terminate the application before the buffer has been flushed to the network.


plugins?: {
        [pluginName: string]: string;

A list of trace plugins to load. Each field's key in this object is the name of the module to trace, and its value is the require-friendly path to the plugin. (See the default configuration below for examples.) Any user-provided value will be used to extend its default value. To disable a plugin in this list, you may override its path with a falsy value. Disabling any of the default plugins may cause unwanted behavior, so use caution.


projectId?: string;

The ID of the Google Cloud Platform project with which traces should be associated. The value of GCLOUD_PROJECT takes precedence over this value; if neither are provided, the trace agent will attempt to retrieve this information from the GCE metadata service.


propagation?: OpenCensusPropagation;

If specified, the Trace Agent will use this context header propagation implementation instead of @opencensus/propagation-stackdriver, the default trace context header format.


rootSpanNameOverride?: string | ((name: string) => string);

A value that can be used to override names of root spans. If specified as a string, the string will be used to replace all such span names; if specified as a function, the function will be invoked with the request path as an argument, and its return value will be used as the span name.


samplingRate?: number;

An upper bound on the number of traces to gather each second. If set to 0, sampling is disabled and all traces are recorded. Sampling rates greater than 1000 are not supported and will result in at most 1000 samples per second. Some Google Cloud environments may further limit this rate.


serviceContext?: {
        service?: string;
        version?: string;
        minorVersion?: string;

Specifies the service context with which traces from this application will be associated. This may be useful in filtering traces originating from a specific service within a project. These fields will automatically be set through environment variables on Google App Engine.


spansPerTraceHardLimit?: number;

The maximum number of local spans per trace to allow in total. Creating more spans in a single trace will cause the agent to log an error, and such spans will be dropped. (This limit does not apply when using a RootSpan instance to create child spans.) This value should be greater than spansPerTraceSoftLimit.


spansPerTraceSoftLimit?: number;

The number of local spans per trace to allow before emitting an error log. An unexpectedly large number of spans per trace may suggest a memory leak. This value should be 1-2x the estimated maximum number of RPCs made on behalf of a single incoming request.


stackTraceLimit?: number;

The max number of frames to include on traces; pass a value of 0 to disable stack frame limits.


tracePolicy?: TracePolicy;

For advanced usage only. If specified, overrides the built-in trace policy object. Note that if any of ignoreUrls, ignoreMethods, samplingRate, or contextHeaderBehavior is specified, an error will be thrown when start() is called.