kf logs


kf logs - Show logs for an App


kf logs APP_NAME [flags]


Logs are streamed from the Kubernetes log endpoint for each running App instance.

If App instances change or the connection to Kubernetes times out the log stream may show duplicate logs.

Logs are retained for App instances as space permits on the cluster, but will be deleted if space is low or past their retention date. Cloud Logging is a more reliable mechanism to access historical logs.

If you need logs for a particular instance use the kubectl CLI.


  # Follow/tail the log stream
  kf logs myapp
  # Follow/tail the log stream with 20 lines of context
  kf logs myapp -n 20
  # Get recent logs from the App
  kf logs myapp --recent
  # Get the most recent 200 lines of logs from the App
  kf logs myapp --recent -n 200


-h, --help
help for logs
-n, --number=int
Show the last N lines of logs. (default 10)
Dump recent logs instead of tailing.

Inherited flags

These flags are inherited from parent commands.

Config file (default is $HOME/.kf)
Kubectl config file (default is $HOME/.kube/config)
Log HTTP requests to stderr
Space to run the command against. This overrides the currently targeted space