
This page explains networking for Memorystore for Valkey.

On this page:

Networking setup guidance

As a reader of this page, you likely fit into one of two roles, each having different tasks to accomplish (you may have overlap between these roles). Knowing which role you fit in and your role's goals helps you accomplish your networking and instance creation tasks quickly and efficiently.

Two possible roles you may fit are as follows:

  • Role 1 – Valkey Admin

    • Your goal is to create a Memorystore for Valkey instance. You are reading this page to learn if you have the required prerequisites necessary to create the instance.

    • Once you know the proper service connection policy has been established for your network, your goal is to get the full network name (that has the format projects/NETWORK_PROJECT_ID/global/networks/NETWORK_ID) from your Network Admin so you can use it to Create an instance.

  • Role 2 – Network Admin

    • Your goal is to find out if the proper service connection policy has been created for the network and in the region on which the Valkey Admin wants to deploy a Memorystore for Valkey instance. If the service connection policy hasn't been created, create it. The purpose of the policy is to allow Memorystore to automate private connectivity to the Memorystore service. For instructions on how to configure and manage a service connection policy, see Configure service connection policies.

      • Use the service class gcp-memorystore when creating the service network policy.
    • Your next goal is to provide the network name to the Valkey Admin so they can use it to create an instance.

    • If you are the Network Admin, you must have the required roles to create a service connection policy.

Memorystore for Valkey has the following networking characteristics:

  • The only networking connectivity method that can be used for Memorystore for Valkey is Private Service Connect service connectivity automation (enabled by service connection policies). For more details, see Service connection policies.

  • If the correct service connection policy exists, service connectivity automation automatically deploys connectivity for a Memorystore for Valkey instance during instance creation.

Prerequisites required before creating an instance

As described in Service connection policies, a service connection policy is unique to your project, network, region, and service class. A service connection policy must exist for your region, network, and gcp-memorystore service class before you can create a Memorystore for Valkey instance. You must also make sure the necessary APIs are enabled before you can create an instance. For additional details about how the Memorystore for Valkey service creates a Private Service Connect endpoint and the lifecycle of that endpoint, see Deploy a managed service and configure connectivity.

Communicate networking requirements

If you are reading this as a Valkey Admin, ask your Network Admin if a service connection policy exists for the region, network, and gcp-memorystore service class where you want to create your instance. Once your Network Admin has created the policy, ask them for the full network name (that has the format projects/NETWORK_PROJECT_ID/global/networks/NETWORK_ID) so you can use it to create a Memorystore for Valkey instance.

Send your Network Admin a link to this page so they can understand the service connection policy prerequisites needed for you to create an instance.

Enable APIs

As a Valkey Admin, before you can create a Memorystore for Valkey instance, you must enable all of the APIs listed in Before you begin.

Shared VPC

In addition to standard VPC networks, Memorystore for Valkey also supports Shared VPC networks.

Shared VPC setups have a host project and one or more service projects. The service connection policy for Memorystore for Valkey is defined in the host project by the Network Admin. Valkey Admins typically create Memorystore for Valkey instances in service projects.

For a quickstart on creating an instance with Shared VPC, see Instance provisioning on a Shared VPC network.

Reserved network addresses

After you successfully create a Memorystore for Valkey instance, Memorystore reserves two network addresses for the instance. They are used to serve the traffic for your instance. One of these is the discovery endpoint that you use to connect to your instance.

Supported networking architecture

Memorystore for Valkey supports the network architectures described in this section.

Same network, project, and region client access example

In this example the client and Memorystore endpoint IPs are located in the same network, project, and region.

Shows clients in the consumer project connecting to a Memorystore for Valkey in a producer project through a private service connect intermediary.

Same network and project, but multi region client access example

In this example the client and Memorystore endpoint IPs are located in the same network and project, but in multiple regions.

Shows clients in different regions in the consumer project connecting to a Memorystore for Valkey in a producer project through a private service connect intermediary.

Shared VPC client access example

In this example the clients are located in different Shared VPC projects. Although clients in this example are in the same region, clients from different regions are also supported.

Shows clients in various Shared VPC consumer projects connecting to a Memorystore for Valkey in a producer project through a private service connect intermediary.

On-premises access example

This diagram shows an example of a client connecting to Memorystore from an on-premises network using Cloud Interconnect and Cloud Router. Although Cloud Interconnect and Cloud Router intfrastructure is used, the client machines in the on-premises network connect to Valkey using the Memorystore endpoint IP addresses. For example, in the diagram below, clients connect directly to and

For instruction on finding your instance's discovery endpoint IP address, see View your instance's discovery endpoint.

Shows clients in an on-premises network connecting to a Memorystore for Valkey in a producer project through Cloud Interconnect and private service connect intermediaries.

Multi VPC network access

If you want to connect to Memorystore for Valkey across multiple VPCs, you can do so by creating an internal VPN tunnel between the VPC that has the PSC endpoint and any other VPCs that require access. Since multiple VPCs cannot directly connect to Private Service Connect, VPN tunnel infrastructure must be used.

Shows client connectivity using multiple VPC networks connecting to a PSC endpoint using a VPN tunnel.

Frequently asked questions

This section covers networking FAQs for Memorystore for Valkey.

Why do I need a service connection policy?

You must define a service connection policy before you can create a Memorystore for Valkey instance because Memorystore for Valkey uses Private Service Connect service connectivity automation to automate deployment and connectivity in the consumer network. This requires authorization from the consumer network admin. A service connection policy defines this authorization policy.

Why do the Network Connectivity and Service Consumer Management APIs need to be enabled?

Memorystore for Valkey uses Private Service Connect service connectivity automation to automate deployment and connectivity in the consumer network. The automation needs these APIs to be enabled. If they are not enabled, the instance creation operations fail.

What permissions are needed for setting up Memorystore for Valkey networking?

  • If you are a Valkey Admin trying to accomplish the Valkey Admin tasks described on this page, you need the memorystore.admin role. The Permissions and their roles section explains what roles are needed for different Valkey instance permissions.

  • If you are a Network Admin trying to accomplish the Network Admin tasks described on this page, you need the compute.networkAdmin role.

How can set up connectivity for my on-premises network?

In addition to the guidance explained on this page, you can learn about setting up on-premises connectivity at: