Looker Support details

You can reach Looker Support by using the Google Cloud console or by using the Looker in-app support application. To use in-app support, click the Get Support option from the Help menu in the upper right-hand corner of the app.

Find details on service level agreements (SLAs) and overall support programs on the Looker Technical Support Services Guidelines page.

Hours of coverage

English language Looker Support is available 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. Support hours are:

  • Sunday, 5:00 PM PST – Friday, 5:00 PM PST

Japanese Language Looker Support is available from:

  • 9:00 AM JST – 5:00 PM JST, Monday – Friday (All priorities)
  • 5:00 PM JST – 9:00 AM JST, Monday – Saturday, weekends, and holidays (P1 and P2, email support only)

Coverage is subject to major holidays observed in the US, the UK, and Japan.

Looker Support regional holidays

For the list of Looker Support regional holidays, refer to the Google Cloud Language support and working hours document.

Who can access Looker Support?

To access Looker support, the following requirements must be met:

  • Looker support is available only on Looker instances that are running an officially supported Looker version. Instances that are hosted by Looker automatically update to supported releases. If your Looker instance is customer-hosted and is running an unsupported Looker version, update your Looker instance to a supported Looker version.

  • For Looker (original) instances, Looker support is available only if the Google Cloud Project number is filled in on the Admin General Settings page. The project number connects your Looker instance to your Google Cloud support plan and determines your level of support.

  • Looker support is available only to users with the Tech Support Editor IAM role. This allows us to focus on your most involved users, who may need in-depth help with the Looker product. You should develop your own internal process for helping your users, especially because you'll know the ins and outs of your data better than anyone.

    • If your Looker instance is using Legacy Support, then support is available only to administrators and developers on your instance.

Looker product area options

When you initiate a support request, Looker may prompt you to choose from a product area. The following table explains the options in more detail:

Looker product area options A few examples
Building Looks or dashboards Exploring data, working on a Look, visualizations, dashboards, table calculations, or merged results
Scheduling or exporting data Sending, downloading, or scheduling data to a service outside of Looker
Instance administration Settings under the Admin menu, changing user permissions, managing content folders, connecting a new database, troubleshooting navigation latency, managing Looker deployment infrastructure
LookML, derived tables, or version control Writing LookML, troubleshooting a validation error, changing project settings, working with Git
API, embedding, extension framework Using Looker-provided development tools to embed data, create custom experiences, or programmatically manage a Looker instance.

Ticketing system

You can submit and manage support requests using the Google Cloud console.