public static class VideoStitcherServiceStubSettings . Builder extends StubSettings . Builder<VideoStitcherServiceStubSettings , VideoStitcherServiceStubSettings . Builder>
Builder for VideoStitcherServiceStubSettings.
Builder(ClientContext clientContext)
protected Builder ( ClientContext clientContext )
Builder(VideoStitcherServiceStubSettings settings)
protected Builder ( VideoStitcherServiceStubSettings settings )
applyToAllUnaryMethods(ApiFunction<UnaryCallSettings.Builder<?,?>,Void> settingsUpdater)
public VideoStitcherServiceStubSettings . Builder applyToAllUnaryMethods ( ApiFunction<UnaryCallSettings . Builder <? , ? >, Void > settingsUpdater )
Applies the given settings updater function to all of the unary API methods in this service.
Note: This method does not support applying settings to streaming methods.
public VideoStitcherServiceStubSettings build ()
public OperationCallSettings . Builder<CreateCdnKeyRequest , CdnKey , OperationMetadata> createCdnKeyOperationSettings ()
The surface for use by generated code is not stable yet and may change in the future.
This feature is covered by the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Terms of Service. Pre-GA libraries might have limited support, and changes to pre-GA libraries might not be compatible with other pre-GA versions. For more information, see the launch stage descriptions.
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createCdnKey.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<CreateCdnKeyRequest , Operation> createCdnKeySettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createCdnKey.
public OperationCallSettings . Builder<CreateLiveConfigRequest , LiveConfig , OperationMetadata> createLiveConfigOperationSettings ()
The surface for use by generated code is not stable yet and may change in the future.
This feature is covered by the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Terms of Service. Pre-GA libraries might have limited support, and changes to pre-GA libraries might not be compatible with other pre-GA versions. For more information, see the launch stage descriptions.
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createLiveConfig.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<CreateLiveConfigRequest , Operation> createLiveConfigSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createLiveConfig.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<CreateLiveSessionRequest , LiveSession> createLiveSessionSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createLiveSession.
public OperationCallSettings . Builder<CreateSlateRequest , Slate , OperationMetadata> createSlateOperationSettings ()
The surface for use by generated code is not stable yet and may change in the future.
This feature is covered by the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Terms of Service. Pre-GA libraries might have limited support, and changes to pre-GA libraries might not be compatible with other pre-GA versions. For more information, see the launch stage descriptions.
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createSlate.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<CreateSlateRequest , Operation> createSlateSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createSlate.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<CreateVodSessionRequest , VodSession> createVodSessionSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to createVodSession.
public OperationCallSettings . Builder<DeleteCdnKeyRequest , Empty , OperationMetadata> deleteCdnKeyOperationSettings ()
The surface for use by generated code is not stable yet and may change in the future.
This feature is covered by the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Terms of Service. Pre-GA libraries might have limited support, and changes to pre-GA libraries might not be compatible with other pre-GA versions. For more information, see the launch stage descriptions.
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteCdnKey.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<DeleteCdnKeyRequest , Operation> deleteCdnKeySettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteCdnKey.
public OperationCallSettings . Builder<DeleteLiveConfigRequest , Empty , OperationMetadata> deleteLiveConfigOperationSettings ()
The surface for use by generated code is not stable yet and may change in the future.
This feature is covered by the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Terms of Service. Pre-GA libraries might have limited support, and changes to pre-GA libraries might not be compatible with other pre-GA versions. For more information, see the launch stage descriptions.
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteLiveConfig.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<DeleteLiveConfigRequest , Operation> deleteLiveConfigSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteLiveConfig.
public OperationCallSettings . Builder<DeleteSlateRequest , Empty , OperationMetadata> deleteSlateOperationSettings ()
The surface for use by generated code is not stable yet and may change in the future.
This feature is covered by the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Terms of Service. Pre-GA libraries might have limited support, and changes to pre-GA libraries might not be compatible with other pre-GA versions. For more information, see the launch stage descriptions.
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteSlate.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<DeleteSlateRequest , Operation> deleteSlateSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to deleteSlate.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<GetCdnKeyRequest , CdnKey> getCdnKeySettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getCdnKey.
public String getEndpoint ()
Returns the endpoint set by the user or the the service's default endpoint.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<GetLiveAdTagDetailRequest , LiveAdTagDetail> getLiveAdTagDetailSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getLiveAdTagDetail.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<GetLiveConfigRequest , LiveConfig> getLiveConfigSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getLiveConfig.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<GetLiveSessionRequest , LiveSession> getLiveSessionSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getLiveSession.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<GetSlateRequest , Slate> getSlateSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getSlate.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<GetVodAdTagDetailRequest , VodAdTagDetail> getVodAdTagDetailSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getVodAdTagDetail.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<GetVodSessionRequest , VodSession> getVodSessionSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getVodSession.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<GetVodStitchDetailRequest , VodStitchDetail> getVodStitchDetailSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getVodStitchDetail.
public PagedCallSettings . Builder<ListCdnKeysRequest , ListCdnKeysResponse , VideoStitcherServiceClient . ListCdnKeysPagedResponse> listCdnKeysSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listCdnKeys.
public PagedCallSettings . Builder<ListLiveAdTagDetailsRequest , ListLiveAdTagDetailsResponse , VideoStitcherServiceClient . ListLiveAdTagDetailsPagedResponse> listLiveAdTagDetailsSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listLiveAdTagDetails.
public PagedCallSettings . Builder<ListLiveConfigsRequest , ListLiveConfigsResponse , VideoStitcherServiceClient . ListLiveConfigsPagedResponse> listLiveConfigsSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listLiveConfigs.
public PagedCallSettings . Builder<ListSlatesRequest , ListSlatesResponse , VideoStitcherServiceClient . ListSlatesPagedResponse> listSlatesSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listSlates.
public PagedCallSettings . Builder<ListVodAdTagDetailsRequest , ListVodAdTagDetailsResponse , VideoStitcherServiceClient . ListVodAdTagDetailsPagedResponse> listVodAdTagDetailsSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listVodAdTagDetails.
public PagedCallSettings . Builder<ListVodStitchDetailsRequest , ListVodStitchDetailsResponse , VideoStitcherServiceClient . ListVodStitchDetailsPagedResponse> listVodStitchDetailsSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listVodStitchDetails.
public ImmutableList<UnaryCallSettings . Builder <? , ? >> unaryMethodSettingsBuilders ()
Returns Type Description <Builder <? ,? >>
public OperationCallSettings . Builder<UpdateCdnKeyRequest , CdnKey , OperationMetadata> updateCdnKeyOperationSettings ()
The surface for use by generated code is not stable yet and may change in the future.
This feature is covered by the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Terms of Service. Pre-GA libraries might have limited support, and changes to pre-GA libraries might not be compatible with other pre-GA versions. For more information, see the launch stage descriptions.
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to updateCdnKey.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<UpdateCdnKeyRequest , Operation> updateCdnKeySettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to updateCdnKey.
public OperationCallSettings . Builder<UpdateSlateRequest , Slate , OperationMetadata> updateSlateOperationSettings ()
The surface for use by generated code is not stable yet and may change in the future.
This feature is covered by the Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the Terms of Service. Pre-GA libraries might have limited support, and changes to pre-GA libraries might not be compatible with other pre-GA versions. For more information, see the launch stage descriptions.
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to updateSlate.
public UnaryCallSettings . Builder<UpdateSlateRequest , Operation> updateSlateSettings ()
Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to updateSlate.