Interface CatalogAttribute.FacetConfig.MergedFacetOrBuilder (2.51.0)

public static interface CatalogAttribute.FacetConfig.MergedFacetOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder





public abstract String getMergedFacetKey()

The merged facet key should be a valid facet key that is different than the facet key of the current catalog attribute. We refer this is merged facet key as the child of the current catalog attribute. This merged facet key can't be a parent of another facet key (i.e. no directed path of length 2). This merged facet key needs to be either a textual custom attribute or a numerical custom attribute.

string merged_facet_key = 1;

Type Description

The mergedFacetKey.


public abstract ByteString getMergedFacetKeyBytes()

The merged facet key should be a valid facet key that is different than the facet key of the current catalog attribute. We refer this is merged facet key as the child of the current catalog attribute. This merged facet key can't be a parent of another facet key (i.e. no directed path of length 2). This merged facet key needs to be either a textual custom attribute or a numerical custom attribute.

string merged_facet_key = 1;

Type Description

The bytes for mergedFacetKey.