Infrastructure Manager can deploy Google Cloud resources to any region or zone where those resources are available. For example, see Cloud Run locations for the list of locations where Cloud Run is available.
The resource's deployment location is specified when you create a deployment using Google Cloud console, in the Terraform configuration directly, or as a variable that can be set as part of the gcloud CLI create a deployment command.
If you use a storage bucket to store the Terraform configuration, this storage bucket can be in any bucket location. For more details see Bucket locations.
The Infra Manager service is available in the following regions. These regions are where Infra Manager runs the Cloud Build jobs and where it creates a storage bucket and stores generated artifacts and logs.
For more information about regions and zones, see Geography and regions.
The following table lists the regions in Asia Pacific where Infra Manager is available.
Region description | Region name |
Tokyo | asia-northeast1 |
Osaka | asia-northeast2 |
Seoul | asia-northeast3 |
Taiwan | asia-east1 |
Hong Kong | asia-east2 |
Mumbai | asia-south1 |
Delhi | asia-south2 |
Singapore | asia-southeast1 |
Jakarta | asia-southeast2 |
Sydney | australia-southeast1 |
Melbourne | australia-southeast2 |
The following table lists the regions in Europe where Infra Manager is available.
Region description | Region name |
Finland | europe-north1 |
Poland | europe-central2 |
Belgium | europe-west1 |
United Kingdom | europe-west2 |
Germany | europe-west3 |
Netherlands | europe-west4 |
Switzerland | europe-west6 |
The following table lists the regions in the Americas where Infra Manager is available.
Region description | Region name |
South Carolina | us-east1 |
Virginia | us-east4 |
Oregon | us-west1 |
California | us-west2 |
Utah | us-west3 |
Nevada | us-west4 |
Iowa | us-central1 |
Montréal | northamerica-northeast1 |
Toronto | northamerica-northeast2 |
São Paulo | southamerica-east1 |
Santiago | southamerica-west1 |
What's next
- Learn more about Geography and regions in Google Cloud.
- See the full list of Cloud locations.