Settings available in the API

This document describes the settings that the Policy API supports.

If the supported settings are missing from the Cloud Identity Policy API response, see Default field values. If the missing setting is not mentioned in Default field values, contact Cloud Customer Care.

Security Settings

Page in Admin Console Specific Setting in Admin Console Policy API setting type Admin Console Caption Policy API Field Name Data Type
Account Recovery Super Admin Account Recovery security.super_admin_account_recovery Allow super admins to recover their account enableAccountRecovery Boolean
User Account Recovery security.user_account_recovery Allow users and non-super admins to recover their account enableAccountRecovery Boolean
Password Management Password Management security.password Expiration expirationDuration Seconds (0 seconds means Never Expire)
Reuse allowReuse Boolean
Strength and Length enforcement enforceRequirementsAtLogin Boolean
Length (Maximum length) maximumLength Integer
Length (Minimum length) minimumLength Integer
Strength allowedStrength Enum:
  • WEAK
Google Session Control Session Control security.session_controls Web session duration webSessionDuration Seconds
Less secure apps Less secure apps security.less_secure_apps Control user access to apps that use less secure sign-in technology and make accounts more vulnerable. allowLessSecureApps Boolean
Login challenges Login Challenges security.login_challenges Use employee ID to keep my users more secure enableEmployeeIdChallenge Boolean
Advanced Protection Program Enrollment security.advanced_protection_program Use employee ID to keep my users more secure enableAdvancedProtectionSelfEnrollment Boolean
Security Codes securityCodeOption Enum:
2-Step Verification Authentication security.two_step_verification_enrollment Allow users to turn on 2-Step Verification allowEnrollment Boolean
security.two_step_verification_enforcement Enforcement enforcedFrom Timestamp
security.two_step_verification_grace_period New user enrollment period enrollmentGracePeriod Duration
security.two_step_verification_device_trust Allow user to trust the device allowTrustingDevice Boolean
security.two_step_verification_enforcement_factor Methods allowedSignInFactorSet Enum:
  • ALL
security.two_step_verification_sign_in_code 2-Step Verification policy suspension grace period backupCodeExceptionPeriod Duration

UserTakeout Settings

Page in Admin Console Specific Setting in Admin Console Policy API setting type Admin Console Caption Policy API Field Name Data Type
Data Data import & export > Google Takeout > User access to Takeout for Google services
  • blogger.user_takeout
  • books.user_takeout
  • maps.user_takeout
  • pay.user_takeout
  • photos.user_takeout
  • play.user_takeout
  • play_console.user_takeout
  • location_history.user_takeout
  • youtube.user_takeout
Manage user access to Takeout for Google services takeout_status Enum:

Marketplace Settings

Page in Admin Console Specific Setting in Admin Console Policy API setting type Admin Console Caption Policy API Field Name Data Type
Apps list Apps list workspace_marketplace.apps_allowlist Showing apps for users in all organizational units apps List of apps containing application_id and access status as ALLOWED or BLOCKED.
Settings Manage access to apps > Manage Google Workspace Marketplace allowlist access workspace_marketplace.apps_access_options Select which Marketplace apps users can run and install. access_level Enum:

The Setting workspace_marketplace.apps_allowlist in the API response exposes the Marketplace application_id instead of application_name. The following Python script can be used to convert one or more application_id that are specified on the command line to application_name.

import re
import requests
import sys

output = {}
app_ids = sys.argv[1:]

for id in app_ids:
  url = f"{id}"
  response = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=False)
  final_url = response.headers['Location']
  pattern = f"^*)/{id}$"
  a =, final_url)
  output[id] =

# Output application name captured from returned URL

Service Status Settings

The service_status setting contains a Boolean value implying a service is enabled for a certain OrgUnit or Group.

The Policy API supports service status settings for both Workspace services and Additional services listed in the Admin Console under Apps.

Service Name in Admin Console Policy API service name
Calendar calendar
Cloud Search cloud_search
Drive and Docs drive_and_editors
Currents currents
Gmail gmail
Groups for Business groups_for_business
Jamboard jamboard
Keep keep
Google Chat chat
Google Meet meet
Google Voice voice
Google Sites sites
Tasks tasks
Vault vault
Work Insights work_insights
AppSheet appsheet
Applied Digital Skills applied_digital_skills
Assignments assignments
Blogger blogger
Brand Accounts brand_accounts
Campaign Manager 360 campaign_manager
Chrome Canvas chrome_canvas
Chrome Remote Desktop chrome_remote_desktop
Chrome Web Store chrome_web_store
Classroom classroom
CS First cs_first
Experimental Apps experimental_apps
FeedBurner feedburner
Google Ad Manager ad_manager
Google Ads ads
Google AdSense adsense
Google Alerts alerts
Google Analytics analytics
Google Arts & Culture arts_and_culture
Google Bookmarks bookmarks
Google Books books
Google Chrome Sync chrome_sync
Google Cloud cloud
Google Cloud Print cloud_print
Google Colab colab
Google Developer developers
Google Domains domains
Google Earth earth
Google Fi fi
Google Groups groups
Google Maps maps
Google Messages messages
Google My Business my_business
Google My Maps my_maps
Google News news
Google Pay pay
Google Photos photos
Google Play play
Google Play Console play_console
Google Public Data Explorer public_data
Google Read Along read_along
Google Search Console search_console
Google Takeout takeout
Google Translate translate
Google Trips trips
Location History location_history
Looker Studio data_studio
Managed Google Play managed_play
Material Gallery material_gallery
Merchant Center merchant_center
Partner Dash partner_dash
Pinpoint pinpoint
Play Books Partner Center play_books_partner_center
Programmable Search Engine programmable_search_engine
QuestionHub question_hub
Scholar Profiles scholar_profiles
Search Ads 360 search_ads_360
Search and Assistant search_and_assistant
Socratic socratic
Studio studio
Third-party App Backups third_party_app_backups
Tour Creator tour_creator
YouTube youtube
Additional services without individual control enterprise_service_restrictions
Gemini App gemini
Early Access Apps early_access_apps
AI Studio ai_studio
Chrome Cursive chrome_cursive
NotebookLM notebooklm

Gmail Settings

Page in Admin Console Specific Setting in Admin Console Policy API setting type Admin Console Caption Policy API Field Name Data Type
Gmail User Settings > Confidential Model gmail.confidential_mode Enable confidential mode enable_confidential_mode boolean
User Settings > S/MIME gmail.enhanced_smime_encryption Allow users to upload their own certificates allow_user_to_upload_certificates boolean
Accept these additional root certificates for specific domains: custom_root_certificates A list of CustomRootCertificates which contains a list of root certificates, a list of intermediate CA certificates, a list of restricted domain names, a boolean to allow address mismatch and an enum with different validation levels.
Spam, phishing, and malware > Enhanced pre-delivery message scanning gmail.enhanced_pre_delivery_message_scanning Enables improved detection of suspicious content prior to delivery enable_improved_suspicious_content_detection boolean
Spam, phishing, and malware > Email allowlist gmail.email_spam_filter_ip_allowlist Enter the IP addresses for your email allowlist allowed_ip_addresses A list of strings
Safety > Spoofing and authentication gmail.spoofing_and_authentication Protect against domain spoofing based on similar domain names detect_domain_name_spoofing boolean
Choose an action domain_name_spoofing_consequence Enum:
Choose a quarantine domain_name_spoofing_quarantine_id integer
Protect against spoofing of employee names detect_employee_name_spoofing boolean
Choose an action employee_name_spoofing_consequence Enum:
Choose a quarantine employee_name_spoofing_quarantine_id integer
Protect against inbound emails spoofing your domain detect_domain_spoofing_from_unauthenticated_senders boolean
Choose an action domain_spoofing_consequence Enum:
Choose a quarantine domain_spoofing_quarantine_id integer
Protect against any unauthenticated emails detect_unauthenticated_emails boolean
Choose an action unauthenticated_email_consequence Enum:
Choose a quarantine unauthenticated_email_quarantine_id integer
Protect your Groups from inbound emails spoofing your domain detect_groups_spoofing boolean
Apply this setting to groups_spoofing_visibility_type Enum:
Choose an action groups_spoofing_consequence Enum:
Choose a quarantine groups_spoofing_quarantine_id integer
Apply future recommended settings automatically apply_future_settings_automatically boolean
Safety > Links and external images gmail.links_and_external_images Identify links behind shortened URLs enable_shortener_scanning boolean
Scan linked images enable_external_image_scanning boolean
Show warning prompt for any click on links to untrusted domains enable_aggressive_warnings_on_untrusted_links boolean
Apply future recommended settings automatically apply_future_settings_automatically boolean
Safety > Attachments gmail.email_attachment_safety Protect against encrypted attachments from untrusted senders enable_encrypted_attachment_protection boolean
Choose an action encrypted_attachment_protection_consequence Enum:
Choose a quarantine encrypted_attachment_protection_quarantine_id integer
Protect against attachments with scripts from untrusted senders enable_attachment_with_scripts_protection boolean
Choose an action attachment_with_scripts_protection_consequence Enum:
Choose a quarantine attachment_with_scripts_protection_quarantine_id integer
Protect against anomalous attachment types in emails enable_anomalous_attachment_protection boolean
Choose an action anomalous_attachment_protection_consequence Enum:
Choose a quarantine anomalous_attachment_protection_quarantine_id integer
Allowlist the following uncommon filetypes allowed_anomalous_attachment_filetypes string[]
Apply future recommended settings automatically apply_future_recommended_settings_automatically boolean
Routing > Manage address lists gmail.email_address_lists Manage address lists email_address_list EmailAddressList[]
Spam, phishing and malware > Blocked senders gmail.blocked_sender_lists Block or approve specific senders based on email address or domain blocked_senders BlockedSender[]
Spam, phishing and malware > Spam gmail.spam_override_lists Create approved senders lists that bypass the spam folder. spam_override SpamOverride[]
Compliance > Content compliance gmail.content_compliance Configure advanced content filters based on words, phrases or patterns content_compliance_rules ContentComplianceRule[]
Compliance > Objectionable content gmail.objectionable_content Configure content filters based on word lists objectionable_content_rules ObjectionableContentRule[]
Compliance > Attachment compliance gmail.attachment_compliance Configure attachment filters based on file type, file name and message size attachment_compliance_rules AttachmentComplianceRule[]
Compliance > Comprehensive mail storage gmail.comprehensive_mail_storage Ensure that a copy of all sent and received mail is stored in associated users' mailboxes rule_id string
N/A (For all rules) gmail.rule_states N/A rule_states RuleState[]
Setup > User email uploads gmail.user_email_uploads Show users the option to import mail and contacts from Yahoo!, Hotmail, AOL, or other webmail or POP3 accounts from the Gmail settings page enable_mail_and_contacts_import boolean
End User Access > POP and IMAP access gmail.pop_access Enable POP access for all users enable_pop_access boolean
gmail.imap_access Enable IMAP access for all users enable_imap_access boolean
Allow any mail client imap_access_restriction.allow_all_mail_clients boolean
Restrict which mail clients users can use (OAuth mail clients only) imap_access_restriction.allowed_oauth_mail_client_list OAuthMailClientList
End User Access > Google Workspace Sync gmail.workspace_sync_for_outlook Enable Google Workspace Sync for Microsoft Outlook for my users enable_google_workspace_sync_for_microsoft_outlook boolean
End User Access > Automatic forwarding gmail.auto_forwarding Allow users to automatically forward incoming email to another address enable_auto_forwarding boolean
User Settings > Name format gmail.name_format Allow users to customize this setting allow_custom_display_names boolean
First Last or Last, First default_display_name_format Enum:
End User Access > Allow per-user outbound gateways gmail.per_user_outbound_gateway Allow users to send mail through an external SMTP server when configuring a "from" address hosted outside your email domain allow_users_to_use_external_smtp_servers boolean
End User Access > Image URL proxy allowlist gmail.email_image_proxy_bypass Enter image URL patterns. Matching URLs bypass the image proxy. image_proxy_bypass_pattern string[]
N/A enable_image_proxy boolean
User Settings > Mail Delegation gmail.mail_delegation Let users delegate access to their mailbox to other users in the domain enable_mail_delegation boolean
Allow users to customize this setting allow_custom_delegate_attribution boolean
Show the account owner and the delegate who sent the email enable_delegate_attribution boolean
Show the account owner only
Allow users to grant their mailbox access to a Google group enable_mailbox_group_delegation boolean

Gmail Sub-Settings

This table provides Gmail sub-settings that are referenced by other Gmail settings.

Policy API Sub-Setting Name Admin Console Caption Policy API Field Name Data Type
EmailAddressList N/A id string
Name name string
ADD ADDRESS LIST address_list AddressList
ADD BLOCKED LIST blocked_address_list AddressList
AddressList Add address list address AddressListEntry[]
AddressListEntry Address address string
Authentication required (received mail only) require_address_verification boolean
BlockedSender Enter a short description that will appear within the setting's summary description string
Add addresses or domains that you want to automatically reject messages from sender_blocklist StringValue[]
Enter customized rejection notice rejection_response string
Bypass this setting for messages received from addresses or domains within these approved senders lists. bypass_approved_sender boolean
N/A bypass_approved_sender_allowlist StringValue[]
N/A rule_id string
SpamOverride Enter a short description that will appear within the setting's summary description string
Be more aggressive when filtering spam. enable_aggressive_filtering boolean
Put spam in administrative quarantine add_to_quarantine boolean
N/A quarantine_id integer
Bypass spam filters for internal senders. bypass_internal_senders boolean
Bypass spam filters for messages from senders or domains in selected lists. bypass_selected_senders boolean
N/A bypass_sender_allowlist StringValue[]
Bypass spam filters and hide warnings for messages from senders or domains in selected lists. hide_warning_banner_from_selected_senders boolean
N/A hide_warning_banner_sender_allowlist StringValue[]
Bypass spam filters and hide warnings for all messages from internal and external senders (not recommended). hide_warning_banner_for_all boolean
N/A rule_id string
ContentComplianceRule Enter a short description that will appear within the setting's summary description string
Email messages to affect condition RuleConditions
Add expressions that describe the content you want to search for in each message match_expressions MatchExpression[]
If ANY of the following match the message match_any_expression boolean
If the above expressions match, do the following consequence RuleConsequences
N/A rule_id string
ObjectionableContentRule Enter a short description that will appear within the setting's summary description string
Email messages to affect condition RuleConditions
Custom objectionable words objectionable_content_defined boolean
Enter words objectionable_words string[]
If the above expressions match, do the following consequence RuleConsequences
N/A rule_id string
AttachmentComplianceRule Enter a short description that will appear within the setting's summary description string
Email messages to affect condition RuleConditions
Add expressions that describe the content you want to search for in each message match_expressions MatchExpression[]
If ANY of the following match the message match_any_expression boolean
If the above expressions match, do the following consequence RuleConsequences
N/A rule_id string
RuleState N/A (For all rules) enabled boolean
rule_id string
RuleConditions Email messages to affect Inbound affect_inbound_messages boolean
Outbound affect_outbound_messages boolean
Internal - Sending affect_internal_sending_messages boolean
Internal - Receiving affect_internal_receiving_messages boolean
Address lists Use address lists to bypass or control application of this setting address_list_option enum:
Bypass this setting for specific addresses / domains
Only apply this setting for specific addresses / domains
Use existing list / Create or edit list address_lists StringValue[]
Account types to affect Users account_type_user boolean
Groups account_type_group boolean
Unrecognized / Catch-all account_type_unrecognized boolean
Envelope filter Only affect specific envelope senders envelope_sender_filter AddressMatcher
Only affect specific envelope recipients envelope_recipient_filter AddressMatcher
AddressMatcher Only affect specific envelope senders / Only affect specific envelope recipients enabled boolean
Single email address N/A address_match_type enum: EXACT
Email address exact_address_match_value string
Pattern match N/A address_match_type enum: REGEXP
Regexp regexp_match_value string
Group membership (only sent mail) / Group membership (only received mail) N/A address_match_type enum: GROUP_MEMBERSHIP
Select groups group_ids string[]
MatchExpression Simple content match N/A match_expression_type enum: SIMPLE_CONTENT
Content match_content string
Advanced content match N/A match_expression_type enum: ADVANCED_CONTENT
Content / Regex match_content string
N/A advanced_content_match AdvancedContentMatch
Metadata match match_expression_type enum: METADATA
metadata_match MetadataMatch
Predefined content match match_expression_type enum: PREDEFINED_CONTENT
predefined_content_match PredefinedContentMatch
File type match_expression_type enum: FILE_TYPE
file_type_match FileTypeMatch
File name N/A match_expression_type enum: FILE_NAME
The attachment file name contains file_name string
Message size N/A match_expression_type enum: MESSAGE_SIZE
The overall message (body + attachment) is greater than the following (MB) message_size_threshold_in_megabytes integer
AdvancedContentMatch Location Headers + Body advanced_content_match_location enum: HEADERS_AND_BODY
Full headers enum: FULL_HEADERS
Body enum: BODY
Subject enum: SUBJECT
Sender header enum: SENDER_HEADER
Recipients header enum: RECIPIENTS_HEADER
Envelope sender enum: ENVELOPE_SENDER
Any envelope recipient enum: ANY_ENVELOPE_RECIPIENT
Raw message enum: RAW_MESSAGE
Match type Starts with advanced_content_match_type enum: STARTS_WITH
Ends with enum: ENDS_WITH
Contains text enum: CONTAINS_TEXT
Not contains text enum: NOT_CONTAINS_TEXT
Equals enum: EQUALS
Is empty enum: IS_EMPTY
Matches regex enum: MATCHES_REGEXP
Not matches regex enum: NOT_MATCHES_REGEXP
Matches any word enum: MATCH_ANY_WORD
Matches all words enum: MATCH_ALL_WORDS
N/A regexp_match RegexpMatch
RegexpMatch Regex Description description string
Minimum match count min_match_count integer
MetadataMatch Attribute Message authentication metadata_match_attribute enum: MESSAGE_AUTHENTICATION
Source IP enum: SOURCE_IP
Secure transport (TLS) enum: TLS
Message size enum: MESSAGE_SIZE
S/MIME encrypted enum: SMIME_ENCRYPTED
S/MIME signed enum: SMIME_SIGNED
Gmail confidential mode enum: CONFIDENTIAL_MODE
Spam enum: SPAM
Match type the following range source_ip_range string
the following (MB) message_size_in_megabytes integer
Message is authenticated metadata_match_type enum: MESSAGE_AUTHENTICATED
Message is not authenticated enum: MESSAGE_NOT_AUTHENTICATED
Source IP is within enum: SOURCE_IP_IN_RANGE
Source IP is not within enum: SOURCE_IP_NOT_IN_RANGE
Connection is TLS encrypted enum: TLS_ENCRYPTED
Connection is not TLS encrypted enum: TLS_NOT_ENCRYPTED
Message size is greater than enum: MESSAGE_SIZE_GREATER_THAN
Message size is less than enum: MESSAGE_SIZE_LESS_THAN
Message is S/MIME encrypted enum: MESSAGE_IS_SMIME_ENCRYPTED
Message is not S/MIME encrypted enum: MESSAGE_IS_NOT_SMIME_ENCRYPTED
Message is S/MIME signed enum: MESSAGE_IS_SMIME_SIGNED
Message is not S/MIME signed enum: MESSAGE_IS_NOT_SMIME_SIGNED
Message is in Gmail confidential mode enum: MESSAGE_IS_IN_CONFIDENTIAL_MODE
Message is not in Gmail confidential mode enum: MESSAGE_IS_NOT_IN_CONFIDENTIAL_MODE
Malware detected from security sandbox enum: MALWARE_DETECTED_FROM_SECURITY_SANDBOX
PredefinedContentMatch N/A (Predefined content match selector) predefined_content_match_name string
Minimum match count min_match_count integer
Confidence threshold confidence_threshold enum:
  • HIGH
FileTypeMatch Office documents which are encrypted encrypted_office_documents boolean
Office documents which are not encrypted unencrypted_office_documents boolean
Video and multimedia video boolean
Music and sound music boolean
Images image boolean
Compressed files and archives which are encrypted compressed_encrypted_files boolean
Compressed files and archives which are not encrypted compressed_unencrypted_files boolean
Custom file types - Match files based on file name extension custom_file_extensions string[]
Also match files based on file format match_file_format boolean
RuleConsequences Modify message N/A rule_consequence_type enum: MODIFY_MESSAGE
N/A primary_delivery Delivery
Add more recipients deliver_to_additional_recipients boolean
Recipients bcc_deliveries Delivery[]
Delivery Add X-Gm-Original-To header add_x_gm_original_to_header boolean
Add X-Gm-Spam and X-Gm-Phishy headers add_x_gm_spam_header boolean
Add custom headers add_custom_headers boolean
Custom headers custom_headers string[]
Prepend custom subject prepend_custom_subject boolean
Enter new subject prefix custom_subject string
Change route change_default_route boolean
Also reroute spam reroute_spam boolean
Suppress bounces from this recipient suppress_bounces_from_recipient boolean
N/A (Routing selector) normal_routing boolean
Change envelope recipient N/A change_envelope_recipient boolean
Replace recipient replace_envelope_recipient_type enum: REPLACE_ADDRESS
recipient_address string
Replace username replace_envelope_recipient_type enum: REPLACE_USER
recipient_user string
Replace domain replace_envelope_recipient_type enum: REPLACE_DOMAIN
recipient_domain string
Bypass spam filter for this message bypass_spam_filter boolean
Remove attachments from message remove_attachments boolean
Append this text to notify recipients that attachments have been removed attachment_removal_notice string
Require secure transport (TLS) require_tls boolean
Encrypt message if not encrypted (S/MIME) encrypt_outgoing_messages boolean
Bounce message if unable to sign and encrypt bounce_unencrypted_messages boolean
Do not deliver spam to this recipient do_not_deliver_spam_to_recipient boolean
OAuthMailClientList Restrict which mail clients users can use (OAuth mail clients only) oauth_mail_client OAuthMailClient[]
OAuthMailClient N/A oauth_mail_client_id string

Chat Settings

Page in Admin Console Specific Setting in Admin Console Policy API setting type Admin Console Caption Policy API Field Name Data Type
Google Chat History for chats chat.chat_history History is ON/OFF history_on_by_default boolean
Allow users to change their history setting allow_user_modification boolean
Chat File Sharing chat.chat_file_sharing External filesharing external_file_sharing Enum:
internal_file_sharing same
History for spaces chat.space_history Conversation history settings for spaces history_state Enum:
External Chat Settings chat.external_chat_restriction Allow users to send messages outside organization in chats and spaces allow_external_chat boolean
external_chat_restriction Enum:
Chat apps chat.chat_apps_access Allow users to install Chat apps enable_apps boolean
Allow users to add and use incoming webhooks enable_webhooks boolean

Drive and Docs Settings

Page in Admin Console Specific Setting in Admin Console Policy API setting type Admin Console Caption Policy API Field Name Data Type
Drive and Docs Sharing settings > Sharing options drive_and_docs.external_sharing Select the highest level of sharing outside of $CUSTOMER_NAME that you want to allow external_sharing_mode Enum:
Allow users in $ORG_UNIT_NAME to receive files from users or shared drives outside of $CUSTOMER_NAME allow_receiving_external_files Boolean
Warn when files owned by users or shared drives in $ORG_UNIT_NAME are shared with users in allowlisted domains warn_for_sharing_outside_allowlisted_domains Boolean
Allow users in $ORG_UNIT_NAME to receive files from users or shared drives outside of allowlisted domains allow_receiving_files_outside_allowlisted_domains Boolean
Allow users or shared drives in $ORG_UNIT_NAME to share items with non-Google users in trusted domains using visitor sharing allow_non_google_invites_in_allowlisted_domains Boolean
Warn when files owned by users or shared drives in $ORG_UNIT_NAME are shared outside of $CUSTOMER_NAME warn_for_external_sharing Boolean
Allow users or shared drives in $ORG_UNIT_NAME to share items with people outside $CUSTOMER_NAME who aren't using a Google Account allow_non_google_invites Boolean
When sharing outside of $CUSTOMER_NAME is allowed, users in $ORG_UNIT_NAME can make files and published web content visible to anyone with the link allow_publishing_files Boolean
When a user shares a file via a Google product other than Docs or Drive (e.g. by pasting a link in Gmail), Google can check that the recipients have access. If not, when possible, Google will ask the user to pick if they want to share the file to access_checker_suggestions Enum:
Select who should be allowed to distribute content in $ORG_UNIT_NAME outside of $CUSTOMER_NAME. This restricts who can upload or move content to shared drives owned by another organization allowed_parties_for_distributing_content Enum:
  • NONE
Sharing settings > General access default drive_and_docs.general_access_default When users in $ORG_UNIT_NAME create items, the default access will be default_file_access Enum:
Sharing settings > Shared drive creation drive_and_docs.shared_drive_creation Prevent users in $ORG_UNIT_NAME from creating new shared drives allow_shared_drive_creation Boolean (The API response returns the opposite of the UI value)
When users in $ORG_UNIT_NAME create a shared drive, it will be assigned to the following organizational unit org_unit_for_new_shared_drives Enum:
Selected organizational unit custom_org_unit String
Allow members with manager access to override the settings below allow_managers_to_override_settings Boolean
Allow users outside $CUSTOMER_NAME to access files in shared drives allow_external_user_access Boolean
Allow people who aren't shared drive members to be added to files allow_non_member_access Boolean
Allow viewers and commenters to download, print, and copy files allowed_parties_for_download_print_copy Enum:
  • ALL (when the checkbox in the UI is checked)
  • EDITORS_ONLY (when the checkbox in the UI is unchecked)
Allow content managers to share folders allow_content_managers_to_share_folders Boolean
Sharing settings > Security update for files drive_and_docs.file_security_update Applying this update will make file links more secure. This may cause users to receive file access requests security_update Enum:
Allow users to remove/apply the security update for files they own or manage allow_users_to_manage_update Boolean
Features and Applications > Drive SDK drive_and_docs.drive_sdk Allow users to access Google Drive with the Drive SDK API enable_drive_sdk_api_access Boolean
Google Drive for desktop > Enable Drive for desktop drive_and_docs.drive_for_desktop Allow Google Drive for desktop in your organization allow_drive_for_desktop Boolean
Only allow Google Drive for desktop on authorized devices restrict_to_authorized_devices Boolean
Show Google Drive for desktop download link show_download_link Boolean
Allow users to enable real-time presence in Microsoft Office from Google Drive for desktop allow_real_time_presence Boolean

Meet Settings

Page in Admin Console Specific Setting in Admin Console Policy API setting type Admin Console Caption Policy API Field Name Data Type
Google Meet Meet video settings > Recording meet.video_recording Let people record their meetings. enable_recording boolean
Meet safety settings > Domain meet.safety_domain Who can join meetings created by your organization. users_allowed_to_join Enum:
  • ALL
Meet safety settings > Access meet.safety_access Which meetings or calls users in the organization can join. "Incoming call restrictions" can further limit the calls that users can receive. meetings_allowed_to_join Enum:
  • ALL
Meet safety settings > Host management meet.safety_host_management Default host management enable_host_management Boolean
Meet safety settings > Warn for external participants meet.safety_external_participants Indicates participants who are outside "Organization" or whose identities are unconfirmed. enable_external_label Boolean

Sites Settings

Page in Admin Console Specific Setting in Admin Console Policy API setting type Admin Console Caption Policy API Field Name Data Type
Sites New Sites > Site creation and editing sites.sites_creation_and_modification Allow users to create new sites allowSitesCreation Boolean
Users can/cannot edit sites allowSitesModification Boolean

Groups For Business Settings

Page in Admin Console Specific Setting in Admin Console Policy API setting type Admin Console Caption Policy API Field Name Data Type
Groups For Business Sharing settings > Sharing options groups_for_business.groups_sharing Set policies for changing group sharing settings collaborationCapability Enum:
Creating groups createGroupsAccessLevel Enum:
Group owners can allow external members ownersCanAllowExternalMembers Boolean
Group owners can allow incoming email from outside the organization ownersCanAllowIncomingMailFromPublic Boolean
Default for permission to view conversations viewTopicsDefaultAccessLevel Enum:
Group owners can hide groups from the directory ownersCanHideGroups Boolean
Hide newly created groups from the directory newGroupsAreHidden Boolean
Page in Admin Console Specific Setting in Admin Console Policy API setting type Admin Console Caption Policy API Field Name Data Type
Account Settings Sharing options cloud_sharing_options.cloud_data_sharing Google Cloud Platform Sharing Options sharingOptions Enum:

Classroom Settings

Page in Admin Console Specific Setting in Admin Console Policy API setting type Admin Console Caption Policy API Field Name Data Type
Classroom General Settings > Teacher permissions classroom.teacher_permissions Who can create classes whoCanCreateClasses Enum:
General Settings > Guardian access classroom.guardian_access Allow parents and guardians to access Classroom information allowAccess Boolean
Who can manage parents and guardians whoCanManageGuardianAccess Enum:
Class settings > About class membership classroom.class_membership Who can join classes in your domain whoCanJoinClasses Enum:
Which classes can users in your domain join whichClassesCanUsersJoin Enum:
Data access > Classroom API classroom.api_data_access Users can authorize apps to access their Google Classroom data enableApiAccess Boolean
Originality Reports > School Matches classroom.originality_reports Enable originality reports school matches enableOriginalityReportsSchoolMatches Boolean
Student unenrollment > Unenrollment permissions classroom.student_unenrollment Who can unenroll students from classes whoCanUnenrollStudents Enum
Roster import > Settings classroom.roster_import Roster import rosterImportOption Enum:
  • OFF

Calendar Settings

Page in Admin Console Specific Setting in Admin Console Policy API setting type Admin Console Caption Policy API Field Name Data Type
Calendar Advanced settings > Appointment schedules with payments calendar.appointment_schedules Allow appointment schedule users to require payment for booked appointments through their own payment provider accounts. enable_payments boolean
Sharing settings > External Invitations calendar.external_invitations Warn users when inviting guests outside of the domain ORGANIZATION_UNIT_NAME warn_on_invite boolean
Calendar Interop Management > Exchange availability in Calendar calendar.interoperability Allow Google Calendar to display Exchange users availability enable_interoperability boolean
Show event details enable_full_event_details boolean
Calendar Interop Management > Exchange resource booking calendar.interoperability Enable Google Calendar to book Microsoft Exchange rooms enable_exchange_room_booking boolean
Sharing Settings > External sharing options for primary calendars calendar.primary_calendar_max_allowed_external_sharing Outside ORGANIZATION_UNIT_NAME - set user ability for primary calendars max_allowed_external_sharing Enum:
Sharing Settings > External sharing options for secondary calendars calendar.secondary_calendar_max_allowed_external_sharing Outside <Org name> - set user ability for secondary calendars max_allowed_external_sharing Enum:

Data Protection Rules Settings

For an overview of data protection rules and detectors, see Create DLP for Drive rules and custom content detectors.

Page in Admin Console Specific Setting in Admin Console Policy API setting type Admin Console Caption Policy API Field Name Data Type
Data Protection Security > Access and data control > Data Protection > Manage Rules rule.dlp Name display_name String
Description description String
Apps triggers String[] - List of app specific trigger strings. The list of available app triggers is provided in the following Triggers section.
Conditions condition String - Common Expression Language (CEL) expression of the data conditions the rule scans for. The CEL syntax and some common examples are provided in the following Conditions section.
Actions action Struct - nested object representing app specific actions to take when the conditions are met. The available actions per app trigger are provided in the following Actions section.
State state Enum:
Created create_time Timestamp
Last modified update_time Timestamp
Rule type specific metadata rule_type_metadata Struct - nested object representing rule type specific metadata. For Data Protection rules, this contains the severity level of the triggered events.


The list of available applications and their triggers.

  • ""
  • ""
  • ""
  • ""
  • ""
  • "google.workspace.chromeos.file.v1.transfer"
  • ""
  • ""
  • ""
  • ""


To represent data conditions, the API uses Common Expressions Language (CEL) expressions. Each condition follows the pattern of {content type}.{content to scan for}({additional scan parameters}). For example, all_content.contains('apple') represents a data condition that matches if any of the scanned content (e.g. Drive doc, chat message, etc) contains the substring apple.

Content type

The list of available content types, corresponding to the matching configurations of the same names in the Admin Console.

  • access_levels
  • all_content
  • all_headers
  • body
  • destination_type
  • destination_url
  • drive_enterprise_metadata
  • encryption_state
  • envelope_from
  • file_size_in_bytes
  • file_type
  • from_header
  • message_security_status
  • request_attributes
  • sender_header
  • source_chrome_context
  • source_url
  • source_url_category
  • subject
  • suggestion
  • target_user
  • title
  • to_header_recipients
  • url
  • url_category

Content to scan for

The list of available content to scan for, corresponding to the matching configurations of the same names in the Admin Console.

  • contains({string})
  • starts_with({string})
  • ends_with({string})
  • equals({string})
  • matches_dlp_detector({detector name}, {likelihood}, {minimum_match_count: {count}, minimum_unique_match_count: {count}})
    • Corresponds to the matches predefined data type option in the Admin Console.
    • {detector name} denotes the predefined data type to scan for, which can be one of the built-in infotypes supported by Cloud DLP: For example, CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER or US_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER
    • {likelihood} denotes the likelihood threshold of the match. For example, google.privacy.dlp.v2.Likelihood.LIKELY corresponds to the High threshold in the Admin Console.
  • matches_regex_detector({detector name}, {minimum_match_count: {count}})
    • Corresponds to the matches regular expression option in the Admin Console.
    • {detector name} is the resource name of the policy that represents the regular expression detector. See Data Protection Detector section on how to query detector policies in the API.
  • matches_word_list({detector name}, {minimum_match_count: {count}, minimum_unique_match_count: {count}})
    • Corresponds to the matches words from word list option in the Admin Console.
    • {detector name} is the resource name of the policy that represents the word list detector. See Data Protection Detector section on how to query detector policies in the API.
  • matches_web_category({category})
    • Corresponds to the URL category matches option in the Admin Console for Chrome URL visited trigger.
    • {category} denotes the URL category supported by the Admin Console configuration. For the list of available categories and their API representations, see URL categories.

Composite conditions

Multiple base conditions can be mixed with AND (&&), OR (||), or NOT (!) operators to form a composite condition. For example, "all_content.contains('apple') && all_content.contains('banana')" represents a condition that matches if any of the scanned content contains both 'apple' and 'banana' substrings.


Each application specifies the action to take when the data condition matches in a nested message. For example, { "driveAction" { "warnUser" { } } } represents a Drive action that warns users on external sharing. The application specific actions available are following:

Application Action Key Subaction Admin Console Caption
Drive driveAction blockAccess Block external sharing
warnUser Warn on external sharing
auditOnly no action
restrictCopyPrintDownload Disable download, print, and copy
applyLabels Apply Classification labels
Gmail gmailAction blockContent Block message
warnUser Warn users
auditOnly Audit only
quarantineMessage Quarantine message
Chat chatAction blockContent Block message
warnUser Warn users
auditOnly Audit only
Chrome chromeAction blockContent Block
warnUser Allow with warning

Rule type specific metadata

This attribute contains the metadata specific to the rule type. For Data Protection rules, it contains the alerting event severity when the event is reported under the security dashboard and alert center. An example value of the metadata representing LOW alert severity:

fields {
  key: "ruleTypeMetadata"
  value {
    struct_value {
      fields {
        key: "dlpRuleMetadata"
        value {
          struct_value {
            fields {
              key: "alertSeverity"
              value {
                string_value: "LOW"

Data Protection Detectors Settings

For an overview of data protection rules and detectors, see Create DLP for Drive rules and custom content detectors.

Page in Admin Console Specific Setting in Admin Console Policy API setting type Admin Console Caption Policy API Field Name Data Type
Data Protection Security > Access and data control > Data Protection > Manage Detectors detector.regular_expression detector.word_list Name display_name String
Description description String
Regular Expression regular_expression Struct - contains the regular expression string. Only set if the detector type is detector.regular_expression.
Word List word_list String - contains the list of word strings. Only set if the detector type is detector.word_list.
Created create_time Timestamp
Last modified update_time Timestamp

System Defined Alert Rules Settings

This section describes Google Workspace system-defined alert rules. The API returns only system-defined alerts that are modified from the default value by the administrator.

Page in Admin Console Specific Setting in Admin Console Policy API setting type Admin Console Caption Policy API Field Name Data Type
Data Protection Rules (for "system defined' rule type) rule.system_defined_alerts Name display_name String
Description description String
Actions action Struct - nested object representing notification settings when the system defined alert is triggered. Details are provided in the following Actions section.
State state Enum:
Created create_time Timestamp
Last modified update_time Timestamp


System defined alert rules have a single action that denotes the notification settings for the alert.

Action key Subaction Admin Console Caption
alertCenterAction alertCenterConfig Send to alert center
recipients Send email notifications