This tutorial describes how to use Workload Identity Federation to authenticate workloads that run outside of Google Cloud so that they can access microservices hosted by Cloud Run. This tutorial is intended for administrators who want to integrate Workload Identity Federation with their existing identity provider (IdP). Workload Identity Federation lets you connect external workloads to workloads that run in Google Cloud. Cloud Run lets you run stateless containerized microservices.
This tutorial provides instructions on how to configure Jenkins as your external workload, Keycloak as your IdP, Cloud Run, and Workload Identity Federation. When you complete this tutorial, you can see how Workload Identity Federation lets you authenticate your Jenkins application with Google Cloud by using OpenID Connect authentication.
External workload authentication using Workload Identity Federation
Workload Identity Federation lets you authenticate workloads outside of Google Cloud without using a static service account key. Any external workload that needs to consume services in Google Cloud can benefit from this feature.
Workload Identity Federation lets you use your IdP to authenticate directly with Google Cloud. To authenticate, you use OpenID Connect. Cloud Run accepts OpenID Connect tokens from your IdP for authentication.
The authentication process when using Workload Identity Federation is the following:
- Your authentication (AUTHN) library sends a JSON web token (JWT) request to the IdP.
- Your IdP signs the JSON web tokens (JWT). The AUTHN library reads this data from a variable.
- The library sends a POST command to the Security Token Service that includes the signed token.
- The Security Token Service looks at the workload identify pool provider that you configured to build trust and verifies the identity on the credential.
- The Security Token Service sends back a federated access token.
- The library sends the federated access token to IAM.
- IAM exchanges the federated access token for an ID token. For more information, see Create an OpenID Connect (OIDC) ID token.
- The library provides the ID token to Jenkins.
- Jenkins uses this token to authenticate with Cloud Run.
The following diagram demonstrates the authentication flow:
- Configure Jenkins as the external workload.
- Configure Keycloak as the IdP that is compatible with OpenID Connect.
- Connect Jenkins with Keycloak.
- Install Cloud Client Libraries to get the JWT token from Keycloak to Google Cloud.
- Connect Google Cloud to Keycloak and Jenkins.
- Get the JWT for the authenticated user from Keycloak.
Although this tutorial uses Keycloak, you can use any identity provider that supports OpenID Connect, such as GitLab, Okta, or OneLogin.
In this document, you use the following billable components of Google Cloud:
To generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage,
use the pricing calculator.
When you finish the tasks that are described in this document, you can avoid continued billing by deleting the resources that you created. For more information, see Clean up.
Before you begin
In the Google Cloud console, go to the project selector page.
Select or create a Google Cloud project.
Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.
- Set up a microservice on Cloud Run. For more information, see Quickstart: Deploy a container to Cloud Run.
Configure Jenkins
Complete these tasks in a non-Google Cloud environment, such as your on-premises environment or on another cloud.
If you already have an identity provider that supports OpenID Connect and an external workload, you can skip this step and go to Installing Cloud Client Libraries.
To simulate an outside workload, you can use a VM with Jenkins installed on it. You can run Jenkins as a Docker image or you can install it directly to your server. The following steps demonstrate how to install it directly on the server.
- On a VM of your choice, open a command line.
Install Java:
$ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre $ java -version
Install Jenkins:
curl -fsSL | sudo tee \ /usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc > /dev/null echo deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc] \ binary/ | sudo tee \ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list > /dev/null sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install jenkins
Verify that you can access your Jenkins server on port 8080. If you are using a VM that sits behind a firewall, make sure that the appropriate ports are open.
Get your administrator password and set up Jenkins. For instructions, see Post-installation setup wizard.
Complete the following actions to set up SSL:
- If you have a domain provider, you can use their certificate authority (CA) to request a signed certificate. Alternatively, you can get a free signed certificate that lasts 90 days from
Download your certificate zip file and transfer it to your server that is running Jenkins:
scp -i CERTFILE.pem -r VM_FQDN:/home/USERNAME
Replace the following:
with the name of the certificate file that includes your public key.VM_FQDN
with the FQDN of your server outside of Google Cloud.USERNAME
with your username.
Rename the files and generate a .pkcs12 file that Jenkins can use:
openssl rsa -in -out
with the name of the certificate file.
Update the
file:Open the file in a text editor:
vi /etc/sysconfig/jenkins
.At the bottom of the file, add the following arguments:
JENKINS_ARGS="--httpsCertificate=/var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/CERTFILE.crt --httpsPrivateKeys=/var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/KEYFILE.pkcs1.key"
Replace the following:
with the filename of the certificate file using .crt format.KEYFILE
with the filename of the PKCS key.
Restart your Jenkins server.
Verify that you have port 8443 open on your firewall and access Jenkins on port 8443.
Install a Jenkins plugin that you require to integrate Keycloak with Jenkins. You can choose one of the following:
To install the plugin, do the following:
- In the Jenkins dashboard, go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins.
Select Available and search for the plugin of your choice. The following screenshot shows the Plugin Manager with the Available tab selected.
Install the plugin.
Configure Keycloak
In this tutorial, Keycloak manages the users, groups, and roles. Keycloak uses realms to manage users.
On the VM that is running outside Google Cloud, install the Keycloak server. For this tutorial, we recommend installing Keycloak from a Docker container.
Open the Keycloak Admin Console.
Go to Realm settings.
In the General tab, verify that the fields are set as follows:
- Enabled: ON
- User-Managed Access: OFF
- Endpoints: OpenID Endpoint Configuration and SAML 2.0 Identity Provider Metadata
The following screenshot shows the fields that you must configure.
Create a client so that you have an entity that can request Keycloak to authenticate a user. Often, clients are applications and services that use Keycloak to provide a single sign-on (SSO) solution.
- In the Keycloak Admin console, click Clients > Create.
Enter the following:
- Client ID: jenkins
- Client Protocol: openid-connect
- Root URL: http://JENKINS_IP_ADDRESS:8080, where JENKINS_IP_ADDRESS is the IP address of your Jenkins server.
The following screenshot shows the fields that you must configure.
Click Save.
On the Installation tab, verify that the token format is Keycloak OIDC JSON. Make a copy of this token as you will need it to complete your Jenkins setup.
To create a test group, do the following:
- In the Keycloak Admin Console, click Groups > New.
- Enter a name for your group and click Save.
- Create one more test group. You can assign roles to your groups, but this tutorial does not require them.
To create a test user to add to the group, do the following:
- In the Keycloak Admin Console, click Manage user > Add users.
Fill in the user information and click Save.
The following screenshot shows example information for a user account.
Click the Credentials tab and verify that Temporary is set to Off.
Reset the password.
You will use this account later in the JWT for authentication.
The following screenshot shows the Credentials tab with the fields that you must configure.
Click the Groups tab and select one of the groups that you created previously.
Click Join.
Repeat this step to create more test users.
Configure Jenkins for OpenID Connect configuration
This section describes how to configure the OpenID Connect plugin for Jenkins.
- On your Jenkins server, go to Manage Jenkins > Configure Global Security.
Under Security Realm, select Keycloak Authentication Plugin. Click Save.
Click Configure system.
Under Global Keycloak settings, copy your Keycloak installation JSON that you created in Configure Keycloak. If you need to get the JSON data again, complete the following:
In the Keycloak Admin Console, go to Clients.
Click the name of your client.
In the Installation tab, click Format Option and select Keycloak OIDC JSON.
The following is an example of Keycloak JSON:
{ "realm":"master" "auth-server-url":"AUTHSERVERURL" "ssl-required":"none" "resource":"jenkins" "public-client":true "confidential-port":0 }
The AUTHSERVERURL is the URL for your authentication server.
To save the OIDC configuration, click Save.
Jenkins can now redirect to Keycloak to get user information.
Install Cloud Client Libraries
To send a JWT from Keycloak to Google Cloud, you must install the Cloud Client Libraries on the Jenkins server. This tutorial uses Python to interact with Google Cloud using the SDK.
On the Jenkins server, install Python. The following steps show how to install python3:
sudo apt update sudo apt install software-properties-common sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa sudo apt update sudo apt install python3.8
Install pip3 so that you can download and import Cloud Client Libraries:
pip3 –version sudo apt update sudo apt install python3-pip pip3 –version
Install the Cloud Client Libraries for Python using pip3:
pip3 install –upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib
For example:
pip3 install --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib Collecting google-api-python-client Downloading google_api_python_client-2.42.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (8.3 MB) USERNAME | 8.3 MB 19.9 MB/s Collecting google-auth-httplib2 Downloading google_auth_httplib2-0.1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (9.3 MB) Collecting google-auth-oauthlib Downloading google_auth_oauthlib-0.5.1-py2.py3-non-any.whl (19 KB)
Replace USERNAME with your username.
Install the Google Cloud CLI on your Jenkins server. For instructions, see Quickstart: Install the gcloud CLI.
Configure your Google Cloud environment
This section describes the steps that you must complete to ensure that your Google Cloud environment that hosts your serverless container can connect with Jenkins and Keycloak.
In Google Cloud, create a service account so that the microservice on Cloud Run can access the permissions that are attached to it. For example, to create a service account using gcloud CLI, you do the following:
gcloud iam service-accounts create cloudrun-oidc \ –-description="cloud run oidc sa" \ –-display-name="cloudrun-oidc"
By default, Cloud Run creates a default service account for you. However, using the default service account is not a security best practice because the account has a broad set of permissions. Therefore, we recommend creating a separate service account for your microservice. For instructions on creating a service account for Cloud Run, see Creating and managing service accounts.
Create a workload identity pool. To create a pool using gcloud CLI, run the following:
gcloud iam workload-identity-pools create cloudrun-oidc-pool \ --location="global" \ —-description="cloudrun-oidc" \ —-display-name="cloudrun-oidc"
Create a workload identity pool provider for OpenID Connect:
gcloud iam workload-identity-pools providers create-oidc cloud-run-provider \ --workload-identity-pool="cloudrun-oidc-pool" \ --issuer-uri="VAR_LINK_TO_ENDPOINT" \ --location="global" \ --attribute-mapping ="google.subject=assertion.sub,attribute.isadmin-assertion.isadmin,attribute.aud=assertion.aud" \ --attribute-condition="attribute.isadmin=='true'"
with a variable that contains the link to the Keycloak OIDC endpoint. To find this link, in the KeyCloud Admin Console, in the Realm window, click the General tab. The endpoint must be HTTPS, which means that you must configure your Keycloak server with HTTPS.
Get the JWT for the authenticated user from Keycloak
On your VM that runs Keycloak, download the token to a text file. For example, on Linux, run the following:
curl -L -X POST 'https://IP_FOR_KEYCLOAK:8080/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ --data-urlencode 'client_id=jenks' \ --data-urlencode 'grant_type=password' \ --data-urlencode 'client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET \ --data-urlencode 'scope=openid' \ --data-urlencode 'username=USERNAME' \ --data-urlencode 'password=PASSWORD' | grep access_token | cut -c18-1490 > token.txt
Replace the following:
with the Keycloak server IP address.CLIENT_SECRET
with the Keycloak client secret.USERNAME
with a Keycloak user.PASSWORD
with the password for the Keycloak user.
This command includes the client ID, client secret, username, and password. As a security best practice, we recommend using environmental variables to mask these values instead of using the command line. The example command redirects the credentials to a file named
.Optionally, to automate this step, you can create a bash script.
Validate your token at
On the VM, create your credentials file:
gcloud iam workload-identity-pools create-cred-config \ projects/$PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/cloudrun-oidc-pool/providers/cloud-run/provider \ --output-file=sts-creds.json \ --credential-source-file=token.txt
For more information, see gcloud iam workload-identity-pools create-cred-config.
Your output file should look like the following:
{ "type": "external_account", "audience": "//", "subject_token_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt", "token_url": "", "credential_source": { "file" "token.txt" } }
is your project number.On the VM, set the
file as a variable for ADC:export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/Users/USERNAME/sts-creds.json
Replace USERNAME with your UNIX username.
Before Workload Identity Federation was launched, this value was the service account key. With Workload Identity Federation, this value is the newly created credentials file.
Create a role binding for the user to impersonate the service account:
gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding SERVICE_ACCOUNT \ --role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \ --member "principal://$PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/cloudrun-oidc-pool/subject/USER_EMAIL
Replace the following:
with the email address of the service account that you created in Configure your Google Cloud environment. For more information, see gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding.USER_EMAIL
with your email address.
Allow the service account to access the Cloud Run service:
gcloud run services add-iam-policy-binding SERVICE_NAME --member-"serviceAccount:SERVICE_ACCOUNT" \ --role="roles/run.invoker"
Replace the following:
with the name of the microservice running on Cloud Run.SERVICE_ACCOUNT
with the email address of the service account for Cloud Run.
For more information, see gcloud run services add-iam-policy-binding.
Generate an ID token:
#!/usr/bin/python from google.auth import credentials from import iam_credentials_v1 import google.auth import google.oauth2.credentials from google.auth.transport.requests import AuthorizedSession, Request url = "https://WORKLOAD_FQDN" aud = "https://WORKLOAD_FQDN" service_account = 'SERVICE_ACCOUNT' client = iam_credentials_v1.IAMCredentialsClient() name = "projects/-/serviceAccounts/{}".format(service_account) id_token = client.generate_id_token(name=name,audience=aud, include_email=True) print(id_token.token) creds = google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials(id_token.token) authed_session = AuthorizedSession(creds) r = authed_session.get(url) print(r.status_code) print(r.text)
Replace the following:
with the FQDN for your workload.SERVICE_ACCOUNT
with the email address of the service account for Cloud Run.
The token that you use can call the Identity and Access Management API, which will give you the new JWT that you need to invoke your Cloud Run service.
You can use your token within a Jenkins pipeline to invoke the serverless container that you are running in Cloud Run. However, these steps are out of the scope of this tutorial.
Clean up
To avoid incurring charges to your Google Cloud account for the resources used in this tutorial, you can delete your project.
Delete the project
- In the Google Cloud console, go to the Manage resources page.
- In the project list, select the project that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
- In the dialog, type the project ID, and then click Shut down to delete the project.
What's next
- Read more about Workload Identity Federation.
- For more reference architectures, diagrams, and best practices, explore the Cloud Architecture Center.