Data Catalog pricing examples

This page provides examples of Data Catalog pricing.

Data Catalog pricing considerations

Metadata storage charges for a tag are billed to the project where the tag template was created.

API charges are billed to different projects depending on specific calls:

  • Read methods (get, lookup, list, and search) are billed to the project of the account that authorized the API calls.
  • Write methods (create, update, delete, and rename) for all stored entities, except tags, are billed to the project of the mutated entity.
  • Write methods for tags are billed to the project of the tag template used to create the tag.

Data Catalog pricing examples

Small tags

  • User A creates and applies small tags (1024 bytes each). For $10 per month, the user can store 5GiB of metadata, which corresponds approximately to 5M tags. Assuming one tag per table, it amounts to a total of 5M tagged tables.
  • User B creates 5M tags of 1K bytes each on the 10th of the month, and deletes the tags on 20th. The cost is $3.33, calculated as 5GiB of data divided by one-third month:

      5GiB * $2    // 5M tags using 1K bytes memory each amounts to 5GiB of metadata
    * 1/3            // The tags were stored for 10 days (between the 10th and 20th day of the month), so the cost is divided by one-third.
    = $3.33

Large tags

  • User C creates and applies large tags (10K bytes each). For $10 per month, the user can store 5GiB of metadata, which corresponds to approximately 500K tags. Assuming one tag per table, it amounts to a total of 500K tagged tables.

  • User D creates 10 templates (for example ETL, Data Governance, Data Quality), and applies large tags (10K bytes each) using each of the 10 templates. For $10 per month, the user can store 5GiB of metadata, which corresponds approximately to 500K tags. Assuming 10 tags per table, it amounts to a total of 50K tagged tables.

Estimate data lineage pricing

Data lineage pricing example

User E enables data lineage to track lineage for BigQuery in their project. The project is in the us-central1 location. During 1 month, data lineage consumes 100 DCU-hours of Dataplex Premium processing, and generates 1GiB of data lineage metadata. The cost is:

    100 * $0.089           // 100 DCU-hours of Dataplex Premium processing billed at $0.089 per DCU-hr
  + (1GiB - 1MiB) * $2   // cost of storing 1GiB data lineage metadata excluding 1MiB of free storage per month
  = $10.9