Class SecurityCenterClient (2.30.0)

V1 APIs for Security Center service.


Instances of this class created via copy-construction or copy-assignment always compare equal. Instances created with equal std::shared_ptr<*Connection> objects compare equal. Objects that compare equal share the same underlying resources.


Creating a new instance of this class is a relatively expensive operation, new objects establish new connections to the service. In contrast, copy-construction, move-construction, and the corresponding assignment operations are relatively efficient as the copies share all underlying resources.

Thread Safety

Concurrent access to different instances of this class, even if they compare equal, is guaranteed to work. Two or more threads operating on the same instance of this class is not guaranteed to work. Since copy-construction and move-construction is a relatively efficient operation, consider using such a copy when using this class from multiple threads.


SecurityCenterClient(SecurityCenterClient const &)

Copy and move support

Name Description
SecurityCenterClient const &

SecurityCenterClient(SecurityCenterClient &&)

Copy and move support

Name Description
SecurityCenterClient &&

SecurityCenterClient(std::shared_ptr< SecurityCenterConnection >, Options)

Name Description
connection std::shared_ptr< SecurityCenterConnection >
opts Options


operator=(SecurityCenterClient const &)

Copy and move support

Name Description
SecurityCenterClient const &
Type Description
SecurityCenterClient &

operator=(SecurityCenterClient &&)

Copy and move support

Name Description
SecurityCenterClient &&
Type Description
SecurityCenterClient &


BulkMuteFindings(std::string const &, Options)

Kicks off an LRO to bulk mute findings for a parent based on a filter.

The parent can be either an organization, folder or project. The findings matched by the filter will be muted after the LRO is done.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. The parent, at which bulk action needs to be applied. Its format is organizations/[organization_id], folders/[folder_id], projects/[project_id].

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::BulkMuteFindingsResponse > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

BulkMuteFindings(NoAwaitTag, std::string const &, Options)

Kicks off an LRO to bulk mute findings for a parent based on a filter.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::longrunning::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
parent std::string const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::longrunning::Operation >

BulkMuteFindings(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::BulkMuteFindingsRequest const &, Options)

Kicks off an LRO to bulk mute findings for a parent based on a filter.

The parent can be either an organization, folder or project. The findings matched by the filter will be muted after the LRO is done.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::BulkMuteFindingsRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::BulkMuteFindingsResponse > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

BulkMuteFindings(NoAwaitTag, google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::BulkMuteFindingsRequest const &, Options)

Kicks off an LRO to bulk mute findings for a parent based on a filter.

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::longrunning::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::BulkMuteFindingsRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::longrunning::Operation >

BulkMuteFindings(google::longrunning::Operation const &, Options)

Kicks off an LRO to bulk mute findings for a parent based on a filter.

This method accepts a google::longrunning::Operation that corresponds to a previously started Long Running Operation (LRO) and polls the status of the LRO in the background.

Name Description
operation google::longrunning::Operation const &
opts Options
Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::BulkMuteFindingsResponse > >

CreateSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule(std::string const &, google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule const &, Options)

Creates a resident SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule at the scope of the given CRM parent, and also creates inherited SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModules for all CRM descendants of the given parent.

These modules are enabled by default.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. Resource name of the new custom module's parent. Its format is organizations/{organization}/securityHealthAnalyticsSettings, folders/{folder}/securityHealthAnalyticsSettings, or projects/{project}/securityHealthAnalyticsSettings

security_health_analytics_custom_module google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule const &

Required. SecurityHealthAnalytics custom module to create. The provided name is ignored and reset with provided parent information and server-generated ID.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

CreateSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::CreateSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModuleRequest const &, Options)

Creates a resident SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule at the scope of the given CRM parent, and also creates inherited SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModules for all CRM descendants of the given parent.

These modules are enabled by default.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::CreateSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModuleRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

CreateSource(std::string const &, google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Source const &, Options)

Creates a source.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. Resource name of the new source's parent. Its format should be organizations/[organization_id].

source google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Source const &

Required. The Source being created, only the display_name and description will be used. All other fields will be ignored.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Source >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

CreateSource(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::CreateSourceRequest const &, Options)

Creates a source.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::CreateSourceRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Source >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

CreateFinding(std::string const &, std::string const &, google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Finding const &, Options)

Creates a finding.

The corresponding source must exist for finding creation to succeed.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. Resource name of the new finding's parent. Its format should be organizations/[organization_id]/sources/[source_id].

finding_id std::string const &

Required. Unique identifier provided by the client within the parent scope. It must be alphanumeric and less than or equal to 32 characters and greater than 0 characters in length.

finding google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Finding const &

Required. The Finding being created. The name and security_marks will be ignored as they are both output only fields on this resource.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Finding >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

CreateFinding(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::CreateFindingRequest const &, Options)

Creates a finding.

The corresponding source must exist for finding creation to succeed.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::CreateFindingRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Finding >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

CreateMuteConfig(std::string const &, google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::MuteConfig const &, Options)

Creates a mute config.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. Resource name of the new mute configs's parent. Its format is organizations/[organization_id], folders/[folder_id], or projects/[project_id].

mute_config google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::MuteConfig const &

Required. The mute config being created.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::MuteConfig >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

CreateMuteConfig(std::string const &, google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::MuteConfig const &, std::string const &, Options)

Creates a mute config.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. Resource name of the new mute configs's parent. Its format is organizations/[organization_id], folders/[folder_id], or projects/[project_id].

mute_config google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::MuteConfig const &

Required. The mute config being created.

mute_config_id std::string const &

Required. Unique identifier provided by the client within the parent scope. It must consist of only lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens, must start with a letter, must end with either a letter or a number, and must be 63 characters or less.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::MuteConfig >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

CreateMuteConfig(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::CreateMuteConfigRequest const &, Options)

Creates a mute config.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::CreateMuteConfigRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::MuteConfig >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

CreateNotificationConfig(std::string const &, std::string const &, google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::NotificationConfig const &, Options)

Creates a notification config.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. Resource name of the new notification config's parent. Its format is organizations/[organization_id], folders/[folder_id], or projects/[project_id].

config_id std::string const &

Required. Unique identifier provided by the client within the parent scope. It must be between 1 and 128 characters and contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, or hyphens only.

notification_config google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::NotificationConfig const &

Required. The notification config being created. The name and the service account will be ignored as they are both output only fields on this resource.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::NotificationConfig >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

CreateNotificationConfig(std::string const &, google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::NotificationConfig const &, Options)

Creates a notification config.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. Resource name of the new notification config's parent. Its format is organizations/[organization_id], folders/[folder_id], or projects/[project_id].

notification_config google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::NotificationConfig const &

Required. The notification config being created. The name and the service account will be ignored as they are both output only fields on this resource.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::NotificationConfig >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

CreateNotificationConfig(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::CreateNotificationConfigRequest const &, Options)

Creates a notification config.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::CreateNotificationConfigRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::NotificationConfig >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

DeleteMuteConfig(std::string const &, Options)

Deletes an existing mute config.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. Name of the mute config to delete. Its format is organizations/{organization}/muteConfigs/{config_id}, folders/{folder}/muteConfigs/{config_id}, projects/{project}/muteConfigs/{config_id}, organizations/{organization}/locations/global/muteConfigs/{config_id}, folders/{folder}/locations/global/muteConfigs/{config_id}, or projects/{project}/locations/global/muteConfigs/{config_id}.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description

a Status object. If the request failed, the status contains the details of the failure.

DeleteMuteConfig(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::DeleteMuteConfigRequest const &, Options)

Deletes an existing mute config.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::DeleteMuteConfigRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description

a Status object. If the request failed, the status contains the details of the failure.

DeleteNotificationConfig(std::string const &, Options)

Deletes a notification config.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. Name of the notification config to delete. Its format is organizations/[organization_id]/notificationConfigs/[config_id], folders/[folder_id]/notificationConfigs/[config_id], or projects/[project_id]/notificationConfigs/[config_id].

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description

a Status object. If the request failed, the status contains the details of the failure.

DeleteNotificationConfig(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::DeleteNotificationConfigRequest const &, Options)

Deletes a notification config.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::DeleteNotificationConfigRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description

a Status object. If the request failed, the status contains the details of the failure.

DeleteSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule(std::string const &, Options)

Deletes the specified SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule and all of its descendants in the CRM hierarchy.

This method is only supported for resident custom modules.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. Name of the custom module to delete. Its format is organizations/{organization}/securityHealthAnalyticsSettings/customModules/{customModule}, folders/{folder}/securityHealthAnalyticsSettings/customModules/{customModule}, or projects/{project}/securityHealthAnalyticsSettings/customModules/{customModule}

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description

a Status object. If the request failed, the status contains the details of the failure.

DeleteSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::DeleteSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModuleRequest const &, Options)

Deletes the specified SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule and all of its descendants in the CRM hierarchy.

This method is only supported for resident custom modules.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::DeleteSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModuleRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description

a Status object. If the request failed, the status contains the details of the failure.

GetSimulation(std::string const &, Options)

Get the simulation by name or the latest simulation for the given organization.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. The organization name or simulation name of this simulation
Valid format: organizations/{organization}/simulations/latest``organizations/{organization}/simulations/{simulation}

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Simulation >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetSimulation(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GetSimulationRequest const &, Options)

Get the simulation by name or the latest simulation for the given organization.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GetSimulationRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Simulation >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetValuedResource(std::string const &, Options)

Get the valued resource by name.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. The name of this valued resource
Valid format: organizations/{organization}/simulations/{simulation}/valuedResources/{valued_resource}

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ValuedResource >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetValuedResource(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GetValuedResourceRequest const &, Options)

Get the valued resource by name.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GetValuedResourceRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ValuedResource >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetBigQueryExport(std::string const &, Options)

Gets a BigQuery export.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. Name of the BigQuery export to retrieve. Its format is organizations/{organization}/bigQueryExports/{export_id}, folders/{folder}/bigQueryExports/{export_id}, or projects/{project}/bigQueryExports/{export_id}

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::BigQueryExport >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetBigQueryExport(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GetBigQueryExportRequest const &, Options)

Gets a BigQuery export.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GetBigQueryExportRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::BigQueryExport >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetIamPolicy(std::string const &, Options)

Gets the access control policy on the specified Source.

Name Description
resource std::string const &

REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being requested. See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::iam::v1::Policy >

the result of the RPC. The response message type (google.iam.v1.Policy) is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetIamPolicy(google::iam::v1::GetIamPolicyRequest const &, Options)

Gets the access control policy on the specified Source.

Name Description
request google::iam::v1::GetIamPolicyRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a google.iam.v1.GetIamPolicyRequest. Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::iam::v1::Policy >

the result of the RPC. The response message type (google.iam.v1.Policy) is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetMuteConfig(std::string const &, Options)

Gets a mute config.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. Name of the mute config to retrieve. Its format is organizations/{organization}/muteConfigs/{config_id}, folders/{folder}/muteConfigs/{config_id}, projects/{project}/muteConfigs/{config_id}, organizations/{organization}/locations/global/muteConfigs/{config_id}, folders/{folder}/locations/global/muteConfigs/{config_id}, or projects/{project}/locations/global/muteConfigs/{config_id}.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::MuteConfig >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetMuteConfig(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GetMuteConfigRequest const &, Options)

Gets a mute config.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GetMuteConfigRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::MuteConfig >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetNotificationConfig(std::string const &, Options)

Gets a notification config.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. Name of the notification config to get. Its format is organizations/[organization_id]/notificationConfigs/[config_id], folders/[folder_id]/notificationConfigs/[config_id], or projects/[project_id]/notificationConfigs/[config_id].

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::NotificationConfig >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetNotificationConfig(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GetNotificationConfigRequest const &, Options)

Gets a notification config.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GetNotificationConfigRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::NotificationConfig >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetOrganizationSettings(std::string const &, Options)

Gets the settings for an organization.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. Name of the organization to get organization settings for. Its format is organizations/[organization_id]/organizationSettings.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::OrganizationSettings >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetOrganizationSettings(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GetOrganizationSettingsRequest const &, Options)

Gets the settings for an organization.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GetOrganizationSettingsRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::OrganizationSettings >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetEffectiveSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule(std::string const &, Options)

Retrieves an EffectiveSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. Name of the effective custom module to get. Its format is organizations/{organization}/securityHealthAnalyticsSettings/effectiveCustomModules/{customModule}, folders/{folder}/securityHealthAnalyticsSettings/effectiveCustomModules/{customModule}, or projects/{project}/securityHealthAnalyticsSettings/effectiveCustomModules/{customModule}

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::EffectiveSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetEffectiveSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GetEffectiveSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModuleRequest const &, Options)

Retrieves an EffectiveSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GetEffectiveSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModuleRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::EffectiveSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule(std::string const &, Options)

Retrieves a SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. Name of the custom module to get. Its format is organizations/{organization}/securityHealthAnalyticsSettings/customModules/{customModule}, folders/{folder}/securityHealthAnalyticsSettings/customModules/{customModule}, or projects/{project}/securityHealthAnalyticsSettings/customModules/{customModule}

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GetSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModuleRequest const &, Options)

Retrieves a SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GetSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModuleRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetSource(std::string const &, Options)

Gets a source.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. Relative resource name of the source. Its format is organizations/[organization_id]/source/[source_id].

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Source >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetSource(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GetSourceRequest const &, Options)

Gets a source.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GetSourceRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Source >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GroupAssets(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GroupAssetsRequest, Options)

Filters an organization's assets and groups them by their specified properties.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GroupAssetsRequest

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GroupResult >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

GroupFindings(std::string const &, std::string const &, Options)

Filters an organization or source's findings and groups them by their specified properties.

To group across all sources provide a - as the source id. Example: /v1/organizations/{organization_id}/sources/-/findings, /v1/folders/{folder_id}/sources/-/findings, /v1/projects/{project_id}/sources/-/findings

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. Name of the source to groupBy. Its format is organizations/[organization_id]/sources/[source_id], folders/[folder_id]/sources/[source_id], or projects/[project_id]/sources/[source_id]. To groupBy across all sources provide a source_id of -. For example: organizations/{organization_id}/sources/-, folders/{folder_id}/sources/-, or projects/{project_id}/sources/-

group_by std::string const &

Required. Expression that defines what assets fields to use for grouping (including state_change). The string value should follow SQL syntax: comma separated list of fields. For example: "parent,resource_name".
The following fields are supported when compare_duration is set:

  • state_change
opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GroupResult >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

GroupFindings(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GroupFindingsRequest, Options)

Filters an organization or source's findings and groups them by their specified properties.

To group across all sources provide a - as the source id. Example: /v1/organizations/{organization_id}/sources/-/findings, /v1/folders/{folder_id}/sources/-/findings, /v1/projects/{project_id}/sources/-/findings

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GroupFindingsRequest

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GroupResult >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListAssets(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListAssetsRequest, Options)

Lists an organization's assets.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListAssetsRequest

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListAssetsResponse::ListAssetsResult >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListDescendantSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModules(std::string const &, Options)

Returns a list of all resident SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModules under the given CRM parent and all of the parent’s CRM descendants.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. Name of parent to list descendant custom modules. Its format is organizations/{organization}/securityHealthAnalyticsSettings, folders/{folder}/securityHealthAnalyticsSettings, or projects/{project}/securityHealthAnalyticsSettings

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListDescendantSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModules(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListDescendantSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModulesRequest, Options)

Returns a list of all resident SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModules under the given CRM parent and all of the parent’s CRM descendants.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListDescendantSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModulesRequest

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListFindings(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListFindingsRequest, Options)

Lists an organization or source's findings.

To list across all sources provide a - as the source id. Example: /v1/organizations/{organization_id}/sources/-/findings

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListFindingsRequest

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListFindingsResponse::ListFindingsResult >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListMuteConfigs(std::string const &, Options)

Lists mute configs.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. The parent, which owns the collection of mute configs. Its format is organizations/[organization_id], folders/[folder_id], projects/[project_id].

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::MuteConfig >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListMuteConfigs(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListMuteConfigsRequest, Options)

Lists mute configs.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListMuteConfigsRequest

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::MuteConfig >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListNotificationConfigs(std::string const &, Options)

Lists notification configs.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. The name of the parent in which to list the notification configurations. Its format is "organizations/[organization_id]", "folders/[folder_id]", or "projects/[project_id]".

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::NotificationConfig >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListNotificationConfigs(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListNotificationConfigsRequest, Options)

Lists notification configs.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListNotificationConfigsRequest

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::NotificationConfig >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListEffectiveSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModules(std::string const &, Options)

Returns a list of all EffectiveSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModules for the given parent.

This includes resident modules defined at the scope of the parent, and inherited modules, inherited from CRM ancestors.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. Name of parent to list effective custom modules. Its format is organizations/{organization}/securityHealthAnalyticsSettings, folders/{folder}/securityHealthAnalyticsSettings, or projects/{project}/securityHealthAnalyticsSettings

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::EffectiveSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListEffectiveSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModules(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListEffectiveSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModulesRequest, Options)

Returns a list of all EffectiveSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModules for the given parent.

This includes resident modules defined at the scope of the parent, and inherited modules, inherited from CRM ancestors.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListEffectiveSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModulesRequest

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::EffectiveSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModules(std::string const &, Options)

Returns a list of all SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModules for the given parent.

This includes resident modules defined at the scope of the parent, and inherited modules, inherited from CRM ancestors.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. Name of parent to list custom modules. Its format is organizations/{organization}/securityHealthAnalyticsSettings, folders/{folder}/securityHealthAnalyticsSettings, or projects/{project}/securityHealthAnalyticsSettings

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModules(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModulesRequest, Options)

Returns a list of all SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModules for the given parent.

This includes resident modules defined at the scope of the parent, and inherited modules, inherited from CRM ancestors.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModulesRequest

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListSources(std::string const &, Options)

Lists all sources belonging to an organization.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. Resource name of the parent of sources to list. Its format should be organizations/[organization_id], folders/[folder_id], or projects/[project_id].

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Source >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListSources(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListSourcesRequest, Options)

Lists all sources belonging to an organization.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListSourcesRequest

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Source >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

RunAssetDiscovery(std::string const &, Options)

Runs asset discovery. The discovery is tracked with a long-running operation.

This API can only be called with limited frequency for an organization. If it is called too frequently the caller will receive a TOO_MANY_REQUESTS error.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. Name of the organization to run asset discovery for. Its format is organizations/[organization_id].

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::RunAssetDiscoveryResponse > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

RunAssetDiscovery(NoAwaitTag, std::string const &, Options)

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::longrunning::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
parent std::string const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::longrunning::Operation >

RunAssetDiscovery(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::RunAssetDiscoveryRequest const &, Options)

Runs asset discovery. The discovery is tracked with a long-running operation.

This API can only be called with limited frequency for an organization. If it is called too frequently the caller will receive a TOO_MANY_REQUESTS error.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::RunAssetDiscoveryRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::RunAssetDiscoveryResponse > >

A future that becomes satisfied when the LRO (Long Running Operation) completes or the polling policy in effect for this call is exhausted. The future is satisfied with an error if the LRO completes with an error or the polling policy is exhausted. In this case the StatusOr returned by the future contains the error. If the LRO completes successfully the value of the future contains the LRO's result. For this RPC the result is a proto message. The C++ class representing this message is created by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

RunAssetDiscovery(NoAwaitTag, google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::RunAssetDiscoveryRequest const &, Options)

Specifying the NoAwaitTag immediately returns the [google::longrunning::Operation] that corresponds to the Long Running Operation that has been started. No polling for operation status occurs.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::RunAssetDiscoveryRequest const &
opts Options
Type Description
StatusOr< google::longrunning::Operation >

RunAssetDiscovery(google::longrunning::Operation const &, Options)

This method accepts a google::longrunning::Operation that corresponds to a previously started Long Running Operation (LRO) and polls the status of the LRO in the background.

Name Description
operation google::longrunning::Operation const &
opts Options
Type Description
future< StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::RunAssetDiscoveryResponse > >

SetFindingState(std::string const &, google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Finding::State, google::protobuf::Timestamp const &, Options)

Updates the state of a finding.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. The relative resource name of the finding. Example: organizations/{organization_id}/sources/{source_id}/findings/{finding_id}, folders/{folder_id}/sources/{source_id}/findings/{finding_id}, projects/{project_id}/sources/{source_id}/findings/{finding_id}.

state google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Finding::State

Required. The desired State of the finding.

start_time google::protobuf::Timestamp const &

Required. The time at which the updated state takes effect.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Finding >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

SetFindingState(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SetFindingStateRequest const &, Options)

Updates the state of a finding.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SetFindingStateRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Finding >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

SetMute(std::string const &, google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Finding::Mute, Options)

Updates the mute state of a finding.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. The relative resource name of the finding. Example: organizations/{organization_id}/sources/{source_id}/findings/{finding_id}, folders/{folder_id}/sources/{source_id}/findings/{finding_id}, projects/{project_id}/sources/{source_id}/findings/{finding_id}.

mute google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Finding::Mute

Required. The desired state of the Mute.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Finding >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

SetMute(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SetMuteRequest const &, Options)

Updates the mute state of a finding.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SetMuteRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Finding >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

SetIamPolicy(std::string const &, google::iam::v1::Policy const &, Options)

Sets the access control policy on the specified Source.

Name Description
resource std::string const &

REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being specified. See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.

policy google::iam::v1::Policy const &

REQUIRED: The complete policy to be applied to the resource. The size of the policy is limited to a few 10s of KB. An empty policy is a valid policy but certain Cloud Platform services (such as Projects) might reject them.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::iam::v1::Policy >

the result of the RPC. The response message type (google.iam.v1.Policy) is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

SetIamPolicy(std::string const &, IamUpdater const &, Options)

Updates the IAM policy for resource using an optimistic concurrency control loop.

The loop fetches the current policy for resource, and passes it to updater, which should return the new policy. This new policy should use the current etag so that the read-modify-write cycle can detect races and rerun the update when there is a mismatch. If the new policy does not have an etag, the existing policy will be blindly overwritten. If updater does not yield a policy, the control loop is terminated and kCancelled is returned.

Name Description
resource std::string const &

Required. The resource for which the policy is being specified. See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.

updater IamUpdater const &

Required. Functor to map the current policy to a new one.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::iam::v1::Policy >


SetIamPolicy(google::iam::v1::SetIamPolicyRequest const &, Options)

Sets the access control policy on the specified Source.

Name Description
request google::iam::v1::SetIamPolicyRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a google.iam.v1.SetIamPolicyRequest. Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::iam::v1::Policy >

the result of the RPC. The response message type (google.iam.v1.Policy) is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

TestIamPermissions(std::string const &, std::vector< std::string > const &, Options)

Returns the permissions that a caller has on the specified source.

Name Description
resource std::string const &

REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is being requested. See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for this field.

permissions std::vector< std::string > const &

The set of permissions to check for the resource. Permissions with wildcards (such as '' or 'storage.') are not allowed. For more information see IAM Overview.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::iam::v1::TestIamPermissionsResponse >

the result of the RPC. The response message type (google.iam.v1.TestIamPermissionsResponse) is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

TestIamPermissions(google::iam::v1::TestIamPermissionsRequest const &, Options)

Returns the permissions that a caller has on the specified source.

Name Description
request google::iam::v1::TestIamPermissionsRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a google.iam.v1.TestIamPermissionsRequest. Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::iam::v1::TestIamPermissionsResponse >

the result of the RPC. The response message type (google.iam.v1.TestIamPermissionsResponse) is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

SimulateSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule(std::string const &, google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::CustomConfig const &, google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SimulateSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModuleRequest::SimulatedResource const &, Options)

Simulates a given SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule and Resource.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. The relative resource name of the organization, project, or folder. For more information about relative resource names, see Relative Resource Name Example: organizations/{organization_id}

custom_config google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::CustomConfig const &

Required. The custom configuration that you need to test.

resource google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SimulateSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModuleRequest::SimulatedResource const &

Required. Resource data to simulate custom module against.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SimulateSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModuleResponse >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

SimulateSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SimulateSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModuleRequest const &, Options)

Simulates a given SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule and Resource.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SimulateSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModuleRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SimulateSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModuleResponse >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

UpdateExternalSystem(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ExternalSystem const &, google::protobuf::FieldMask const &, Options)

Updates external system.

This is for a given finding.

Name Description
external_system google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ExternalSystem const &

Required. The external system resource to update.

update_mask google::protobuf::FieldMask const &

The FieldMask to use when updating the external system resource.
If empty all mutable fields will be updated.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ExternalSystem >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

UpdateExternalSystem(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::UpdateExternalSystemRequest const &, Options)

Updates external system.

This is for a given finding.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::UpdateExternalSystemRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ExternalSystem >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

UpdateFinding(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Finding const &, Options)

Creates or updates a finding.

The corresponding source must exist for a finding creation to succeed.

Name Description
finding google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Finding const &

Required. The finding resource to update or create if it does not already exist. parent, security_marks, and update_time will be ignored.
In the case of creation, the finding id portion of the name must be alphanumeric and less than or equal to 32 characters and greater than 0 characters in length.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Finding >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

UpdateFinding(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::UpdateFindingRequest const &, Options)

Creates or updates a finding.

The corresponding source must exist for a finding creation to succeed.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::UpdateFindingRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Finding >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

UpdateMuteConfig(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::MuteConfig const &, google::protobuf::FieldMask const &, Options)

Updates a mute config.

Name Description
mute_config google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::MuteConfig const &

Required. The mute config being updated.

update_mask google::protobuf::FieldMask const &

The list of fields to be updated. If empty all mutable fields will be updated.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::MuteConfig >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

UpdateMuteConfig(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::UpdateMuteConfigRequest const &, Options)

Updates a mute config.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::UpdateMuteConfigRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::MuteConfig >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

UpdateNotificationConfig(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::NotificationConfig const &, Options)

Updates a notification config.

The following update fields are allowed: description, pubsub_topic, streaming_config.filter

Name Description
notification_config google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::NotificationConfig const &

Required. The notification config to update.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::NotificationConfig >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

UpdateNotificationConfig(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::NotificationConfig const &, google::protobuf::FieldMask const &, Options)

Updates a notification config.

The following update fields are allowed: description, pubsub_topic, streaming_config.filter

Name Description
notification_config google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::NotificationConfig const &

Required. The notification config to update.

update_mask google::protobuf::FieldMask const &

The FieldMask to use when updating the notification config.
If empty all mutable fields will be updated.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::NotificationConfig >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

UpdateNotificationConfig(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::UpdateNotificationConfigRequest const &, Options)

Updates a notification config.

The following update fields are allowed: description, pubsub_topic, streaming_config.filter

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::UpdateNotificationConfigRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::NotificationConfig >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

UpdateOrganizationSettings(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::OrganizationSettings const &, Options)

Updates an organization's settings.

Name Description
organization_settings google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::OrganizationSettings const &

Required. The organization settings resource to update.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::OrganizationSettings >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

UpdateOrganizationSettings(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::UpdateOrganizationSettingsRequest const &, Options)

Updates an organization's settings.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::UpdateOrganizationSettingsRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::OrganizationSettings >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

UpdateSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule const &, google::protobuf::FieldMask const &, Options)

Updates the SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule under the given name based on the given update mask.

Updating the enablement state is supported on both resident and inherited modules (though resident modules cannot have an enablement state of "inherited"). Updating the display name and custom config of a module is supported on resident modules only.

Name Description
security_health_analytics_custom_module google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule const &

Required. The SecurityHealthAnalytics custom module to update.

update_mask google::protobuf::FieldMask const &

The list of fields to be updated. The only fields that can be updated are enablement_state and custom_config. If empty or set to the wildcard value *, both enablement_state and custom_config are updated.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

UpdateSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::UpdateSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModuleRequest const &, Options)

Updates the SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule under the given name based on the given update mask.

Updating the enablement state is supported on both resident and inherited modules (though resident modules cannot have an enablement state of "inherited"). Updating the display name and custom config of a module is supported on resident modules only.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::UpdateSecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModuleRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SecurityHealthAnalyticsCustomModule >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

UpdateSource(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Source const &, Options)

Updates a source.

Name Description
source google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Source const &

Required. The source resource to update.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Source >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

UpdateSource(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::UpdateSourceRequest const &, Options)

Updates a source.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::UpdateSourceRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::Source >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

UpdateSecurityMarks(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SecurityMarks const &, Options)

Updates security marks.

Name Description
security_marks google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SecurityMarks const &

Required. The security marks resource to update.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SecurityMarks >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

UpdateSecurityMarks(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::UpdateSecurityMarksRequest const &, Options)

Updates security marks.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::UpdateSecurityMarksRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::SecurityMarks >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

CreateBigQueryExport(std::string const &, google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::BigQueryExport const &, std::string const &, Options)

Creates a BigQuery export.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. The name of the parent resource of the new BigQuery export. Its format is organizations/[organization_id], folders/[folder_id], or projects/[project_id].

big_query_export google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::BigQueryExport const &

Required. The BigQuery export being created.

big_query_export_id std::string const &

Required. Unique identifier provided by the client within the parent scope. It must consist of only lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens, must start with a letter, must end with either a letter or a number, and must be 63 characters or less.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::BigQueryExport >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

CreateBigQueryExport(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::CreateBigQueryExportRequest const &, Options)

Creates a BigQuery export.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::CreateBigQueryExportRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::BigQueryExport >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

DeleteBigQueryExport(std::string const &, Options)

Deletes an existing BigQuery export.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. The name of the BigQuery export to delete. Its format is organizations/{organization}/bigQueryExports/{export_id}, folders/{folder}/bigQueryExports/{export_id}, or projects/{project}/bigQueryExports/{export_id}

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description

a Status object. If the request failed, the status contains the details of the failure.

DeleteBigQueryExport(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::DeleteBigQueryExportRequest const &, Options)

Deletes an existing BigQuery export.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::DeleteBigQueryExportRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description

a Status object. If the request failed, the status contains the details of the failure.

UpdateBigQueryExport(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::BigQueryExport const &, google::protobuf::FieldMask const &, Options)

Updates a BigQuery export.

Name Description
big_query_export google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::BigQueryExport const &

Required. The BigQuery export being updated.

update_mask google::protobuf::FieldMask const &

The list of fields to be updated. If empty all mutable fields will be updated.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::BigQueryExport >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

UpdateBigQueryExport(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::UpdateBigQueryExportRequest const &, Options)

Updates a BigQuery export.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::UpdateBigQueryExportRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::BigQueryExport >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

ListBigQueryExports(std::string const &, Options)

Lists BigQuery exports.

Note that when requesting BigQuery exports at a given level all exports under that level are also returned e.g. if requesting BigQuery exports under a folder, then all BigQuery exports immediately under the folder plus the ones created under the projects within the folder are returned.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. The parent, which owns the collection of BigQuery exports. Its format is organizations/[organization_id], folders/[folder_id], projects/[project_id].

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::BigQueryExport >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListBigQueryExports(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListBigQueryExportsRequest, Options)

Lists BigQuery exports.

Note that when requesting BigQuery exports at a given level all exports under that level are also returned e.g. if requesting BigQuery exports under a folder, then all BigQuery exports immediately under the folder plus the ones created under the projects within the folder are returned.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListBigQueryExportsRequest

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::BigQueryExport >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

CreateEventThreatDetectionCustomModule(std::string const &, google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::EventThreatDetectionCustomModule const &, Options)

Creates a resident Event Threat Detection custom module at the scope of the given Resource Manager parent, and also creates inherited custom modules for all descendants of the given parent.

These modules are enabled by default.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. The new custom module's parent.
Its format is:

  • organizations/{organization}/eventThreatDetectionSettings.
  • folders/{folder}/eventThreatDetectionSettings.
  • projects/{project}/eventThreatDetectionSettings.
event_threat_detection_custom_module google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::EventThreatDetectionCustomModule const &

Required. The module to create. The will be ignored and server generated.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::EventThreatDetectionCustomModule >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

CreateEventThreatDetectionCustomModule(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::CreateEventThreatDetectionCustomModuleRequest const &, Options)

Creates a resident Event Threat Detection custom module at the scope of the given Resource Manager parent, and also creates inherited custom modules for all descendants of the given parent.

These modules are enabled by default.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::CreateEventThreatDetectionCustomModuleRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::EventThreatDetectionCustomModule >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

DeleteEventThreatDetectionCustomModule(std::string const &, Options)

Deletes the specified Event Threat Detection custom module and all of its descendants in the Resource Manager hierarchy.

This method is only supported for resident custom modules.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. Name of the custom module to delete.
Its format is:

  • organizations/{organization}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{module}.
  • folders/{folder}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{module}.
  • projects/{project}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{module}.
opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description

a Status object. If the request failed, the status contains the details of the failure.

DeleteEventThreatDetectionCustomModule(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::DeleteEventThreatDetectionCustomModuleRequest const &, Options)

Deletes the specified Event Threat Detection custom module and all of its descendants in the Resource Manager hierarchy.

This method is only supported for resident custom modules.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::DeleteEventThreatDetectionCustomModuleRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description

a Status object. If the request failed, the status contains the details of the failure.

GetEventThreatDetectionCustomModule(std::string const &, Options)

Gets an Event Threat Detection custom module.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. Name of the custom module to get.
Its format is:

  • organizations/{organization}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{module}.
  • folders/{folder}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{module}.
  • projects/{project}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/customModules/{module}.
opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::EventThreatDetectionCustomModule >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetEventThreatDetectionCustomModule(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GetEventThreatDetectionCustomModuleRequest const &, Options)

Gets an Event Threat Detection custom module.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GetEventThreatDetectionCustomModuleRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::EventThreatDetectionCustomModule >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

ListDescendantEventThreatDetectionCustomModules(std::string const &, Options)

Lists all resident Event Threat Detection custom modules under the given Resource Manager parent and its descendants.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. Name of the parent to list custom modules under.
Its format is:

  • organizations/{organization}/eventThreatDetectionSettings.
  • folders/{folder}/eventThreatDetectionSettings.
  • projects/{project}/eventThreatDetectionSettings.
opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::EventThreatDetectionCustomModule >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListDescendantEventThreatDetectionCustomModules(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListDescendantEventThreatDetectionCustomModulesRequest, Options)

Lists all resident Event Threat Detection custom modules under the given Resource Manager parent and its descendants.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListDescendantEventThreatDetectionCustomModulesRequest

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::EventThreatDetectionCustomModule >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListEventThreatDetectionCustomModules(std::string const &, Options)

Lists all Event Threat Detection custom modules for the given Resource Manager parent.

This includes resident modules defined at the scope of the parent along with modules inherited from ancestors.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. Name of the parent to list custom modules under.
Its format is:

  • organizations/{organization}/eventThreatDetectionSettings.
  • folders/{folder}/eventThreatDetectionSettings.
  • projects/{project}/eventThreatDetectionSettings.
opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::EventThreatDetectionCustomModule >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListEventThreatDetectionCustomModules(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListEventThreatDetectionCustomModulesRequest, Options)

Lists all Event Threat Detection custom modules for the given Resource Manager parent.

This includes resident modules defined at the scope of the parent along with modules inherited from ancestors.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListEventThreatDetectionCustomModulesRequest

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::EventThreatDetectionCustomModule >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

UpdateEventThreatDetectionCustomModule(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::EventThreatDetectionCustomModule const &, google::protobuf::FieldMask const &, Options)

Updates the Event Threat Detection custom module with the given name based on the given update mask.

Updating the enablement state is supported for both resident and inherited modules (though resident modules cannot have an enablement state of "inherited"). Updating the display name or configuration of a module is supported for resident modules only. The type of a module cannot be changed.

Name Description
event_threat_detection_custom_module google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::EventThreatDetectionCustomModule const &

Required. The module being updated.

update_mask google::protobuf::FieldMask const &

The list of fields to be updated. If empty all mutable fields will be updated.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::EventThreatDetectionCustomModule >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

UpdateEventThreatDetectionCustomModule(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::UpdateEventThreatDetectionCustomModuleRequest const &, Options)

Updates the Event Threat Detection custom module with the given name based on the given update mask.

Updating the enablement state is supported for both resident and inherited modules (though resident modules cannot have an enablement state of "inherited"). Updating the display name or configuration of a module is supported for resident modules only. The type of a module cannot be changed.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::UpdateEventThreatDetectionCustomModuleRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::EventThreatDetectionCustomModule >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

ValidateEventThreatDetectionCustomModule(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ValidateEventThreatDetectionCustomModuleRequest const &, Options)

Validates the given Event Threat Detection custom module.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ValidateEventThreatDetectionCustomModuleRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ValidateEventThreatDetectionCustomModuleResponse >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetEffectiveEventThreatDetectionCustomModule(std::string const &, Options)

Gets an effective Event Threat Detection custom module at the given level.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. The resource name of the effective Event Threat Detection custom module.
Its format is:

  • organizations/{organization}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/effectiveCustomModules/{module}.
  • folders/{folder}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/effectiveCustomModules/{module}.
  • projects/{project}/eventThreatDetectionSettings/effectiveCustomModules/{module}.
opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::EffectiveEventThreatDetectionCustomModule >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetEffectiveEventThreatDetectionCustomModule(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GetEffectiveEventThreatDetectionCustomModuleRequest const &, Options)

Gets an effective Event Threat Detection custom module at the given level.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GetEffectiveEventThreatDetectionCustomModuleRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::EffectiveEventThreatDetectionCustomModule >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

ListEffectiveEventThreatDetectionCustomModules(std::string const &, Options)

Lists all effective Event Threat Detection custom modules for the given parent.

This includes resident modules defined at the scope of the parent along with modules inherited from its ancestors.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. Name of the parent to list custom modules for.
Its format is:

  • organizations/{organization}/eventThreatDetectionSettings.
  • folders/{folder}/eventThreatDetectionSettings.
  • projects/{project}/eventThreatDetectionSettings.
opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::EffectiveEventThreatDetectionCustomModule >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListEffectiveEventThreatDetectionCustomModules(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListEffectiveEventThreatDetectionCustomModulesRequest, Options)

Lists all effective Event Threat Detection custom modules for the given parent.

This includes resident modules defined at the scope of the parent along with modules inherited from its ancestors.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListEffectiveEventThreatDetectionCustomModulesRequest

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::EffectiveEventThreatDetectionCustomModule >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

BatchCreateResourceValueConfigs(std::string const &, std::vector< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::CreateResourceValueConfigRequest > const &, Options)

Creates a ResourceValueConfig for an organization.

Maps user's tags to difference resource values for use by the attack path simulation.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. Resource name of the new ResourceValueConfig's parent. The parent field in the CreateResourceValueConfigRequest messages must either be empty or match this field.

requests std::vector< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::CreateResourceValueConfigRequest > const &

Required. The resource value configs to be created.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::BatchCreateResourceValueConfigsResponse >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

BatchCreateResourceValueConfigs(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::BatchCreateResourceValueConfigsRequest const &, Options)

Creates a ResourceValueConfig for an organization.

Maps user's tags to difference resource values for use by the attack path simulation.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::BatchCreateResourceValueConfigsRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::BatchCreateResourceValueConfigsResponse >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

DeleteResourceValueConfig(std::string const &, Options)

Deletes a ResourceValueConfig.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. Name of the ResourceValueConfig to delete

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description

a Status object. If the request failed, the status contains the details of the failure.

DeleteResourceValueConfig(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::DeleteResourceValueConfigRequest const &, Options)

Deletes a ResourceValueConfig.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::DeleteResourceValueConfigRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description

a Status object. If the request failed, the status contains the details of the failure.

GetResourceValueConfig(std::string const &, Options)

Gets a ResourceValueConfig.

Name Description
name std::string const &

Required. Name of the resource value config to retrieve. Its format is organizations/{organization}/resourceValueConfigs/{config_id}.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ResourceValueConfig >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

GetResourceValueConfig(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GetResourceValueConfigRequest const &, Options)

Gets a ResourceValueConfig.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::GetResourceValueConfigRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ResourceValueConfig >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

ListResourceValueConfigs(std::string const &, Options)

Lists all ResourceValueConfigs.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. The parent, which owns the collection of resource value configs. Its format is organizations/[organization_id]

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ResourceValueConfig >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListResourceValueConfigs(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListResourceValueConfigsRequest, Options)

Lists all ResourceValueConfigs.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListResourceValueConfigsRequest

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ResourceValueConfig >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

UpdateResourceValueConfig(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ResourceValueConfig const &, google::protobuf::FieldMask const &, Options)

Updates an existing ResourceValueConfigs with new rules.

Name Description
resource_value_config google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ResourceValueConfig const &

Required. The resource value config being updated.

update_mask google::protobuf::FieldMask const &

The list of fields to be updated. If empty all mutable fields will be updated.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ResourceValueConfig >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

UpdateResourceValueConfig(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::UpdateResourceValueConfigRequest const &, Options)

Updates an existing ResourceValueConfigs with new rules.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::UpdateResourceValueConfigRequest const &

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StatusOr< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ResourceValueConfig >

the result of the RPC. The response message type ( is mapped to a C++ class using the Protobuf mapping rules. If the request fails, the StatusOr contains the error details.

ListValuedResources(std::string const &, Options)

Lists the valued resources for a set of simulation results and filter.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. Name of parent to list valued resources.
Valid formats: organizations/{organization}, organizations/{organization}/simulations/{simulation}``organizations/{organization}/simulations/{simulation}/attackExposureResults/{attack_exposure_result_v2}

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ValuedResource >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListValuedResources(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListValuedResourcesRequest, Options)

Lists the valued resources for a set of simulation results and filter.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListValuedResourcesRequest

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ValuedResource >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListAttackPaths(std::string const &, Options)

Lists the attack paths for a set of simulation results or valued resources and filter.

Name Description
parent std::string const &

Required. Name of parent to list attack paths.
Valid formats: organizations/{organization}, organizations/{organization}/simulations/{simulation}``organizations/{organization}/simulations/{simulation}/attackExposureResults/{attack_exposure_result_v2}``organizations/{organization}/simulations/{simulation}/valuedResources/{valued_resource}

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::AttackPath >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.

ListAttackPaths(google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListAttackPathsRequest, Options)

Lists the attack paths for a set of simulation results or valued resources and filter.

Name Description
request google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::ListAttackPathsRequest

Unary RPCs, such as the one wrapped by this function, receive a single request proto message which includes all the inputs for the RPC. In this case, the proto message is a Proto messages are converted to C++ classes by Protobuf, using the Protobuf mapping rules.

opts Options

Optional. Override the class-level options, such as retry and backoff policies.

Type Description
StreamRange< google::cloud::securitycenter::v1::AttackPath >

a StreamRange to iterate of the results. See the documentation of this type for details. In brief, this class has begin() and end() member functions returning a iterator class meeting the input iterator requirements. The value type for this iterator is a StatusOr as the iteration may fail even after some values are retrieved successfully, for example, if there is a network disconnect. An empty set of results does not indicate an error, it indicates that there are no resources meeting the request criteria. On a successful iteration the StatusOr<T> contains elements of type, or rather, the C++ class generated by Protobuf from that type. Please consult the Protobuf documentation for details on the Protobuf mapping rules.