Cloud Composer's Airflow code repository

This page describes the repository that stores patched Apache Airflow code used in Cloud Composer.

About the repository

The Composer-Airflow repository is a read-only repository that contains the patched Apache Airflow code running in Cloud Composer.

A particular version of Apache Airflow found in Cloud Composer is not always an exact match of the corresponding version in upstream Airflow because Cloud Composer uses a patched version of Airflow. This repository holds the code for every patched version of Airflow used in Cloud Composer. For information about which versions of Airflow are found in Cloud Composer, see Cloud Composer versions list.


This code is not a fork of Apache Airflow. The code found in this repository comes directly from the Apache Airflow repository, but at a different timeline than normal Apache Airflow releases.

If you would like to contribute to this codebase, then contribute to Airflow directly instead. Don't do so in this repository because Pull Requests aren't accepted in it.

Issues and support

The repository has one branch for each version of Airflow available in Cloud Composer. Not all versions of Airflow are supported in Cloud Composer. You can see which Airflow versions are supported by a particular Cloud Composer version in the Cloud Composer versions list.

Usage examples

This section lists usage examples for the repository.

Is this commit from the Airflow repository in my version of Cloud Composer?

SHA1s of commits in the Composer-Airflow repository don't correspond to commit SHA1s in the upstream Airflow repository. One of the ways to search for a specific commit is by looking for the corresponding commit message.

It is not possible to use the GitHub UI to search through commit messages in branches other than the default branch, however, it is possible to do so using the git CLI. To search for a particular commit in this repository, you need to have git installed.

To search for a commit message using the git CLI:

  1. Clone the repository and change to the repository directory using the following command:

    git clone && \
    cd composer-airflow
  2. Search for the commit message:

    git log --source --grep="COMMIT_MESSAGE" --all

    In this command:

    • --source shows the branch where the commit is found
    • --grep specifies the message that must be searched the log
    • --all searches in all branches
  3. The branch is located next to the commit hash in the first line of every result. If the command returns a commit, this means it's in your version of Cloud Composer. Additionally, if the version of Airflow in your environment is later than the branch version, then the commit is used in your environment's Airflow version.

For example, if you want to search for the commit message Force explicit choice on GPL dependency, then your command would be:

git log --source --grep="Force explicit choice on GPL dependency" --all

If there is a matching commit, then your results would look like the following output example. There might be more than one result.

commit 64ff1089e30e80b08bf5155edd9e49f5293ebbe4 refs/heads/<strong>1.10.2</strong>
Author: example_airflow_committer <>
Date:   Wed Aug 1 11:25:31 2018 +0200

    [AIRFLOW-2817] Force explicit choice on GPL dependency (#3660)

    By default one of Apache Airflow's dependencies pulls in a GPL
    library. Airflow should not install (and upgrade) without an explicit choice.

    This is part of the Apache requirements as we cannot depend on Category X

    (cherry picked from commit c37fc0b6ba19e3fe5656ae37cef9b59cef3c29e8)
    Signed-off-by: Example Airflow Committer  <>
    (cherry picked from commit b39e4532d9d1086c60b31553d08972bcc68df641)
    Signed-off-by: Example Airflow Committer  <>
    GitOrigin-RevId: cefcf4c61f64be3792cbfed509b82a9eb4cc47be

What does this Airflow operator look like in my version of Cloud Composer?

Airflow operators and accompanying code are packaged and released separately from core Airflow in PyPI packages called provider packages.

Some of these packages are installed by default in Cloud Composer. To know which version is installed in your environment, check the list of packages for your environment's version of Cloud Composer in the versions list.

GitHub UI

To look at the code for an operator in a particular provider package version:

  1. Go to the upstream Airflow repo.

  2. Enter the name of the operator you are searching for in the GitHub search bar.

  3. If more than one file is returned, click the code file with a path that begins in airflow/providers.

    For example, if you search for the GoogleCloudStorageCreateBucketOperator, then choose airflow/providers/google/cloud/operators/

  4. Click the branch selector, which opens up the Switch branches/tags drop-down list.

  5. Click the Tags tab.

  6. For providers packages, search for the name of your provider and the version by typing providers-PROVIDER_NAME/PROVIDER_VERSION in the drop-down list's search bar, where PROVIDER_NAME is the name of the provider, and PROVIDER_VERSION is the name of the version you are looking for.

    For example, if you want to see version 10.0.0 of the apache-airflow-providers-google package, you would search for providers-google/10.0.0.

  7. For backport-providers packages, which are used in Airflow 1, search for backport-providers-PROVIDER_VERSION in the drop-down list's search bar.

    For example, if you want to see version 2021.3.3 of the apache-airflow-backport-providers-google package, then search for backport-providers-2021.3.3.

  8. Click the result that matches your query.

  9. The code on the screen is what is running in your version of that operator. You can also click History to see the commit history up until this point.

git CLI

To look at the code for an operator in a particular provider package version:

  1. Clone the upstream Airflow repo.

  2. For providers packages, run git checkout providers-PROVIDER_NAME/PROVIDER_VERSION, where PROVIDER_NAME is the name of the provider, and PROVIDER_VERSION is the name of the version you are looking for.

    For example, if you want to see version 10.0.0 of the apache-airflow-providers-google package, then run git checkout providers-google/10.0.0.

  3. For backport-providers packages, which are used in Airflow 1, run git checkout backport-providers-PROVIDER_VERSION.

    For example, if you want to see version 2021.3.3 of the apache-airflow-backport-providers-google package,then run git checkout backport-providers-2021.3.3.

  4. If you don't know the filepath for the operator, you can search for it with the git grep command. The following example demonstrates how to search for GoogleCloudStorageCreateBucketOperator.

    git grep GoogleCloudStorageCreateBucketOperator

    The output is a list of files where the string (in this case, the operator's name) can be found. From that list, navigate to the file and examine its contents further.

    airflow/contrib/operators/            CreateBucket =
    airflow/contrib/operators/        super(
    GoogleCloudStorageCreateBucketOperator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    docs/code.rst:.. autoclass:: airflow.contrib.operators.gcs_operator.Google
    docs/integration.rst:- :ref:`GoogleCloudStorageCreateBucketOperator` :
    Creates a new cloud storage bucket.
    docs/integration.rst:.. _GoogleCloudStorageCreateBucketOperator:
    docs/integration.rst:.. autoclass:: airflow.contrib.operators.gcs_operator
    airflow.contrib.operators.gcs_operator import
    tests/contrib/operators/        operator =

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