Cluster blueprint catalog

A cluster blueprint is a YAML file that defines a reusable configuration and describes the specific environment that you want to deploy using Cluster Toolkit. A cluster blueprint implements and documents a specific opinionated solution. For more information about cluster blueprints, see Cluster blueprint.

To search the catalog, you can filter by a combination of your required scheduler, storage, machine types, and base operating system. For each cluster blueprint, featured applications and Google Cloud resources that can be leveraged by using the blueprint are also highlighted.

Cluster blueprint Scheduler Storage Machine types Base operating system Featured software and compute resources Collection
gke-a3-ultragpu GKE Filestore, Cloud Storage A3 Ultra Container-Optimized OS
  • NVIDIA ConnectX-7
  • Google Virtual NIC (gVNIC)
  • GPUs
  • Virtual Private Cloud
gke-a3-highgpu GKE None A3 High Container-Optimized OS
  • Jobset
  • Kueue
gke-a3-megagpu GKE None A3 Mega Container-Optimized OS
  • Jobset
  • Kueue
gke-managed-hyperdisk GKE Filestore, Cloud Storage C3 Container-Optimized OS Core
gke-managed-parallelstore GKE Parallelstore N2 Container-Optimized OS Core
a3u-gke-gcs GKE None A3 Ultra Container-Optimized OS
  • Jobset
  • Kueue
a3-ultragpu-8g Slurm Filestore, Cloud Storage A3 Ultra Container-Optimized OS
  • NVIDIA ConnectX-7
  • Google Virtual NIC (gVNIC)
  • GPUs
  • Virtual Private Cloud
a3-highgpu-8g Slurm Filestore, Cloud Storage A3 High ubuntu-2004-lts*
  • Google Virtual NIC (gVNIC)
  • GPUs
  • Virtual Private Cloud
a3-megagpu-8g Slurm Filestore, Cloud Storage A3 Mega debian-12*
  • Google Virtual NIC (gVNIC)
  • GPUs
  • Virtual Private Cloud
hpc-slurm Slurm Filestore N2, C2, H3 hpc-centos-7* Core
hpc-enterprise-slurm Slurm Filestore, Filestore High Scale, DDN-EXAScaler Lustre N2, C2, C3, A2, H3 hpc-centos-7*
  • Google Virtual NIC (gVNIC)
  • GPUs
  • Performance persistent disks (pd-ssd)
  • Tier_1 networking
hpc-slurm6-tpu-maxtext Slurm None TPUv4, N2, C2 slurm-gcp-6-4-tf-2.14.0*
  • TPUs
  • Maxtext
Community, Experimental
ml-slurm Slurm Filestore, Cloud Storage N2, A2, G2 debian-11*
  • GPUs
  • NCCL
  • PyTorch
  • TensorFlow
serverless-batch Batch Filestore N2 rocky-linux-8-optimized-gcp Core
serverless-batch-mpi Batch Filestore C2 hpc-centos-7
  • Spack
  • Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)
tutorial-starccm None Filestore C2 hpc-centos-7
  • Star CCM+
Community, Experimental
tutorial-fluent None Filestore C2 hpc-centos-7
  • Ansys Fluent
Community, Experimental
image-builder Slurm Filestore C2, N2 hpc-centos-7*
  • Packer
hpc-build-slurm-image Slurm None N2D hpc-rocky-linux-8*
  • Packer
  • Building Slurm
pfs-lustre None DDN-EXAScaler Lustre N2 hpc-centos-7
  • DDN EXAScaler Lustre
pfs-daos None Intel DAOS N2 hpc-centos-7†
  • DAOS file system
hpc-slurm-daos Slurm Intel DAOS N2, C2 hpc-rocky-linux-8*
  • DAOS file system
hpc-amd-slurm Slurm Filestore C2D hpc-centos-7*
  • AMD
  • AMD Optimizing C/C++ and Fortran Compilers (AOCC)
  • OpenFoam
  • Spack
quantum-circuit-simulator None None N1 ubuntu-2004-lts
  • Qsim
  • GPUs
hpc-slurm-local-ssd Slurm Filestore N1 hpc-centos-7*
  • Local SSDs
Community, Experimental
hpc-slurm-ubuntu2004 Slurm Filestore N2, C2 ubuntu-2004-lts Community
hpc-slurm-gromacs Slurm Filestore C2 hpc-rocky-linux-8*
  • Spack
Community, Experimental
hpc-slurm-hcls Slurm Cloud Storage, Filestore A2, C2 hpc-centos-7*
  • GPUs
  • Spack
  • VDI with VMD
htc-htcondor HTCondor None C2 hpc-centos-7 Community, Experimental
ml-gke GKE None N2, A2 Container-Optimized OS
  • GPUs
Community, Experimental
hpc-gke GKE None N2, C2 Container-Optimized OS Community, Experimental
storage-gke GKE Filestore, ephemeral storage N2D Container-Optimized OS
  • Local SSDs
  • CSI Drivers
  • Persistent Volumes
Community, Experimental
client-google-cloud-storage None Cloud Storage E2 hpc-centos-7 Community, Experimental
omnia-cluster None Filestore N2, C2 rocky-linux-8
  • Dell Omnia
Community, Experimental
htc-slurm Slurm Filestore, Filestore High Scale, DDN EXAScaler Lustre N2, C2 hpc-centos-7*
  • Configured for high-throughput applications
Community, Experimental
hpc-slurm-sharedvpc Slurm Filestore N2, C2 hpc-rocky-linux-8*
  • Shared VPC configuration

*This OS image is an optimized Schedmd's Slurm image that is based on the specified operating system.

This OS image has DAOS drivers pre-installed and needs to be built following instructions in the DAOS project.

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