Disaster recovery options for Oracle databases workloads

This guide describes the disaster recovery options available for the users running mission-critical Oracle databases workloads in a Bare Metal Solution environment.

This guide assumes that you are running Oracle Enterprise Edition. Some of the features described in this guide are separately licensed outside of an Enterprise Edition license. Some of these features include, but are not limited to:

  • Oracle Real Application Clusters
  • Oracle Active Data Guard
  • Oracle Advanced Compression
  • Oracle GoldenGate

Consult your Oracle license agreements to determine which features you are entitled to use when planning for disaster recovery and high availability.

Application RTO and RPO

Disaster recovery for Oracle database technologies must be determined based on an application's recovery time objective (RTO) and recovery point objective (RPO). In general, RTO describes the amount of acceptable downtime for a system, and RPO describes the amount of data loss that is acceptable. The cost and complexity of a system increase as each of these values decrease. For more information about RTO and RPO, see Basics of DR planning.

Architectures that are labeled as "RPO = 0" or "zero data loss" require the data to be written in multiple locations before it is considered "committed" to the database. Latency becomes an issue as RPO moves closer to zero.

Unless properly accounted for during the design phase, implementing a zero data loss architecture can have adverse effects on overall application performance.

High availability versus disaster recovery

High availability and disaster recovery are complementary concepts when designing reliable database architectures. In the context of this guide, high availability refers to the ability of a system to automatically recover from individual or cascading failures on the system. On the other hand, disaster recovery is part of an overall business continuity plan and applies to larger failures that may make entire groups of systems unavailable. Disaster recovery encompasses a larger scope due to the number of integrated components that must be recovered in the event of a disaster.

High availability must be considered the "first line of defense" when designing a reliable system. A highly available database architecture must be able to sustain individual failures and continue running without causing downtime for the application. The high availability components of a system must include, but aren't limited to the following:

  • Redundant power into server, network, or storage hardware
  • Multiple network interfaces, switches, and cables
  • Redundant storage fabrics, controllers, and disk devices
  • Fault-tolerant Partner Interconnects between Google Cloud and the Bare Metal Solution region extension
  • Oracle RAC to prevent server failures from disabling a database

A disaster recovery design must include processes to recover from multiple cascading failures that render components unavailable. Disaster recovery planning must consider the following:

  • Regional outages
  • Natural disasters
  • Incidents that result in the full outage of one or more components of an application

Oracle disaster recovery and high availability tools

Following are some Oracle disaster recovery and high availability tools:

Oracle Real Application Clusters

Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) is used to horizontally scale database workloads to be serviced by multiple database servers. Databases that use RAC allow for an active/active configuration between servers within a region extension.

RAC is typically used to provide high availability for systems that need to protect against a single server failure. Because of the "shared everything" approach (shared storage and shared networks) to clustering, an RAC cluster running in Bare Metal Solution environment must exist within a single Bare Metal Solution pod. This makes RAC a solution for high availability concerns, but doesn't solve the requirement of disaster recovery.

To learn how to set up RAC for Bare Metal Solution, see Install Oracle RAC on Bare Metal Solution.

Oracle Recovery Manager

Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) is the primary tool for backup and recovery of Oracle databases due to its ability to read Oracle's proprietary datafile format. It can be used to perform database clones, point in time recovery, or even recovery of a single table within an Oracle database.

RMAN is the only tool that can be used to take backups while the database is open. It is also used to maintain the catalog of backup files that are available to be used for recovery.

Oracle Data Guard

Oracle Data Guard performs database replication to remote RAC clusters or other database installations. Data Guard supports standby databases in either a physical or logical configuration.

Physical standby databases are block-for-block copies that allow for one copy of the database to be open for writing; all others are either mounted (but not open) to apply changes or open read-only to support reporting applications.

To learn how to set up Data Guard on Bare Metal Solution, see Deploy Oracle Data Guard on Bare Metal Solution.


The FLASHBACK DATABASE feature of Oracle Enterprise Edition lets administrators quickly rewind a database back to a specific point in time without needing to perform time-consuming database restores.

In the context of disaster recovery, FLASHBACK DATABASE is commonly used in conjunction with Data Guard during failover operations for faster database reinstatement. The failed database is flashed back to a specific point in time that is consistent with logs on the new primary, and redo is shipped so that it can fully resynchronize.

Oracle GoldenGate

Oracle GoldenGate is a logical replication tool that is commonly used for enabling active/active multi-site deployments or moving data across hardware platforms. When using GoldenGate, an extract process on the source database captures changes in the online redo logs and writes these to changes to trail files, which are transported to the target database. A replicat process on the target database converts transactions from the tail files to SQL, and runs the SQL on the target database.

This architecture makes GoldenGate a powerful tool for moving data across database platforms or transforming data as it is replicated. Unlike Data Guard, GoldenGate requires separate software to be installed and maintained on the source and target systems. GoldenGate cannot be used for synchronous replication due to the fact that transactions are translated and applied as SQL on the target database. While GoldenGate can provide minimal lag for replication, GoldenGate alone can't guarantee an RPO of zero.

Disaster recovery deployment models (Database-only)

Oracle has created the Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) framework to provide you with recommended disaster recovery models for deploying your applications and databases.

Each of the following models provide specific RTO and RPO targets:

The models are mapped to specific deployment patterns that meet the RPO and RTO in events of planned and unplanned outages. Each database workload must be evaluated for its availability requirements and designed with a corresponding model. It's common for development databases to use a model with lower protection level than their production and QA counterparts.

The Bronze model is intended for databases that don't need an RTO measured in minutes. The Silver and higher-level models include standby databases running in a remote site. Each model incorporates the functionality of the lower-level models. For example, Bronze model uses backup and recovery concepts that must still be followed even if a standby database is deployed.

Copper model

Copper model provides a minimal deployment to backup databases to local storage media and copy to storage that resides outside of the region extension. This deployment requires a two-stage approach, but can be scripted to use the Google Cloud SDK to automate transmission of backups.

Using this deployment also increases RTO due to the two-stage recovery that is required. RMAN cannot directly access the backups, so they must be moved to a location available to RMAN before recovery can begin.

Outage Outage type RPO RTO
Unplanned Recoverable node or instance failure 0 Time required to restart the instance
Disasters: corruptions Last archivelog, incremental, or full backup that was transferred out of the RE Hours, depending on database size and bandwidth assigned to Partner Interconnect
Disasters: region extension failures Last archivelog, incremental, or full backup that was transferred out of the RE Days / weeks, depending on time required to bring region extension back online
Planned Database patches, OS / FW updates 0 Time required to update and restart the instance
Major database upgrade 0 1-2 hours

Bronze model

The Bronze model offers two deployment options. They both use Google Cloud-native storage for retaining database backups.

Bronze deployment 1: Backup on regional storage

In this deployment, backups are directly written to offsite media. In most cases, the preferred backup destination is Cloud Storage with Cloud Storage FUSE, which presents a Cloud Storage bucket as a file system.

The recommendations for using Cloud Storage FUSE can be found in Oracle Backups with NFS and Cloud Storage. Google Cloud Filestore, which presents NFS shares to the Bare Metal Solution instances, can also be used.

The following diagram shows an example deployment.

Oracle Bronze model deployment containing backups maintained on a regional storage.

Outage Outage type RPO RTO
Unplanned Recoverable node or instance failure 0 Time required to restart the instance
Disasters: corruptions Last archivelog, incremental, or full backup Hours, depending on database size and bandwidth assigned to Partner Interconnect
Disasters: region extension failures Last archivelog, incremental, or full backup Days / weeks, depending on time required to bring region extension back online
Planned Database patches, OS/FW updates 0 Time required to update and restart the instance
Major database upgrade 0 1-2 hours

Bronze deployment 2: Backup using Backup and DR

In this deployment, Backup and DR Service is used to store backups in Google Cloud. Backup and DR offers an incremental-forever approach to backups, which are stored on high performance media backed by Cloud Storage for long-term retention.

Backup and DR also offers a faster RTO than storing backups on Filestore or Cloud Storage, since it can immediately make images of database files available to the Oracle instance. The mount and migrate feature brings a database online quickly while copying back to the production storage media, drastically reducing RTO.

The following diagram shows an example deployment.

Bronze deployment Google Cloud Backup and DR.

Outage Outage type RPO RTO
Unplanned Recoverable node or instance failure 0 Time required to restart the instance

Seconds if using RAC

Disasters: corruptions Last archivelog, incremental, or full backup Minutes to hours, depending on performance requirements, database size, and bandwidth assigned to Partner Interconnect
Disasters: region extension failures Last archivelog, incremental, or full backup Days / weeks, depending on time required to bring region extension back online or ability for customer to move to another region extension.
Planned Database patches, OS / FW updates 0 Time required to update and restart the instance
Major database upgrade 0 1-2 hours


Silver model introduces database replication using Oracle Data Guard. Data Guard provides real-time database replication with one or more databases acting as a standby database. Since Data Guard relies on transporting and applying database changes as they occur, the RPO can be near zero. The Silver model relies on asynchronous replication; using synchronous replication ensures zero data loss, but the time taken to send data between regions typically drives application response time beyond acceptable limits.

Data Guard's fast-start failover feature has the capability to perform automatic failover operations if a primary database becomes unavailable for a user-defined period of time. The configuration is monitored by a Data Guard observer process, which can run.

Silver model has the benefit of ensuring that the database is available in the event of a total regional failure, but failover and switchover operations might impact application performance as network latency between the application servers and database increases. It is rarely recommended to run applications and supporting databases in different regions. While RTO for the database may be under 1 minute, cases of application failover might take minutes to hours before services are fully functional. In most cases, executing cross-regional disaster recovery failover plans typically involves manual processes due to the number of components being moved.

In Silver model, you might still take downtime or maintenance windows during quarterly patching activities. Introducing Oracle RAC can reduce downtime for patching or server failures.

The following diagram shows an example configuration.

Default mapping with VRF.

The example configuration in the diagram shows RAC databases running in us-west2 and us-east4 regions. Replication is configured using asynchronous Data Guard. All traffic between Bare Metal Solution and Google Cloud transits a Partner Interconnect and cross-region traffic travels over the Google network backbone. Application servers are configured in each region, but are typically shut down in the disaster recovery region until a failover event is declared.

Outage Outage type RPO RTO
Unplanned Recoverable node or instance failure 0 Time required to restart the instance

Seconds if using RAC

Disasters: corruptions < 60s Minutes to hours, depending on application failover.
Disasters: region extension failures < 60s Minutes to hours, depending on application failover.
Planned Database patches, OS / FW updates 0 Time required to update and restart the instance.

Seconds if using RAC

Major database upgrade 0 1-2 hours

Minutes if using DBMS_ROLLING to perform the upgrade.

Gold model

If you are concerned about the data loss in the Silver model, you can opt for Gold model which uses a far sync instance to provide synchronous replication to an instance running in Google Cloud Compute Engine.

A far sync instance includes a database control file and a set of standby redo logs that run geographically near the primary database. This instance is configured to receive redo synchronously with low latency allowing all changes to be recorded outside the primary database's region extension. The far sync instance then forwards the redo to the standby database in the remote region to apply asynchronously.

A far sync instance is not a full copy of the database, and thus can't service application traffic. The far sync instance is used to provide a fault-tolerant location for database changes to be written synchronously, allowing for a zero data loss solution. When performing synchronous replication to the far sync instance, transactions aren't committed on the primary database until the changes have been received and committed on the far sync instance.

The Compute Engine instances are typically selected as candidates for hosting a far sync instance. Placing the far sync instance in a Compute Engine zone in close proximity to the primary database adds minimal latency (typically under 1.5 ms) and protects against failures within the region extension.

The following diagram shows an example deployment.

Oracle gold far sync.

The example configuration in the diagram shows a primary RAC database running in us-west2 with applications running in Compute Engine. A Compute Engine instance within us-west2 is running a far sync instance, receiving synchronous redo. The far sync instance is configured to send redo asynchronously to a RAC database running in the us-east4 region. Application instances are configured in the us-east4 region on Compute Engine to handle application traffic in the event of a disaster.

Outage Outage type RPO RTO
Unplanned Recoverable node or instance failure 0 Time required to restart the instance

Seconds if using RAC

Disasters: corruptions 0 Minutes to hours, depending on application regional failover.
Disasters: region extension failures 0 Minutes to hours, depending on application regional failover.
Planned Database patches, OS / FW updates 0 Time required to update and restart the instance.

Seconds if using RAC

Major database upgrade 0 1-2 hours

Minutes if using DBMS_ROLLING to perform the upgrade.

Platinum model

Platinum model offers two deployment options. Each deployment option provides protection using a different technology, and carries different RTO and RPO characteristics.

Platinum deployment 1: Data Guard with fast-start failover

Platinum deployment 1 builds on the top of the Gold model deployment by adding a second Data Guard standby database in the local region that runs on a Compute Engine instance. This configuration uses synchronous replication between the primary database and the standby running in Compute Engine, providing a zero data loss guarantee within the primary region.

Creating an in-region standby database lets database failover and switchover operations to occur without affecting applications. During database role changes, applications that are configured in accordance with Oracle's client considerations automatically reconnect to the new primary database without requiring manual intervention. Properly configured applications experience less than 2 minutes of downtime during a failover event.

While the standby database in Compute Engine does not run RAC, it must be sized to support normal application traffic when it is running as the primary database. This instance can either run with a smaller shape while operating as a standby and scaled up during failover events, or run at the full capacity at all times. Resizing the instance during a failover event negatively impacts the RTO, since the instance must be restarted during the resize operation.

Fast-start failover is configured on a Compute Engine instance running the Data Guard broker with an observer. The observer runs a basic Oracle client with connections to all primary and standby databases. If the observer detects a failure in the primary database, it initiates a failover to one of the standby databases. The standby database running on Compute Engine must be configured as the preferred failover target when using the Gold tier deployment.

Oracle recommends that the observer be placed in a region separate from the primary and standby databases. This provides the best protection against regional failures and network partitioning events. If a third region is not possible, the observer must be installed in the primary region, running in a different zone from the near-site standby.

The following diagram shows an example deployment.

Oracle platinum deployment Data Guard with fast failover.

The example deployment shown in the diagram consists of the following:

  • A primary database running RAC on Bare Metal Solution server in us-west2 region.
  • A near-site standby database running on Compute Engine instance in us-west2 region.
  • A remote standby database running on Bare Metal Solution server in us-east4 region.
  • The Data Guard observer running on Compute Engine instance in us-central1 region.

Synchronous replication is configured for the in-region standby database running on the Compute Engine instance, and asynchronous replication is configured to the remote region. In each case, redo is sent from the primary database to the standby; redo is not forwarded from one standby database to the other. The observer is configured in a third region and maintains connectivity to all databases in the configuration. Application instances are configured in the primary region and connect to the primary database on Bare Metal Solution server (or the database on the Compute Engine instance during failover and switchover operations). Application instances are configured in the us-east4 region on Compute Engine to handle application traffic in the event of a disaster.

Outage Outage type RPO RTO
Unplanned Recoverable node or instance failure 0 Time required to restart the instance

Seconds if using RAC

Disasters: corruptions 0 < 60s
Disasters: region extension failures 0 < 60s
Planned Database patches, OS / FW updates 0 Time required to update and restart the instance.

Seconds if using RAC

Major database upgrade 0 1-2 hours

Minutes if using DBMS_ROLLING to perform the upgrade.

Platinum deployment 2: GoldenGate for replication

Platinum deployment 2 relies on using Oracle GoldenGate for replication. Since GoldenGate doesn't replicate at the block level. It lets each database to service read and write application sessions independently. It replicates the changes bidirectionally, allowing for an active/active database configuration.

Applications must be thoroughly validated before committing to an active/active deployment, and you must account for the conflict detection and resolution.

Unlike Data Guard, GoldenGate requires the installation and maintenance of additional software on the Oracle database servers. Active/active deployments typically require sophisticated schema and application design to take advantage of a multi-site database deployment. Many pre-packaged applications don't support this type of architecture.

Deployments that depend on GoldenGate for all replication can't support a zero data loss RPO due to the asynchronous nature of logical replication. Local standby databases running in Compute Engine using Data Guard can be deployed to provide an RPO of zero with synchronous replication.

The following diagram shows an example deployment.

Oracle platinum deployment GoldenGate for replication.

Outage Outage type RPO RTO
Unplanned Recoverable node or instance failure 0 Time required to restart the instance
Disasters: corruptions Seconds to Minutes

0 if using Data Guard in each location

Disasters: region extension failures Seconds to Minutes

0 if using Data Guard in each location

Planned Database patches, OS / FW updates 0 Time required to update and restart the instance.

Seconds if using RAC

Major database upgrade 0 0