Access control with IAM

This page describes how to control access to Audit Manager by using Identity and Access Management (IAM).

To administer Audit Manager, you must be granted the Audit Manager Admin (roles/auditmanager.admin) role. This role grants you the ability to enable auditing on a project or folder, generate an audit scope, and to create or view audit reports.

To create or view audit reports, you must be granted the Audit Manager Auditor (roles/auditmanager.auditor) role.

When specifying one or more buckets to store audit data, you must be granted a role that contains the storage.buckets.setIamPolicy permission. Predefined roles that contain this permission include the Storage Admin (roles/storage.admin) role and the Storage Legacy Bucket Owner (roles/storage.legacyBucketOwner) role.

See the IAM documentation for more information about granting roles.