Terraform is an open source tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure. You can use Terraform to automate the management of Cloud Volumes Service for Google Cloud.
Use cases
Using Terraform with Cloud Volumes Service for Google Cloud provides the following benefits:
- Manage cloud volume resources like infrastructure as code (IaC). Terraform can efficiently build and version infrastructure changes for your cloud volume resources.
- View execution plans to assist resource planning. Terraform includes a planning step called the execution plan. The execution plan shows what Terraform does when you execute the call. This capability helps you reduce unexpected outcomes in managing resources.
- View resource graphs. Terraform builds a graph of all your cloud volume resources. It creates and modifies non-dependent resources in parallel. This capability lets you effectively manage resources. It also gives you insight into resource dependencies.
- Minimize manual intervention and human errors by automating changes.
Use Terraform with Cloud Volumes Service
For information about deploying the Terraform provider for Cloud Volumes Service for Google Cloud, see the documentation on the Terraform NetApp registry page.
You can also get the Terraform provider source for Cloud Volumes Service for Google Cloud from the NetApp GitHub repository. This repository contains many source code examples.