Resource: Certificate
The certificate definition
JSON representation |
{ "name": string, "displayName": string, "description": string, "requestorId": string, "credentialId": string, "certificateStatus": enum ( |
Fields | |
name |
Output only. Auto generated primary key |
display |
Required. name of the certificate |
description |
Description of the certificate |
requestor |
Immutable. Requestor ID to be used to register certificate with trawler |
credential |
Immutable. Credential id that will be used to register with trawler |
certificate |
Status of the certificate |
valid |
Output only. The timestamp after which certificate will be valid A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: |
valid |
Output only. The timestamp after which certificate will expire A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: |
raw |
Input only. Raw client certificate which would be registered with trawler |
Status of the certificate
Enums | |
Unspecified certificate status |
Certificate in active state will be able to use |
Certificate in expired state needs to be updated |
Contains client certificate information
JSON representation |
{ "sslCertificate": string, "encryptedPrivateKey": string, "passphrase": string } |
Fields | |
ssl |
The ssl certificate encoded in PEM format. This string must include the begin header and end footer lines. For example, -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIICTTCCAbagAwIBAgIJAPT0tSKNxan/MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMCoxFzAVBgNV BAoTDkdvb2dsZSBURVNUSU5HMQ8wDQYDVQQDEwZ0ZXN0Q0EwHhcNMTUwMTAxMDAw MDAwWhcNMjUwMTAxMDAwMDAwWjAuMRcwFQYDVQQKEw5Hb29nbGUgVEVTVElORzET MBEGA1UEAwwKam9lQGJhbmFuYTCBnzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAwgYkCgYEA vDYFgMgxi5W488d9J7UpCInl0NXmZQpJDEHE4hvkaRlH7pnC71H0DLt0/3zATRP1 JzY2+eqBmbGl4/sgZKYv8UrLnNyQNUTsNx1iZAfPUflf5FwgVsai8BM0pUciq1NB xD429VFcrGZNucvFLh72RuRFIKH8WUpiK/iZNFkWhZ0CAwEAAaN3MHUwDgYDVR0P AQH/BAQDAgWgMB0GA1UdJQQWMBQGCCsGAQUFBwMBBggrBgEFBQcDAjAMBgNVHRMB Af8EAjAAMBkGA1UdDgQSBBCVgnFBCWgL/iwCqnGrhTPQMBsGA1UdIwQUMBKAEKey Um2o4k2WiEVA0ldQvNYwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADgYEAYK986R4E3L1v+Q6esBtW JrUwA9UmJRSQr0N5w3o9XzarU37/bkjOP0Fw0k/A6Vv1n3vlciYfBFaBIam1qRHr 5dMsYf4CZS6w50r7hyzqyrwDoyNxkLnd2PdcHT/sym1QmflsjEs7pejtnohO6N2H wQW6M0H7Zt8claGRla4fKkg= -----END CERTIFICATE----- |
encrypted |
The ssl certificate encoded in PEM format. This string must include the begin header and end footer lines. For example, -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIICTTCCAbagAwIBAgIJAPT0tSKNxan/MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMCoxFzAVBgNV BAoTDkdvb2dsZSBURVNUSU5HMQ8wDQYDVQQDEwZ0ZXN0Q0EwHhcNMTUwMTAxMDAw MDAwWhcNMjUwMTAxMDAwMDAwWjAuMRcwFQYDVQQKEw5Hb29nbGUgVEVTVElORzET MBEGA1UEAwwKam9lQGJhbmFuYTCBnzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAwgYkCgYEA vDYFgMgxi5W488d9J7UpCInl0NXmZQpJDEHE4hvkaRlH7pnC71H0DLt0/3zATRP1 JzY2+eqBmbGl4/sgZKYv8UrLnNyQNUTsNx1iZAfPUflf5FwgVsai8BM0pUciq1NB xD429VFcrGZNucvFLh72RuRFIKH8WUpiK/iZNFkWhZ0CAwEAAaN3MHUwDgYDVR0P AQH/BAQDAgWgMB0GA1UdJQQWMBQGCCsGAQUFBwMBBggrBgEFBQcDAjAMBgNVHRMB Af8EAjAAMBkGA1UdDgQSBBCVgnFBCWgL/iwCqnGrhTPQMBsGA1UdIwQUMBKAEKey Um2o4k2WiEVA0ldQvNYwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADgYEAYK986R4E3L1v+Q6esBtW JrUwA9UmJRSQr0N5w3o9XzarU37/bkjOP0Fw0k/A6Vv1n3vlciYfBFaBIam1qRHr 5dMsYf4CZS6w50r7hyzqyrwDoyNxkLnd2PdcHT/sym1QmflsjEs7pejtnohO6N2H wQW6M0H7Zt8claGRla4fKkg= -----END CERTIFICATE----- |
passphrase |
'passphrase' should be left unset if private key is not encrypted. Note that 'passphrase' is not the password for web server, but an extra layer of security to protected private key. |
Methods |
Creates a new certificate. |
Delete a certificate |
Get a certificates in the specified project. |
List all the certificates that match the filter. |
Updates the certificate by id. |