Aggregate functions

This page describes the additional set of predefined Jsonnet functions for the Data Transformer Script task available in Application Integration.

Before you begin

To use the following predefined functions, you must import the functions library in your script. Importing the functions library lets you use both the standard Jsonnet functions and the predefined Data Transformer functions.

Application Integration supports Jsonnet functions library v0.20.0. For information about the Jsonnet standard functions, see Jsonnet Standard Library.


xnor(a, b)
Description Performs a logical XNOR operation on the specified boolean values.
Input parameter a: A boolean value.

b: A boolean value.

Return type BOOLEAN
Output Returns the XNOR of the two given booleans.


xor(a, b)
Description Performs a logical XOR operation on the specified boolean values.
Input parameter a: A boolean value.

b: A boolean value.

Return type BOOLEAN
Output Returns the XOR of the two given booleans.
