See the supported connectors for Application Integration.

Data Mapping functions

The Data Mapping task provides various predefined mapping functions to transform and standardize the mapping data in your integration. A mapping function can have one or more input parameters, wherein each parameter can further hold a literal value, a variable, or a base function with mapping functions applied. You can use multiple mapping functions for a single input source, forming a mapping transform expression.

The following table lists the predefined mapping functions available in the Data Mapping task.

Function Description
ADD Adds the specified number to an existing number.
AND Performs the logical AND operation on the specified boolean values.
APPEND Appends the specified value to an array.
APPEND_ALL Appends all the specified values to an array.
APPEND_ELEMENT Appends an element to a JSON array.
AVG Calculates the numerical average of all the values in an array.
CEIL Computes the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the given input.
CONCAT Concatenates the specified characters to an existing string.
CONTAINS Checks the occurrence of the specified value in a given string or string array.
DECODE_BASE64_STRING Decodes a base64 string to UTF-8 charset.
DIVIDE Divides an existing number by the specified number.
EQUALS Compares the specified value with the existing value.
EQUALS_IGNORE_CASE Compares the specified value with the existing value.
EPOCH_TO_HUMAN_READABLE_TIME Converts Unix epoch time (in milliseconds) to human-readable time format.
EXPONENT Calculates the value of an existing number raised to the specified power.
FILTER Filters the array elements that satisfy a given filter condition. Note that a filter condition must evaluate to TRUE or FALSE.
FLATTEN Flattens a JSON array recursively to create a new one-dimensional array.
FLOOR Computes the greatest integer that is less than or equal to the provided input.
FOR_EACH Applies one or more transformation functions for each element in an array.
GET Returns the value in an array at a specified index. In an array, the first value is available at index 0 and the last value is available at index n-1 where n is the size of the array.
GET_ELEMENT Returns the element at the specified index in a JSON array. In the array, the first value is available at index 0 and the last value is available at index n-1 where n is the size of the array.
GET_PROPERTY Returns the value of the specified property in a JSON object.
GREATER_THAN Checks if an existing number is greater than the specified number.
GREATER_THAN_EQUAL_TO Checks if an integer is greater than or equal to the specified value.
LENGTH Calculates the length of a string. The length of a string is the number of characters in the string.
LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO Checks if an integer is less than or equal to the specified value.
LESS_THAN Checks if an existing number is less than the specified number.
MAX Finds the highest value in an array.
MERGE Merges two JSON variables (objects or arrays). If same value is present in both the variables, the function removes the duplicate value.
MIN Finds the lowest value in an array.
MOD Divides two values and returns the remainder of the division operation.
MULTIPLY Multiplies an existing number by the specified number.
NAND Performs the logical NAND operation on the specified boolean values.
NOR Performs the logical NOR operation on the specified boolean values.
NOT Returns the opposite value of a boolean.
OR Performs the logical OR operation on the specified boolean values.
REMOVE Removes the specified value from an array.
REMOVE_AT Removes an element from an array at the specified index.
REMOVE_PROPERTY Removes a property from a JSON object.
REPLACE_ALL Replaces all the occurrences of a substring in a string.
RESOLVE_TEMPLATE Resolves references in a template string that contains $variable$ references.
ROUND Rounds a number to the nearest integer.
SET Updates the value of a string array at the specified index.
SET_PROPERTY Adds or updates a property in a JSON object.
SIZE Counts the number of elements in an array.
SPLIT Splits a string based on the specified delimiter.
SUBSTRING Returns the substring of the current string from the start index inclusive to the end index exclusive.
SUBTRACT Subtracts the specified number from an existing number.
SUM Adds all the values in an array.
TO_BASE_64 Encodes a string to base64 format using the UTF-8 charset.
TO_BOOLEAN_ARRAY Converts a JSON array to a boolean array.
TO_BOOLEAN Converts a string to a boolean data type.
TO_DOUBLE_ARRAY Converts a JSON array to a double array.
TO_DOUBLE Converts a string or an integer to a double.
TO_INT_ARRAY Converts a JSON array to an integer array.
TO_INT Converts a string to an integer.
TO_JSON Converts the current value to a JSON object.
TO_LOWERCASE Converts all the characters in a string to lowercase.
TO_SET Removes duplicate values in an array.
TO_STRING_ARRAY Converts a JSON array to a string array.
TO_UPPERCASE Converts all the characters in a string to uppercase.
XNOR Performs the logical XNOR operation on the specified boolean values.
XOR Performs the logical XOR operation on the specified boolean values.
GENERATE_UUID Generates a random UUID.
GET_EXECUTION_ID Returns the execution ID of the current integration.
GET_INTEGRATION_NAME Returns the name of the current integration.
GET_INTEGRATION_REGION Returns the region of the current integration.
GET_PROJECT_ID Returns the Google Cloud project ID of the current integration.
INT_LIST Returns an integer list between the specified values. The returned list is inclusive of the starting value and exclusive of the ending value.
NOW_IN_MILLIS Returns the current Unix epoch time of the integration in milliseconds.