If you are setting up App Hub, the primary tasks are as follows:
- Decide whether to create a new App Hub host project or use
an existing project as your host project.
- If you plan to have more than one host project, we strongly recommend that you create them in the same folder.
- Host projects in App Hub are not the same as Shared VPC host projects and don't have the same requirements. For example, you don't need a Shared VPC network to use App Hub. In this document, all references to host projects are to App Hub host projects.
- A host project cannot be a service project other than for itself.
- Enable the App Hub API in the host project.
- Add one or more App Hub service projects to the host project.
- Service projects in App Hub are not the same as Shared VPC service projects and don't have the same requirements. In this document, all references to service projects are to App Hub service projects.
- Designate App Hub users as App Hub Admins, App Hub Editors, or App Hub Viewers.
- Create applications.
- Register services and workloads to the application.
Services and workloads
Using App Hub, the resources from service projects attached to the host project are available to you as services and workloads. Registering your services and workloads to an application enable you to observe and monitor the resources. You can designate the following resources as App Hub services and register them to App Hub applications:
- Forwarding rules
- URL maps
- Backend services
You can designate managed instance groups (MIGs), but not individual VMs, as workloads and register them to App Hub applications.
App Hub supports global and regional resources. For more information, see App Hub supported resources.
Overall setup process
The following list summarizes the steps to set up App Hub:
- Determine which existing resources to include in your application and which projects they belong to.
- Create an App Hub host project and enable the App Hub API in the project. Optionally, based on your business's organizational structure, create more than one host project. If you create multiple projects, we recommend creating them in a new folder.
- Attach service projects. After you configure a host project, attach
service projects with underlying resources that your applications need, to
the host project. Note the following:
- The service projects must be in the same organization as the host project. After you attach a service project to a host project, you can't move it to a different organization. To move the service project to a different organization, you must follow the instructions in this document to remove or detach the service project attachment to the host project. You can then attach the service project to a different organization.
- A service project can't be attached to more than one host project.
- A host project can be its own service project, but it can't be a service project for any other host project.
- After you attach service projects to a host project, querying the host project for services or workloads automatically returns all services and workloads in all of the service projects.
- Create an application to organize multiple workloads and services. Note
the following:
- Make sure the application has a name that is unique in the host project and location.
- A service project can be attached to a host project with multiple applications, but its individual resources can be registered to only one application.
- Query for services and workloads and register them to your application.
After you create an application, you query the host project for available
services and workloads. The queries run against the host project and all
service projects that are attached to the host project. They also return all
services and workloads in those projects. Note the following:
- You can only register a service or workload to a single application.
- You must register services and workloads from a specific region to a regional application in the same region or to a global application. The instructions and commands that follow assume that all resources are in the same region. For information on which regions you can designate, see Locations.
- Registered services and workloads aren't affected by updates to the underlying infrastructure resource. In other words, if you delete the underlying resources that act as services and workloads, App Hub doesn't delete the associated workloads and services from your application. You have to separately unregister the workload or service.
Before you set up App Hub, complete the following tasks.
- Decide which existing project is the host project or create a new project to be the host project. We strongly recommend that you create a new project.
- Ensure that you have decided which individuals hold the Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles for App Hub: App Hub Admin, App Hub Editor, and App Hub Viewer.
Note the following:
- Host projects can have one or more service projects attached.
- A service project can't be attached to more than one host project.
- The person attaching a service project to a host project must have the IAM role App Hub Admin in both the service project and host project. For more information, see App Hub roles and permissions.
Set up App Hub
In this section, you create an example App Hub architecture.
In the example, an organization has three service projects, with their infrastructure resources deployed in the projects as follows:
- Service Project 1 has two infrastructure resources, Service 1 and Service 2.
- Service Project 2 has three infrastructure resources, Service 3, Workload 1, and Workload 2.
- Service Project 3 has three infrastructure resources, Service 4, Workload 3, and Workload 4.
Ensure that the projects you choose for creating the example contain the resources described in this section, or be prepared to adjust the example as you go through the instructions.
The following sections contain the instructions for creating an App Hub example. You create a host project and add service projects to the host project, then create an application and attach services and workloads to the application. The example has three service projects, but you can add fewer or more.
The example assumes that any service projects that you add already exist and they contain services and workloads that you add to your application. Before you create the example, determine which service projects contain the services and workloads that you want to include in the application.
Enable App Hub
In this section, you select or create a new host project, enable the App Hub API, and grant appropriate roles and permissions to individuals in your organization. You also attach service projects to the host project.
In the Google Cloud console, go to the project selector page.
Select or create a Google Cloud project, to be your App Hub host project.
Enable the required API.
If you are the project creator, you are granted the basic Owner role (
). By default, this IAM role includes the permissions necessary for full access to most Google Cloud resources.If you aren't the project creator, required permissions must be granted on the project to the appropriate principal. For example, a principal can be a Google Account (for end users) or a service account (for applications and compute workloads). To get the permissions that you need to complete this tutorial, ask your administrator to grant you the following IAM roles on your project:
In the Google Cloud console, go to the IAM page.
Grant access. The Grant access pane opens.In the New principals field, enter the email address of the individual who will administer App Hub, the App Hub Admin role in the host project.
Click Select a role and in the Filter field, enter App Hub.
Select the App Hub Admin role and click Save.
In each of the App Hub service projects, grant the App Hub Admin role to the same user.
In the Google Cloud console, go to the App Hub Settings page.
On the Settings page, click Attach projects.
Do one of the following:
- From the list of projects, select the checkboxes for the projects you want to add as service projects.
- Search for projects and then select the projects to add as service projects.
Click Select. The Attached Service Project(s) table displays the selected service projects.
Click Close.
In the Google Cloud console, activate Cloud Shell.
At the bottom of the Google Cloud console, a Cloud Shell session starts and displays a command-line prompt. Cloud Shell is a shell environment with the Google Cloud CLI already installed and with values already set for your current project. It can take a few seconds for the session to initialize.
Make sure that the most recent version of Google Cloud CLI is installed. Run the following command from the Cloud Shell:
gcloud components update
Create or select a new project,
, to be the host project for App Hub.- Create a Google Cloud project:
gcloud projects create HOST_PROJECT_ID
- Select the Google Cloud project that you created:
gcloud config set project HOST_PROJECT_ID
- Create a Google Cloud project:
Enable the App Hub API in the host project that you just created.
gcloud services enable apphub.googleapis.com \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID
If you are the project creator, you are granted the basic Owner role (
). By default, this IAM role includes the permissions necessary for full access to most Google Cloud resources.If you aren't the project creator, required permissions must be granted on the project to the appropriate principal. For example, a principal can be a Google Account (for end users) or a service account (for applications and compute workloads). To get the permissions that you need to complete this tutorial, ask your administrator to grant you the following IAM roles on your project:
Optionally, grant the individuals who will administer App Hub, the App Hub administrator role in the host project. Repeat the following command for each administrator.
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding HOST_PROJECT_ID \ --member='user:HOST_PROJECT_ADMIN' \ --role='roles/apphub.admin'
with the user who has the App Hub Admin role in the host project. This value has the formatusername@yourdomain
, for example,robert.smith@example.com
.Grant the App Hub Admin role in the service projects to the individuals who administer App Hub. They must have the App Hub Admin role to add service projects to the host project. You need at least one person with this role for each service project. A single person can have the role in multiple service projects.
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding SERVICE_PROJECT_1 \ --member='user:HOST_PROJECT_ADMIN' \ --role='roles/apphub.admin'
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding SERVICE_PROJECT_2 \ --member='user:HOST_PROJECT_ADMIN' \ --role='roles/apphub.admin'
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding SERVICE_PROJECT_3 \ --member='user:HOST_PROJECT_ADMIN' \ --role='roles/apphub.admin'
Replace the following:
: the first of three service projects in this example.SERVICE_PROJECT_2
: the second of three service projects in this example.SERVICE_PROJECT_3
: the third of three service projects in this example.
Add your service projects to the App Hub host project.
gcloud apphub service-projects add SERVICE_PROJECT_1 \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID
gcloud apphub service-projects add SERVICE_PROJECT_2 \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID
gcloud apphub service-projects add SERVICE_PROJECT_3 \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID
Optional: Add service projects to the host project's metrics scope
You can view the system metrics for the applications in your host project by adding the service projects as resource containers to the host project's metrics scope. An App Hub host project acts as a scoping project that hosts a metrics scope. The metrics scope of a Google Cloud project defines the set resource containers whose time-series data the host project can chart and monitor. For more information about resource containers, metrics scope, and scoping projects, see Cloud Monitoring: Data model. For more information on which infrastructure resources are available with App Hub application system metrics and system metadata label support, see supported resources.
To view the system metrics for an application, you must manually add or delete the monitored service projects, as required, from the host projects. However, if you are using the host project as its own service project, since the App Hub applications are in the same project, don't add the project to the metrics scope.
Make sure you have the following IAM roles:
- To get the permissions that you need to view metrics for App Hub
applications, ask your administrator to grant the
Monitoring Viewer (
) IAM role on the principals. For more information, see Grant access to Monitoring. To get the permissions that you need to configure a metrics scope, ask your administrator to grant you the Monitoring Admin (
) IAM role on the scoping project and on each resource container that you want to add to the metrics scope. For more information about granting roles, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.You might also be able to get the required permissions through custom roles or other predefined roles.
In the Google Cloud console, go to the settings Settings page:
If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Monitoring.
Select Metric Scope.
The Metric Scope tab lists the resources monitored by the current Google Cloud project. It also lists the Google Cloud projects whose metrics scope includes the current Google Cloud project.
To add Google Cloud projects to the metrics scope:
- In the Google Cloud Projects pane, click Add Projects.
- In the Add Google Cloud projects dialog, click Select Projects, and then select the checkboxes for the required service projects that you'd like to monitor.
To save your changes, click Add Projects.
The Settings page is displayed with the table on that page updated to list your selections.
After you add projects to a metrics scope, it takes about 60 seconds for changes to propagate through all Monitoring systems.
For more information on configuring the metrics scopes using the Google Cloud console, see Configure a metrics scope.
To add your service projects as a monitored resource container to the App Hub host project:
gcloud beta monitoring metrics-scopes create projects/SERVICE_PROJECT_1 \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID
gcloud beta monitoring metrics-scopes create projects/SERVICE_PROJECT_2 \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID
gcloud beta monitoring metrics-scopes create projects/SERVICE_PROJECT_3 \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID
For more information on configuring the metrics scopes using the Google Cloud CLI, see Configure a metrics scope by using the API.
Create an application
If you don't already have one, create an application to be the container for your services and workloads. Based on the scope of your services and workloads on your service projects, create a global or regional application.
- A global application lets you register discovered services and workloads from regional and global Google Cloud resources.
- A regional application lets you register discovered services and workloads from regional Google Cloud resources.
Note that after you create an application, you can't change the application scope. For more information on global and regional applications, see Global and regional App Hub applications.
- Make sure that you're in the host project.
In the Google Cloud console, go to the App Hub Applications page.
Click Create application.
On the Create application page, in the Choose application region and name pane, based on the scope of services and workloads you'd like to register to the application, do one of the following:
To create an application that lets you register services and workloads from a global location, select Global.
To create an application that lets you register services and workloads from a single location:
- Select Regional.
- Select a Region.
Enter the Application name and click Continue.
Optionally, add more details for the application in the fields that follow. For more information, in this document, see Update an existing App Hub application.
Click Create.
Create a new application called
and give it a display name,APPLICATION_DISPLAY_NAME
.gcloud apphub applications create APPLICATION_NAME \ --scope-type=SCOPE_TYPE \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID \ --location=REGION
Replace the following:
: the name of your application. The name must include only lowercase alphanumeric characters without spaces.SCOPE_TYPE
: the scope of your application that defines which services and workloads are available for you to register to the application. Use one of the following values:REGIONAL
: the region of the application. Depending on the--scope-type
, give this the valueus-east1
List the applications in your host project.
gcloud apphub applications list \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID \ --location=REGION
The output is similar to the following:
Get details for the application that you created.
gcloud apphub applications describe APPLICATION_NAME \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID \ --location=REGION
The command returns information in YAML format, similar to the following.
createTime: '2023-10-31T18:33:48.199394108Z' displayName: APPLICATION_DISPLAY_NAME name: projects/HOST_PROJECT_ID/locations/REGION/applications/APPLICATION_NAME scope: type: SCOPE_TYPE state: ACTIVE uid: [APPLICATION_UID] updateTime: '2023-10-31T18:33:48.343303819Z'
Update an existing App Hub application
You can also update your application's attributes after the application is created.
In the Google Cloud console, go to the App Hub Applications page.
From the list of applications, click
Edit for the application that you'd like to update.Edit fields as required and click Save.
Optional: In the Criticality list, to indicate the importance of the application, select one of the following:
- Mission critical
- High
- Medium
- Low
Optional: In the Environment list, to indicate the stage of the software lifecycle, select one of the following:
- Production
- Staging
- Development
- Test
Optional: Add the following details as required for Developer Owners, Operator Owners, and Business Owners. Note that you must enter the owner's email address if you add a display name.
- Enter an owner's display name.
- Enter the owner's email address. This value must have
the format
, for example,222larabrown@gmail.com
Repeat these steps for each developer, operator, and business owner.
Click Save.
Update your application with the
, and owner type attributes:gcloud apphub applications update APPLICATION_NAME \ --display-name='APPLICATION_DISPLAY_NAME' \ --criticality-type='CRITICALITY_LEVEL' \ --environment-type='ENVIRONMENT' \ --developer-owners=display-name=DISPLAY-NAME-DEVELOPER,email=EMAIL-DEVELOPER \ --operator-owners=display-name=DISPLAY-NAME-OPERATOR,email=EMAIL-OPERATOR \ --business-owners=display-name=DISPLAY-NAME-BUSINESS,email=EMAIL-BUSINESS \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID \ --location=REGION
Replace the following:
: the display name of your application.CRITICALITY_LEVEL
: indicates how critical an application, service, or workload is to your business operations. Provide one of the following values:MISSION_CRITICAL
: indicates the stages of the software lifecycle. Provide one of the following values:PRODUCTION
: display names of the developer, operator, and business owners, respectively.EMAIL-NAME-DEVELOPER
: email addresses of the developer, operator, and business owners, respectively. These values must have the formatusername@yourdomain
, for example,222larabrown@gmail.com
List the applications where the attribute
has the valuePRODUCTION
.gcloud apphub applications list \ --filter='attributes.environment.type=PRODUCTION' \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID \ --location=REGION
The output is similar to the following:
Register services and workloads
When you register infrastructure services and workloads to an application, the services and workloads get registered as App Hub resources. Use a global application to register resources that are global or spread across multiple regions. Use a regional application to register resources from the same region as the application. If you are using the placeholders to create the application with gcloud CLI, the services and workloads in the three service projects are as follows:
- Service Project 1 has two infrastructure resources, Service 1 and Service 2.
- Service Project 2 has three infrastructure resources, Service 3, Workload 1, and Workload 2.
Service Project 3 has three infrastructure resources, Service 4, Workload 3, and Workload 4.
In the Google Cloud console, go to the App Hub Applications page.
Click the name of your application. The Services and workloads tab is displayed with a list of registered services and workloads that are in your service projects.
For each service or workload you want to register, do the following:
- On the Services and workloads tab, click Register service/workload.
- On the Register service or workload page, in the Select resource pane, click Browse to select the service or workload as a Resource.
- In the Select resource pane, choose a service or workload and click Select.
- In the Select resource pane, enter a Name for the service or workload and click Continue.
- Optionally, in the Add attributes pane, add more details for the service or workload in the fields that follow. For more information, in this document, see Update an existing App Hub application. Note that you can select values for Criticality and Environment fields that are different from the values you set when you create the application.
- Click Continue.
- Optionally, in the Add owners section, add more details about the owners of the service or workload in the fields that follow. For more information, in this document, see Update an existing App Hub application.
- Click Register.
The Services and workloads tab displays the registered service or workload. For more information on the registration statuses, see the properties and attributes of App Hub.
Add an individual with App Hub Editor permissions.
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding HOST_PROJECT_ID \ --member='user:APP_HUB_EDITOR' \ --role='roles/apphub.editor'
with the user who has the App Hub Editor role in the host project. This value has the formatusername@yourdomain
, for example,robert.smith@example.com
.List discovered workloads from service project 2, which is attached to the host project. This command returns workloads that are available to be registered to an application.
gcloud apphub discovered-workloads list \ --filter='workload_properties.gcp_project=projects/SERVICE_PROJECT_2' \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID \ --location=REGION
The output is similar to the following, which includes unregistered MIGs:
ID WORKLOAD_REFERENCE WORKLOAD_PROPERTIES [DISCOVERED_WORKLOAD_ID_1] {'uri': '//compute.googleapis.com/projects/[SERVICE_PROJECT_2_NUMBER]/regions/REGION/instanceGroups/testing-mig-1'} {'gcpProject': 'projects/SERVICE_PROJECT_2', 'location': 'REGION'} [DISCOVERED_WORKLOAD_ID_2] {'uri': '//compute.googleapis.com/projects/[SERVICE_PROJECT_2_NUMBER]/regions/REGION/instanceGroups/testing-mig-2'} {'gcpProject': 'projects/SERVICE_PROJECT_2', 'location': 'REGION'}
Copy the workload ID from the output to use in the next step.
Register a workload from the previous step to your application.
gcloud apphub applications workloads create WORKLOAD_NAME \ --discovered-workload='projects/HOST_PROJECT_ID/locations/REGION/discoveredWorkloads/DISCOVERED_WORKLOAD_ID_2' \ --display-name='mywebserver-deployment1' \ --application=APPLICATION_NAME \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID \ --location=REGION
Replace the following:
: a name to register the workload as.DISCOVERED_WORKLOAD_ID_2
: the workload ID from the output of the previous step.
Repeat the previous two steps to filter and register the workloads you want from Service Project 3.
Optional: You can update the workloads with
, and owner attributes.gcloud apphub applications workloads update WORKLOAD_NAME \ --application=APPLICATION_NAME \ --criticality-type='CRITICALITY_LEVEL' \ --environment-type='ENVIRONMENT' \ --developer-owners=display-name=DISPLAY-NAME-DEVELOPER,email=EMAIL-DEVELOPER \ --operator-owners=display-name=DISPLAY-NAME-OPERATOR,email=EMAIL-OPERATOR \ --business-owners=display-name=DISPLAY-NAME-BUSINESS,email=EMAIL-BUSINESS \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID \ --location=REGION
Note that you must provide one of the specified values for
but the value can be different from the values you set when you create the application.List registered workloads in the application.
gcloud apphub applications workloads list \ --application=APPLICATION_NAME \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID \ --location=REGION
The output is similar to the following:
ID DISPLAY_NAME WORKLOAD_REFERENCE CREATE_TIME WORKLOAD_NAME mywebserver-deployment1 {'uri': '//compute.googleapis.com/projects/[SERVICE_PROJECT_2_NUMBER]/regions/REGION/instanceGroups/testing-mig-2'} 2023-10-31T18:34:23
Registered, but detached workloads are denoted by an empty value in the
field. For more information on the registration statuses, see the properties and attributes of App Hub.List discovered services with forwarding rules in the Service Project 1 that is attached to host project. This command returns services that are available to be registered to an application.
gcloud apphub discovered-services list \ --filter='service_properties.gcp_project=projects/SERVICE_PROJECT_1 AND service_reference.uri~"forwardingRules"' \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID \ --location=REGION
The output is similar to the following:
ID SERVICE_REFERENCE SERVICE_PROPERTIES [DISCOVERED_SERVICE_ID_1] {'uri': '//compute.googleapis.com/projects/[SERVICE_PROJECT_1_NUMBER]/regions/REGION/forwardingRules/testing-forwarding-rule-1'} {'gcpProject': 'projects/SERVICE_PROJECT_1', 'location': 'REGION'} [DISCOVERED_SERVICE_ID_2] {'uri': '//compute.googleapis.com/projects/[SERVICE_PROJECT_1_NUMBER]/regions/REGION/forwardingRules/testing-forwarding-rule-2'} {'gcpProject': 'projects/SERVICE_PROJECT_1', 'location': 'REGION'}
Copy the service ID,
from the output to use in the next step.Register the forwarding rule,
in service project 1 as a service.gcloud apphub applications services create SERVICE_NAME \ --discovered-service='projects/HOST_PROJECT_ID/locations/REGION/discoveredServices/DISCOVERED_SERVICE_ID_2' \ --display-name='mywebserver-service1' \ --application=APPLICATION_NAME \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID \ --location=REGION
Replace the following:
: a name to register the service as.DISCOVERED_SERVICE_ID_2
: the service ID from the output of the previous step.
Repeat the previous steps that list services, filter those services, and register the services in service projects 1, 2, and 3.
Update a service with the
attribute and theenvironment-type
attribute.gcloud apphub applications services update SERVICE_NAME \ --criticality-type='CRITICALITY_LEVEL' \ --environment-type='ENVIRONMENT' \ --application=APPLICATION_NAME \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID \ --location=REGION
List registered services in the
application andHOST_PROJECT_ID
host project.gcloud apphub applications services list \ --application=APPLICATION_NAME \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID \ --location=REGION
The output is similar to the following for each service:
ID DISPLAY_NAME SERVICE_REFERENCE CREATE_TIME SERVICE_NAME mywebserver-service1 {'uri': '//compute.googleapis.com/projects/[SERVICE_PROJECT_1_NUMBER]/regions/REGION/forwardingRules/testing-forwarding-rule-2'} 2023-11-01T21:38:08
Registered, but detached services are denoted by a empty value in the
field.Filter the services in the
application andHOST_PROJECT_ID
host project to those where theenvironment-type
attribute is set toPRODUCTION
.gcloud apphub applications services list \ --filter='attributes.environment.type=PRODUCTION' \ --application=APPLICATION_NAME \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID \ --location=REGION
The App Hub setup process is complete.
Add or remove service projects
You can modify service project attachments to make different infrastructure resources available to group into an application.
To view the system metrics for applications in your host project, after you add a service project to a host project, add the service projects as resource containers to the host project's metrics scope. For more information, in this document, see Add service projects to the host project's metrics scope. When you remove a service project from a host project, consider removing the service projects as resource containers from the host project's metrics scope (if you had previously opted to view the system metrics of the applications on your host project). For more information, in this document, see the steps to remove the service projects from the metrics scope of the host project.
To add a service project to a host project:
In the Google Cloud console, go to the App Hub Settings page.
On the Settings page, click Attach projects.
On the pane that opens, search for projects from the displayed list and select the checkboxes for the projects you want to add as service projects.
Click Select. The Attached Service Project(s) table displays the selected projects as the service projects for the host project.
Click Close.
To remove a service project from a host project:
In the Google Cloud console, go to the App Hub Settings page.
On the Settings page, select the checkboxes for any projects you want to remove as service projects.
Click Detach projects. The Attached Service Project(s) table refreshes to display only the projects that remain attached to the host project.
To add a service project to a host project:
gcloud apphub service-projects add SERVICE_PROJECT_ID \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID
with the name of the
service project you want to add to the host project.To remove a service project from the host project:
gcloud apphub service-projects remove SERVICE_PROJECT_ID \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID
View existing applications, services, and workloads
You can view applications in a project, and list services and workloads in an application.
To view applications in a project:
In the Google Cloud console, go to the App Hub Applications page.
Optional: To filter the application:
- In the Filter field, select a filter such as Criticality.
- Select High as the value.
A list of applications of high criticality that is created on the host project, appears.
To list services and workloads:
In the Google Cloud console, go to the App Hub Applications page.
Click the name of an application. A page with a list of services and workloads registered to your application appears.
Optional: To filter the services or workloads:
- In the Filter field, select a filter such as Criticality.
- Select High as the value.
A list of services and workloads of high criticality that is registered to the application, appears.
Services and Workloads
In the Google Cloud console, go to the App Hub Services and Workloads page.
In the Region list, select the regions from where you'd like to view the services and workloads. For example, select us-east1.
The Services and Workloads page displays all the services and workloads from the attached service projects associated with us-east1.Optional: To filter the services or workloads:
- In the Filter field, select a filter such as Environment.
- Select Production as the value.
A list of services and workloads in the production environment that is registered to an application, appears.
To view applications in a project:
gcloud apphub applications list \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID \ --location=REGION
To list registered services in an application:
gcloud apphub applications services list \ --application=APPLICATION_NAME \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID \ --location=REGION
To list registered workloads in an application:
gcloud apphub applications workloads list \ --application=APPLICATION_NAME \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID \ --location=REGION
Optional: To filter the resources based on variable attributes, add a
command flag to the preceding commands. For example, to list all registered workloads where thecriticality-type
attribute is set toHIGH
:gcloud apphub applications workloads list \ --application=APPLICATION_NAME \ --filter='attributes.criticality.type=HIGH' \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID \ --location=REGION
For more information on the attributes that you can filter with, on this page, see Update an existing App Hub application.
Clean up
Clean up an existing application and remove a service project attachment from the host project to remove resources associated with the project. This stops the automatic discovery of resources in the service project.
To do so, you must first delete workloads and services registered to the application.
In the Google Cloud console, go to the App Hub Applications page.
Click the name of an application. A list of services and workloads registered to the application appears.
Unregister a service or a workload.
- On the Services and workloads tab, from the Registered services and workloads section, click the name of the service or workload you'd like to unregister.
- On the Details tab, click Unregister to update the service or
workload as a Discovered resource.
On the Services and workloads tab, an alert notifies that the workload is unregistered. - Repeat these instructions for each service and workload.
Go to the App Hub Applications page.
Click the name of an application.
On the page with the application details, click Delete.
To remove the service projects from your host project, see the Add or remove service projects section of this document.
To remove the service projects from the metrics scope of the host project:
In the Google Cloud console, go to the settings Settings page:
If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Monitoring.
- Select Metric Scope.
- In the Google Cloud Projects pane, click Remove project, and then complete the confirmation dialog.
List the registered workloads in the application:
gcloud apphub applications workloads list \ --application=APPLICATION_NAME --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID \ --location=REGION
Unregister the workload from the application:
gcloud apphub applications workloads delete WORKLOAD_NAME \ --application=APPLICATION_NAME \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID \ --location=REGION
The workload is now a discovered workload that can be registered to the application.
Repeat the previous command to delete the remaining registered workloads from the application.
List the registered services in the application:
gcloud apphub applications services list \ --application=APPLICATION_NAME \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID \ --location=REGION
Unregister the service from the application:
gcloud apphub applications services delete SERVICE_NAME \ --application=APPLICATION_NAME \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID \ --location=REGION
The service is now a discovered service that can be registered to the application.
Repeat the previous command to unregister the remaining registered services from the application.
Delete the application:
gcloud apphub applications delete APPLICATION_NAME \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID \ --location=REGION
Remove a service project from the host project:
gcloud apphub service-projects remove SERVICE_PROJECT_ID \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID
Repeat the previous command to remove all service projects from the host project.
Remove the service projects from the metrics scope of the host project (Preview):
gcloud beta monitoring metrics-scopes delete projects/SERVICE_PROJECT_ID \ --project=HOST_PROJECT_ID
Repeat the previous command to remove all service projects from the metrics scope host project.