This page provides examples of using the command
gcloud container vmware clusters create
to create a user cluster.
After creating the user cluster, you need to create at least one node pool.
You can use the command
gcloud container vmware node-pools create
create a node pool.
All of the examples use the defaults for the control plane, so those flags aren't included.
This section shows examples of getting IP addresses for you cluster nodes from a DHCP server.
gcloud container vmware clusters create user-cluster-1 \ --project=example-project-12345 \ --location=us-west1 \ --admin-cluster-membership=projects/example-project-12345/locations/global/memberships/admin-cluster-1 \ --version=1.13.10-gke.42 \ \ \ --enable-dhcp \ --service-address-cidr-blocks= \ --pod-address-cidr-blocks= \ --metal-lb-config-address-pools='pool=lb-pool-1,manual-assign=False,avoid-buggy-ips=True,addresses=;;' \ --metal-lb-config-address-pools='pool=lb-pool-2,manual-assign=True,addresses=' \ --control-plane-vip= \ --ingress-vip=
For a description of the --metal-lb-config-address-pools
see Load balancer.
gcloud container vmware clusters create user-cluster-2 \ --project=example-project-12345 \ --location=us-west1 \ --admin-cluster-membership=projects/example-project-12345/locations/global/memberships/admin-cluster-1 \ --version=1.13.10-gke.42 \ \ \ --enable-dhcp \ --service-address-cidr-blocks= \ --pod-address-cidr-blocks= \ --f5-config-address= \ --f5-config-partition=my-f5-admin-partition \ --control-plane-vip= \ --ingress-vip=
For a description of the F5 flags, see Load balancer.
Static IPs
This section provides examples using static IPs for your cluster nodes. A user
cluster needs to have one IP address for each node and an additional IP address
for a temporary node that is needed during cluster upgrades, updates, and
auto repair. For a description of the --static-ip-config-ip-blocks
see Networking.
gcloud container vmware clusters create user-cluster-3 \ --project=example-project-12345 \ --location=europe-west1 \ --admin-cluster-membership=projects/example-project-12345/locations/global/memberships/admin-cluster-1 \ --version=1.13.10-gke.42 \ \ \ --static-ip-config-ip-blocks='gateway=,netmask=,ips= user-vm-1; user-vm-2' \ --static-ip-config-ip-blocks='gateway=,netmask=,ips= user-vm-3; extra-vm' \ --dns-servers=, \, \ --ntp-servers=, \ --service-address-cidr-blocks= \ --pod-address-cidr-blocks= \ --metal-lb-config-address-pools='pool=lb-pool-1,manual-assign=False,avoid-buggy-ips=True,addresses=;;' \ --metal-lb-config-address-pools='pool=lb-pool-2,manual-assign=True,addresses=' \ --control-plane-vip= \ --ingress-vip=
gcloud container vmware clusters create user-cluster-4 \ --project=example-project-12345 \ --location=asia-east1 \ --admin-cluster-membership=projects/example-project-12345/locations/global/memberships/admin-cluster-1 \ --version=1.13.10-gke.42 \ \ \ --static-ip-config-ip-blocks='gateway=,netmask=,ips= user-vm-1; user-vm-2' \ --static-ip-config-ip-blocks='gateway=,netmask=,ips= user-vm-3; extra-vm' \ --dns-servers=, \ --ntp-servers=, \ --service-address-cidr-blocks= \ --pod-address-cidr-blocks= \ --control-plane-vip= \ --control-plane-node-port=30968 \ --ingress-vip= \ --ingress-http-node-port=32527 \ --ingress-https-node-port=30139 \ --konnectivity-server-node-port=30969
Create a node pool
You can use the following command to create a node pool:
gcloud container vmware node-pools create default-pool \ --cluster=user-cluster-1 \ --project=example-project-12345 \ --location=us-west1 \ --image-type=ubuntu_containerd \ --boot-disk-size=40 \ --cpus=8 \ --memory=8192 \ --replicas=5 \ --min-replicas=5 \ --max-replicas=10 \ --enable-load-balancer
For descriptions of the flags, see Create a node pool.