This document shows how to backup and restore the etcd store for a user cluster. This page also provides a script that you can use to automatically back up a cluster's etcd store.
You can create a backup file for recovery from unforeseen disasters that might damage your cluster's etcd data. Store the backup file in a location that is outside of the cluster and is not dependent on the cluster's operation.
This procedure does not back up application-specific data.
This procedure does not back up your PersistentVolumes.
Workloads scheduled after you create a backup aren't restored with that backup.
You cannot restore a cluster after a failed upgrade.
This procedure is not intended to restore a deleted cluster.
Backing up a user cluster
A user cluster backup is a snapshot of the user cluster's etcd store. The etcd store contains all of the Kubernetes objects and custom objects required to manage cluster state. The snapshot contains the data required to recreate the cluster's components and workloads.
The backup steps that you follow depend on whether Controlplane V2 is enabled on the user cluster. When Controlplane V2 is enabled, the control plane for the user cluster runs on the user cluster itself. When Controlplane V2 isn't enabled, the control plane for the user cluster runs on one or more nodes in the admin cluster, which is referred to as kubeception.
Run the following command to determine whether the cluster has Controlplane V2 enabled:
kubectl get onpremuserclusters --kubeconfigUSER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \ -n kube-system -o jsonpath='{.items[0].spec.enableControlplaneV2}' && echo
If the output is true
, follow the Controlplane V2 steps to back up
the cluster. Otherwise, follow the Kubeception steps. The backup steps
are the same except for the locations of the keys, certificates, and the
etcd Pod's name.
Get a shell into the
container:kubectl --kubeconfig
ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG exec -it \ kube-etcd-0 -c kube-etcd -nUSER_CLUSTER_NAME \ -- /bin/shwhere:
- ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG is the admin cluster's kubeconfig file.
- USER_CLUSTER_NAME is the name of the user cluster.
In your shell, create a backup file named
:ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl \ --endpoints= \ --cacert=/etcd.local.config/certificates/etcdCA.crt \ --cert=/etcd.local.config/certificates/etcd.crt \ --key=/etcd.local.config/certificates/etcd.key \ snapshot save /tmp/snapshot.db
In your shell, enter
to exit the shell.Copy
from thekube-etcd
container to the current directory:kubectl --kubeconfig
ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG cp \USER_CLUSTER_NAME /kube-etcd-0:/tmp/snapshot.db \ --container kube-etcd ~/snapshot.db
Get the etcd Pod's name:
kubectl --kubeconfig
USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG get pods \ -n kube-system -l component=etcd,tier=control-plane -ojsonpath='{$.items[*]}{"\n"}'where:
- USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG is the user cluster's kubeconfig file.
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE etcd-uc1-cp1 1/1 Running 0 38m etcd-uc1-cp2 1/1 Running 0 37m etcd-uc1-cp3 1/1 Running 0 38m
Note that there can be multiple
pods, example, 3 for HA clusters. For backup, anyetcd
pod should work.Get a shell into the
container:kubectl --kubeconfig
USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG exec -it \POD_NAME -c etcd -n kube-system -- /bin/shwhere:
- POD_NAME is the name of the etcd pod taken from the previous step.
In your shell, create a backup file named
:ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl \ --endpoints= \ --cacert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt \ --cert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt \ --key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key \ snapshot save /tmp/snapshot.db
In your shell, enter
to exit the shell.Copy
from theetcd
container to the workstation home directory:kubectl --kubeconfig
USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \ cpPOD_NAME :/tmp/snapshot.db ~/snapshot.db \ -c etcd -n kube-systemCopy the secrets from the PKI directory:
ssh -i
NODE_NAME .key ubuntu@NODE_EXTERNAL_IP sudo chmod -R 0644 /etc/kubernetes/pki/* sudo chmod 0755 /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd exit scp -riNODE_NAME .key ubuntu@NODE_EXTERNAL_IP :/etc/kubernetes/pki ~/pki_NODE_NAME where:
- NODE_NAME is the file containing ssh key for the control plane node
- NODE_EXTERNAL_IP is the IP address of the user control plane node from where you want the secrets to be copied from.
Restoring a user cluster from a backup (non-HA)
Before you use a backup file to restore your user cluster's etcd store, diagnose your cluster and resolve existing issues. Using a backup to restore a problematic cluster might re-create or exacerbate issues. Contact the Google Distributed Cloud support team for further assistance with restoring your clusters.
The following instructions explain how to use a backup file to restore a user cluster in cases where the cluster's etcd data has become damaged and the user cluster's etcd Pod is crashlooping.
You can restore the etcd data by deploying a utility Pod that overwrites the damaged data with the backup. The admin cluster's API server must be running and the admin cluster's scheduler must be able to schedule new Pods.
Find the name of the Secret used by etcd in the user cluster:
kubectl --kubeconfig
ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG -nUSER_CLUSTER_NAME \ get secrets | grep kube-etcd-certsCopy the following Pod manifest to a file named
. Replace the following:NODE_NAME
: the node where thekube-etcd-0
: the admin cluster's kubeconfig file.USER_CLUSTER_NAME
: the name of the user cluster.GKE_ON_PREM_VERSION
: the version of the cluster where you want to perform the etcd restore (for example, 1.5.0-gke.0).KUBE_ETCD_SECRET_NAME
: the name of the Secret used by etcd in the user cluster, starting withkube-etcd-certs
apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: etcd-utility-0 namespace:
USER_CLUSTER_NAME spec: containers: - command: ["/bin/sh"] args: ["-ec", "while :; do echo '.'; sleep 5 ; done"] image: name: etcd-utility volumeMounts: - mountPath: /var/lib/etcd name: data - mountPath: /etcd.local.config/certificates name: etcd-certs nodeSelector: tolerations: - effect: NoExecute key: operator: Exists tolerationSeconds: 300 - effect: NoExecute key: operator: Exists tolerationSeconds: 300 - effect: NoSchedule key: operator: Exists volumes: - name: data persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: data-kube-etcd-0 - name: etcd-certs secret: defaultMode: 420 secretName:KUBE_ETCD_SECRET_NAME Deploy the utility Pod:
kubectl --kubeconfig
ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \ create -f etcd-utility.yaml --namespaceUSER_CLUSTER_NAME Copy
from the current directory to the root directory of the utility Pod:kubectl --kubeconfig
ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG cp snapshot.db \USER_CLUSTER_NAME /etcd-utility-0:snapshot.db --container etcd-utilityGet a shell into the
container:kubectl --kubeconfig
ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG exec it \ etcd-utility-0 --container etcd-utility --namespaceUSER_CLUSTER_NAME \ -- bin/shIn your shell, in the root directory, run the following command to create a new folder that contains the backup:
ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl \ --endpoints= \ --cacert=/etcd.local.config/certificates/etcdCA.crt \ --cert=/etcd.local.config/certificates/etcd.crt \ --key=/etcd.local.config/certificates/etcd.key \ snapshot restore snapshot.db
In your shell, delete the old etcd data:
rm -r var/lib/etcd/*
In your shell, copy the restored etcd data to its permanent location:
cp -r default.etcd/* var/lib/etcd/
In your shell, enter
to exit the shell.Delete the crashing etcd Pod:
kubectl --kubeconfig
ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \ delete pod kube-etcd-0 --namespaceUSER_CLUSTER_NAME Verify that the etcd Pod is no longer crashing.
Delete the utility Pod:
kubectl --kubeconfig
ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \ delete pod etcd-utility-0 --namespaceUSER_CLUSTER_NAME Remove
from the current directory:rm etcd-utility.yaml
You can restore the etcd
data one at a time by deploying a temporary etcd container that overwrites the
damaged data with the backup.
Get a shell into the user control plane node:
ssh -i
NODE_NAME .key ubuntu@NODE_EXTERNAL_IP In the shell, stop the Kubernetes API server and the etcd server:
sudo mv /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml /etc/kubernetes/manifests/etcd.yaml ~
In the shell, enter
to exit the shell.Run
to copy the backup filesnapshot.db
& secrets to the user control plane node:scp -i
NODE_NAME .key ~/snapshot.db ubuntu@NODE_EXTERNAL_IP :/tmp/chmod a+rw pki/ scp -ri
NODE_NAME .key ~/pki_NODE_NAME ubuntu@NODE_EXTERNAL_IP :/etc/kubernetes/pkiIn the shell, use
to restore the etcd data:sudo docker run --rm -t \ -v /opt/data/var/lib:/var/lib \ -v /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd:/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd \ -v /tmp:/tmp \ --env ETCDCTL_API=3 \
GKE_ON_PREM_VERSION etcdctl \ --cacert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt \ --cert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt \ --key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key \ --data-dir=/opt/data/var/lib/etcd \ --name=NODE_NAME \ --initial-advertise-peer-urls=https://NODE_IP_ADDRESS :2380 \ --initial-cluster=NODE_NAME =https://NODE_IP_ADDRESS :2380 \ snapshot restore /tmp/snapshot.dbwhere:
is the GKE Enterprise version used as image tagNODE_NAME
is the name of the node where the restore is being performedNODE_IP_ADDRESS
is the IP of the said node
Add the flag
- --initial-cluster-state=new
in the etcd manifest file under container command.Example:
containers: - command: - etcd ... - --initial-cluster-state=new ...
In the shell, start the kube-apiserver and etcd servers:
sudo mv etcd.yaml kube-apiserver.yaml /etc/kubernetes/manifests/
In the shell, enter
to exit the shell.
Restoring a user cluster from a backup (HA)
This section shows how to restore the etcd data for a high-availability (HA) user cluster.
For an HA user cluster, there are three nodes in the admin cluster that serve as control planes for the user cluster. Each of those nodes runs an etcd Pod that maintains etcd data on a storage volume.
If two of the etcd Pods are healthy, and the data on the associated storage volumes is intact, then there is no need to use a backup file. That is because you still have an etcd quorum.
In the rare case that two of the etcd storage volumes have corrupt data, you need to use a backup file to restore the etcd data.
To perform the steps in this section, you must have already created a snapshot.db
file as described in Backing up a user cluster.
Listing your etcd Pods and nodes
List the etcd Pods that manage the etcd store for your user cluster. These Pods run in the admin cluster:
kubectl --kubeconfig
ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG get pods --namespaceUSER_CLUSTER_NAME \ --output wide | grep kube-etcdThe output shows the etcd Pods and the nodes where the Pods run. The nodes shown in the output are nodes in the admin cluster that serve as control planes for your user cluster:
NAME ... NODE kube-etcd-0 ... xxx kube-etcd-1 ... yyy kube-etcd-2 ... zzz
Make a note of the Pod names and the control plane node names for later.
Notice that each etcd Pod is named
appended with a number. This number is called the member number for the Pod. It identifies the Pod as being a particular member of the etcd cluster that holds the object data for your user cluster. This guide uses the placeholder MEMBER_NUMBER to refer to the etcd Pod member number.Also notice that each Pod in your etcd cluster runs on its own node.
Preparing to deploy the utility Pods
Save a manifest for the PodDisruptionBudget (PDB) for the user cluster's Kubernetes API server. Then delete the PDB.
kubectl --kubeconfig
ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONIFG get pdb --namespaceUSER_CLUSTER_NAME \ kube-apiserver-pdb --output yaml > kube-apiserver-pdb.yaml kubectl --kubeconfigADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONIFG delete pdb --namespaceUSER_CLUSTER_NAME \ kube-apiserver-pdbStop the Kubernetes API server and the etcd maintenance Deployment. This ensures that no components will use etcd during restoration:
kubectl --kubeconfig
ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONIFG --namespaceUSER_CLUSTER_NAME \ scale --replicas 0 statefulset kube-apiserver kubectl --kubeconfigADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONIFG --namespaceUSER_CLUSTER_NAME \ scale --replicas 0 deployment gke-master-etcd-maintenanceRecall the name of the container image for your etcd Pods.
Deploying the utility Pods
Recall the name of the etcd Pod and the name of the node where the Pod runs.
Save the following Pod manifest in the current directory in a file named
apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: etcd-utility-MEMBER_NUMBER namespace:USER_CLUSTER_NAME spec: containers: - command: ["/bin/sh"] args: ["-ec", "while :; do echo '.'; sleep 5 ; done"] image: name: etcd-utility volumeMounts: - mountPath: /var/lib/etcd name: data - mountPath: /etcd.local.config/certificates name: etcd-certs nodeSelector: tolerations: - effect: NoExecute key: operator: Exists tolerationSeconds: 300 - effect: NoExecute key: operator: Exists tolerationSeconds: 300 - effect: NoSchedule key: operator: Exists volumes: - name: data persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: data-kube-etcd-MEMBER_NUMBER - name: etcd-certs secret: defaultMode: 420 secretName:KUBE_ETCD_SECRET_NAME
The preceding manifest describes a utility Pod that you run temporarily to restore etcd data.
Create the utility Pod in your admin cluster:
kubectl --kubeconfig
ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG apply -f etcd-utility-MEMBER_NUMBER .yamlCopy your backup file,
, to the root directory of your utility Pod:kubectl --kubeconfig
ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONIFG cp snapshot.db \USER_CLUSTER_NAME /etcd-utility-MEMBER_NUMBER :snapshot.dbGet a shell into the
container in the utility Pod:kubectl --kubeconfig
ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONIFG exec -it --namespaceUSER_CLUSTER_NAME \ etcd-utility-MEMBER_NUMBER --container etcd-utility -- bin/shIn your shell, in the root directory, use
to restore the etcd data:ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl \ --endpoints= \ --cacert=/etcd.local.config/certificates/etcdCA.crt \ --cert=/etcd.local.config/certificates/etcd.crt \ --key=/etcd.local.config/certificates/etcd.key \ --name=kube-etcd-
MEMBER_NUMBER \ --initial-cluster=kube-etcd-0=https://kube-etcd-0.kube-etcd:2380,kube-etcd-1=https://kube-etcd-1.kube-etcd:2380,kube-etcd-2=https://kube-etcd-2.kube-etcd:2380 \ --initial-cluster-token=etcd-cluster-1 \ --initial-advertise-peer-urls=https://kube-etcd-MEMBER_NUMBER .kube-etcd:2380 \ snapshot restore snapshot.dbThe preceding command stored etcd data in the
directory.In your shell, delete the old etcd data:
rm -r var/lib/etcd/*
In your shell, copy the restored etcd data to its permanent location:
cp -r kube-etcd-
MEMBER_NUMBER .etcd/* var/lib/etcd/In your shell, remove the temporary etcd directory and the backup file:
rm -R kube-etcd-
MEMBER_NUMBER .etcd/ rm snapshot.dbIn your shell, enter
to exit the shell.Delete the utility Pod:
kubectl --kubeconfig
Restarting components
Now that you have deployed and deleted your utility Pods, you need to restart some cluster components.
Restart the Pods in the
StatefulSet:kubectl --kubeconfig
ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG rollout restart statefulset \ --namespaceUSER_CLUSTER_NAME kube-etcdStart the Kubernetes API servers for your user cluster:
kubectl --kubeconfig
ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONIFG scale statefulset --replicas 3 \ --namespaceUSER_CLUSTER_NAME kube-apiserverStart the etcd maintenance Deployment for your user cluster:
kubectl --kubeconfig
ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONIFG scale deployment --replicas 1 \ --namespace=USER_CLUSTER_NAME gke-master-etcd-maintenanceRestore the PDB for the Kubernetes API server:
kubectl --kubeconfig
ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONIFG apply -f kube-apiserver-pdb.yaml
This section shows how to restore the etcd data for a high-availability (HA) user cluster.
For a HA user cluster, there are three nodes in the user cluster that serves as control plane for the user cluster. Each of those nodes runs an etcd Pod that maintains etcd data on a storage volume.
If two of the etcd Pods are healthy, and the data on the associated storage volumes is intact, then there is no need to use a backup file. That is because you'd still have an etcd quorum.
In the rare case that two of the etcd storage volumes have corrupt data, you need to use a backup file to restore the etcd data.
To do the steps in this section, you must have already created a snapshot.db
file as described in Backing up a user cluster.
Listing your etcd Pods and nodes
List the etcd Pods and their respective node:
kubectl get pod --kubeconfig
USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \ -n kube-system -l component=etcd,tier=control-plane -o wideThe output shows the etcd Pods and the nodes where the Pods run. The nodes shown in the output are nodes in the admin cluster that serve as control planes for your user cluster:
NAME ... NODE etcd-xxx ... xxx etcd-yyy ... yyy etcd-zzz ... zzz
Make a note of the Pod names and the control plane node names for later.
Notice that each etcd Pod is named
appended with a node name. This is because in Controlplane V2 the etcd pods runs as a static pod.
Preparing to restore
to copy the backup filesnapshot.db
to all the user control plane node:scp ~/snapshot.db -i
NODE_NAME .key ubuntu@NODE_EXTERNAL_IP :/tmp/Copy the secrets to the respective user control plane node:
chmod a+rw pki/ scp -r ~/pki -i
NODE_NAME .key ubuntu@NODE_EXTERNAL_IP :/etc/kubernetes/Get a shell into the user control plane node:
ssh -i
Performing the restore
Recall the name of the etcd Pod and the name of the node where the Pod runs.
In the shell, stop the Kubernetes API server and the etcd server on all the user control plane nodes:
sudo mv /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml /etc/kubernetes/manifests/etcd.yaml ~
In the shell, use
to restore the etcd data on all the user control plane nodes:sudo docker run --rm -t \ -v /opt/data/var/lib:/var/lib \ -v /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd:/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd \ -v /tmp:/tmp \ --env ETCDCTL_API=3 \
GKE_ON_PREM_VERSION etcdctl \ --cacert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt \ --cert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt \ --key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key \ --data-dir=/opt/data/var/lib/etcd \ --name=NODE_NAME \ --initial-advertise-peer-urls=https://NODE_IP_ADDRESS :2380 \ --initial-cluster=NODE1=https://NODE1_IP:2380,NODE2=https://NODE2_IP:2380,NODE3=https://NODE3_IP:2380 \ snapshot restore /tmp/snapshot.dbwhere:
is the GKE Enterprise version used as image tagNODE_NAME
is the name of the node where the restore is being performedNODE_IP_ADDRESS
is the IP of the said node- Fill the
and theIP
of their respective node for--initial-cluster
flag. You can also get this from the etcd manifest.
Add the flag
- --initial-cluster-state=existing
in the etcd manifest file under container command.Example:
containers: - command: - etcd ... - --initial-cluster-state=existing ...
Restarting components
In the shell, start the
servers on all the user control plane nodes:sudo mv ~/etcd.yaml ~/kube-apiserver.yaml /etc/kubernetes/manifests/
In the shell, enter
to exit the shell.Verify the
is running on all user control plane nodes:kubectl get pod --kubeconfig
USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \ -n kube-system -l tier=control-plane
Automatic cluster backup
You can use the script given here as an example on how to automatically back up your clusters. Note that the following script is not supported, and should only be used as reference to write a better, more robust and complete script. Before you run the script, fill in values for the five variables at the beginning of the script:
- Set
to the path where you want to store the admin and user cluster backups. This path shouldn't exist. - Set
to the path of the admin cluster's kubeconfig file - Set
to the name of your user cluster. The name of your user cluster is a namespace in the admin cluster. - Set
to the VIP that you reserved for the admin control plane service. - Set
to the path of your SSH key. - If you are using a private network, set
to your network's jump server's IP address.
#!/usr/bin/env bash # Automates manual steps for taking backups of user and admin clusters. # Fill in the variables below before running the script. BACKUP_DIR="" # path to store user and admin cluster backups ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG="" # path to admin cluster kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_NAMESPACE="" # user cluster namespace EXTERNAL_IP="" # admin control plane node external ip - follow steps in documentation SSH_PRIVATE_KEY="" # path to vsphere_tmp ssh private key - follow steps in documentation JUMP_IP="" # network jump server IP - leave empty string if not using private network. mkdir -p $BACKUP_DIR mkdir $BACKUP_DIR/pki # USER CLUSTER BACKUP # Snapshot user cluster etcd kubectl --kubeconfig=${ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG} exec -it -n ${USER_CLUSTER_NAMESPACE} kube-etcd-0 -c kube-etcd -- /bin/sh -ec "export ETCDCTL_API=3; etcdctl --endpoints= --cacert=/etcd.local.config/certificates/etcdCA.crt --cert=/etcd.local.config/certificates/etcd.crt --key=/etcd.local.config/certificates/etcd.key snapshot save ${USER_CLUSTER_NAMESPACE}_snapshot.db" kubectl --kubeconfig=${ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG} cp ${USER_CLUSTER_NAMESPACE}/kube-etcd-0:${USER_CLUSTER_NAMESPACE}_snapshot.db $BACKUP_DIR/user-cluster_${USER_CLUSTER_NAMESPACE}_snapshot.db # ADMIN CLUSTER BACKUP # Set up ssh options SSH_OPTS=(-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}) if [ "${JUMP_IP}" != "" ]; then SSH_OPTS+=(-oProxyCommand="ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY} -W %h:%p ubuntu@${JUMP_IP}") fi # Copy admin certs ssh "${SSH_OPTS[@]}" ubuntu@${EXTERNAL_IP} 'sudo chmod -R +rw /etc/kubernetes/pki/*' scp -r "${SSH_OPTS[@]}" ubuntu@${EXTERNAL_IP}:/etc/kubernetes/pki/* ${BACKUP_DIR}/pki/ # Snapshot admin cluster etcd admin_etcd=$(kubectl --kubeconfig=${ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG} get pods -n kube-system -l component=etcd,tier=control-plane -ojsonpath='{$.items[*]}{"\n"}') kubectl --kubeconfig=${ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG} exec -it -n kube-system ${admin_etcd} -- /bin/sh -ec "export ETCDCTL_API=3; etcdctl --endpoints= --cacert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt --cert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/healthcheck-client.crt --key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/healthcheck-client.key snapshot save admin_snapshot.db" kubectl --kubeconfig=${ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG} cp -n kube-system ${admin_etcd}:admin_snapshot.db $BACKUP_DIR/admin-cluster_snapshot.db
- Set
to the path where you want to store the admin and user cluster backups. This path shouldn't exist. - Set
to the path of the admin cluster's kubeconfig file - Set
to the path of your user cluster kubeconfig. - Set
to the VIP that you reserved for the admin control plane service. - Set
to the path of your SSH key. - If you are using a private network, set
to your network's jump server's IP address.
#!/usr/bin/env bash # Automates manual steps for taking backups of user and admin clusters. # Fill in the variables below before running the script. BACKUP_DIR="" # path to store user and admin cluster backups ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG="" # path to admin cluster kubeconfig USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG="" # path to user cluster kubeconfig EXTERNAL_IP="" # admin control plane node external ip - follow steps in documentation SSH_PRIVATE_KEY="" # path to ssh private key - follow steps in documentation JUMP_IP="" # network jump server IP - leave empty string if not using private network mkdir -p $BACKUP_DIR mkdir $BACKUP_DIR/pki # USER CLUSTER BACKUP user_etcd=$(kubectl --kubeconfig=${USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG} get pods -n kube-system -l component=etcd,tier=control-plane -ojsonpath='{$.items[0]}{"\n"}') kubectl --kubeconfig=${USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG} exec -it -n kube-system ${user_etcd} -c etcd -- /bin/sh -ec "export ETCDCTL_API=3; etcdctl --endpoints= --cacert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt --cert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt --key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key snapshot save /tmp/${user_etcd}_snapshot.db" kubectl --kubeconfig=${USER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG} cp kube-system/${user_etcd}:/tmp/${user_etcd}_snapshot.db $BACKUP_DIR/${user_etcd}_snapshot.db # ADMIN CLUSTER BACKUP # Set up ssh options SSH_OPTS=(-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}) if [ "${JUMP_IP}" != "" ]; then SSH_OPTS+=(-oProxyCommand="ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY} -W %h:%p ubuntu@${JUMP_IP}") fi # Copy admin certs ssh "${SSH_OPTS[@]}" ubuntu@${EXTERNAL_IP} 'sudo chmod -R +rw /etc/kubernetes/pki/*' scp -r "${SSH_OPTS[@]}" ubuntu@${EXTERNAL_IP}:/etc/kubernetes/pki/* ${BACKUP_DIR}/pki/ # Snapshot admin cluster etcd admin_etcd=$(kubectl --kubeconfig=${ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG} get pods -n kube-system -l component=etcd,tier=control-plane -ojsonpath='{$.items[*]}{"\n"}') kubectl --kubeconfig=${ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG} exec -it -n kube-system ${admin_etcd} -- /bin/sh -ec "export ETCDCTL_API=3; etcdctl --endpoints= --cacert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt --cert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/healthcheck-client.crt --key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/healthcheck-client.key snapshot save /tmp/${admin_etcd}_snapshot.db" kubectl --kubeconfig=${ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG} cp -n kube-system ${admin_etcd}:/tmp/${admin_etcd}_snapshot.db $BACKUP_DIR/${admin_etcd}_snapshot.db
Verify the restoration
To verify that your cluster was successfully restored, run gkectl diagnose cluster.
What's next
- Back up and restore an admin cluster
- Learn how to diagnose cluster issues
- Learn about augur, an open-source tool for restoring individual objects from etcd backups.