Google Distributed Cloud downloads

This page provides commands to download the following Google Distributed Cloud entity:

  • bmctl command-line tool.
  • Google Distributed Cloud offline container images package.

Log in

Log in with any Google Account:

gcloud auth login

Download bmctl

bmctl is the command-line tool for Google Distributed Cloud that simplifies cluster creation and management. For more information about what you can do with bmctl, see bmctl tool.

From your Linux admin workstation, use the following commands to download bmctl and make it executable:

gcloud storage cp gs://anthos-baremetal-release/bmctl/VERSION/linux-amd64/bmctl .
chmod +x ./bmctl

Replace VERSION with the version of Google Distributed Cloud you want to install or upgrade your clusters to. The latest available patch version is 1.9.8.

Verify bmctl using openssl

Verify the bmctl binary against the public key using openssl, where VERSION is the file's version:

gcloud storage cp gs://anthos-baremetal-release/bmctl/VERSION/linux-amd64/bmctl.1.sig .
openssl dgst -verify - -signature ./bmctl.1.sig ./bmctl <<'EOF'
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Expected output of this command is Verified OK.

Download the images package

You only need the images package if you plan on setting up a registry mirror. The package provides all of the container images used by Google Distributed Cloud for the specified version. Make sure the package you download is the same version as the bmctl download.

From your Linux admin workstation, run the following command to download the package:

gcloud storage cp gs://anthos-baremetal-release/bmctl/VERSION/linux-amd64/bmpackages_VERSION.tar.xz .

Verify the images package using openssl

Verify the images package binary against the public key using openssl, where VERSION is the file's version:

gcloud storage cp gs://anthos-baremetal-release/bmctl/VERSION/linux-amd64/bmpackages_VERSION.tar.xz.1.sig .
openssl dgst -verify - -signature ./bmpackages_VERSION.tar.xz.1.sig ./bmpackages_VERSION.tar.xz <<'EOF'
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Expected output of this command is Verified OK.