Configure kernel parameters for AlloyDB Omni on Kubernetes

This page provides information about setting up Kubernetes nodes that host AlloyDB Omni database clusters for the optimal performance of the AlloyDB Omni Kubernetes operator and the AlloyDB Omni database engine.

Configuring kernel parameters lets AlloyDB Omni use system memory and IO resources more efficiently when handling heavy workloads.


Before you start, make sure your Kubernetes nodes run Linux kernel 6.1 or higher, specifically a kernel that supports the MADV_COLLAPSE and MADV_POPULATE_WRITE flags. For more information about these flags, see Linux madwise documentation.

The following table lists required kernel parameters and their corresponding values for Kubernetes nodes that run database cluster pods:

File Value
For information about shared memory, see Transparent Hugepage Support
within_size or always
For information about the number of memory map areas a process can create, see Documentation for /proc/sys/vm
Greater than or equal to 1073741824

To configure the kernel parameters on your Kubernetes nodes using a DaemonSet, do the following:

  1. Apply labels to the nodes where you plan to run database clusters using instructions in Add a label to a node.

  2. To set the kernel parameters on the nodes labeled LABEL_KEY=LABEL_VALUE, create a DaemonSet:

    cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: DaemonSet
      name: alloydb-omni-kernel-tuning
      namespace: DS_NAMESPACE
          name: alloydb-omni-kernel-tuning
            name: alloydb-omni-kernel-tuning
            - name: host-sys
                path: /sys
            LABEL_KEY: "LABEL_VALUE"
          restartPolicy: Always
          terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 1
            - name: enable-thp-mmc
              image: INIT_IMAGE
                - name: host-sys
                  mountPath: /sys
                privileged: true
              command: ["sh", "-c", "sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=MAX_MAP_COUNT && echo within_size >/sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/shmem_enabled"]
            - name: CONTAINER_NAME
              image: CONTAINER_IMAGE
              command: ["watch", "-n", "600", "cat", "/sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/shmem_enabled"]

    Replace the following:

    • DS_NAMESPACE: the namespace where you want to deploy the DaemonSet—for example, default.
    • LABEL_KEY: the identifier for the label—for example, workload.
    • LABEL_VALUE: the data associated with the identifier for the label—for example, database.
    • INIT_IMAGE: the name of the image used for the init container.
    • MAX_MAP_COUNT: the maximum number of memory map areas a process can create—for example, 1073741824.
    • CONTAINER_NAME: the name of the main container—for example, main.
    • CONTAINER_IMAGE: the name of the image used for the main container—for example, latest.
  3. After deploying the DaemonSet, to verify that all pods in your Kubernetes cluster are in the Running state and that you have one pod for each node with the label LABEL_KEY=LABEL_VALUE, use the following command:

    kubectl get pods -l LABEL_KEY=LABEL_VALUE

    An example output looks as follows:

    NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    alloydb-omni-kernel-tuning-2dkwh   1/1     Running   0          22s
    alloydb-omni-kernel-tuning-pgkbj   1/1     Running   0          19s
  4. To verify the kernel flag is successfully applied, for each of the pods identified after deploying the DaemonSet, run the following command:

    kubectl logs POD_NAME

    Replace POD_NAME with the name of the pod you want to examine the logs of.

    An example output looks as follows:

    always [within_size] advise never deny force

To deploy database clusters on Kubernetes nodes with recommended kernel parameters, add a nodeAffinity section to one of the following sections of your database cluster manifest:

  • primarySpec.schedulingConfig for primary instances
  • spec.schedulingConfig for read pool instances
          - matchExpressions:
            - key: LABEL_KEY
              operator: In
              - "LABEL_VALUE"

For more information about running database clusters on specific Kubernetes nodes, see Assign nodes to a database cluster using scheduling

Verify the application of kernel parameters

To verify kernel parameters are applied to database pods, do the following:

  1. If high availability is enabled, specifically spec.availability.numberOfStandbys is set to a value greater than zero, verify that the database custom resource shows DBClusterReady in the DBCLUSTERPHASE column and True in the HAREADYSTATUS column.

    kubectl get dbcluster -n DBCLUSTER_NAMESPACE DBCLUSTER_NAME

    Replace the following:

    • DBCLUSTER_NAME: the name of the database cluster you verify.
    • DBCLUSTER_NAMESPACE: the name of the specific namespace where your database cluster resides.

    An example output looks as follows:

    dbcluster-sample      Ready          DBClusterReady   True            Ready
  2. List Kubernetes pods that belong to the database cluster:

    kubectl get pods -n DBCLUSTER_NAMESPACE -l
  3. To check shared memory information, run the following command:

    kubectl exec -n DBCLUSTER_NAMESPACE POD_NAME -- grep Shmem /proc/meminfo
  4. The output must contain numbers other than zero in all of the entries.

    An example output looks as follows:

    Shmem:          126255872 kB
    ShmemHugePages: 18403328 kB
    ShmemPmdMapped:  2961408 kB

    If you see 0 kB shows in any of the entries, restart the corresponding pod:

    kubectl delete pod -n DBCLUSTER_NAMESPACE POD_NAME
  5. Repeat steps 1 through 5 after the pod is in the Running state.