Manage and monitor AlloyDB Omni

This page describes how to manage AlloyDB Omni user roles, monitor the activity of your AlloyDB Omni server, and update or remove your AlloyDB Omni installation.

Manage user roles

AlloyDB Omni uses the same set of predefined PostgreSQL user roles that AlloyDB includes, with the following differences:

  • AlloyDB Omni includes a superuser role named alloydbadmin, and a non-superuser role named alloydbmetadata.

  • The default postgres user has a superuser role.

  • All other predefined user roles have no privileges. They are reserved for potential uses in the future.

As with AlloyDB, it's a best practice to follow these steps when setting up a database:

  1. Define or import your databases using the postgres user role. In a new installation, this role has superuser privileges, and requires no password.

  2. Create new user roles that have the correct level of access to your application's tables, again using the postgres user role.

  3. Configure your application to connect to the database using these new, limited-access roles.

You can create and define as many new user roles as you need. Don't modify or delete any of the user roles with which AlloyDB Omni ships.

For more information, see Manage AlloyDB user roles.

Monitor AlloyDB Omni

Monitoring your AlloyDB Omni installation means reading and analyzing its log files.

AlloyDB Omni running on Kubernetes also has a set of basic metrics available as Prometheus endpoints. For a list of available metrics, see AlloyDB Omni metrics.


By default, to retrieve AlloyDB Omni logs, run:


  docker logs CONTAINER_NAME

Replace CONTAINER_NAME with the name of your AlloyDB Omni container.

To configure the logging behavior of AlloyDB Omni, see Customize your AlloyDB Omni installation.


  podman logs CONTAINER_NAME

Replace CONTAINER_NAME with the name of your AlloyDB Omni container.

To configure the logging behavior of AlloyDB Omni, see Customize your AlloyDB Omni installation.


  podman logs CONTAINER_NAME

Replace CONTAINER_NAME with the name of your AlloyDB Omni container.

To configure the logging behavior of AlloyDB Omni, see Customize your AlloyDB Omni installation.


Find your database cluster log files

You can find postgresql.audit and postgresql.log files on the file system of the database pod. To access these files, follow these steps:

  1. Define an environment variable containing the name of the database pod.

    export DB_POD=`kubectl get pod -l, -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}'`

    Replace DB_CLUSTER_NAME with the name of your database cluster. It's the same database cluster name you declared when you created it.

  2. Run a shell on the database pod as root.

    kubectl exec ${DB_POD} -it -- /bin/bash
  3. Find the log files in the /obs/diagnostic/ directory:

    • /obs/diagnostic/postgresql.audit
    • /obs/diagnostic/postgresql.log

List monitoring services


When you create a database cluster, AlloyDB Omni creates the following monitoring service for each instance CR of the database cluster in the same namespace:


To list the monitoring services, run the following command.

kubectl get svc -n NAMESPACE | grep monitoring

Replace NAMESPACE with a namespace where your cluster belongs.

The following example response shows the al-1060-dbc-monitoring-system, al-3de6-dbc-monitoring-system, and al-4bc0-dbc-monitoring-system services. Each service corresponds to one instance.

al-1060-dbc-monitoring-system   ClusterIP   <none>        9187/TCP   7d20h
al-3de6-dbc-monitoring-system   ClusterIP    <none>        9187/TCP   7d19h
al-4bc0-dbc-monitoring-system   ClusterIP    <none>        9187/TCP   7d19h

Version < 1.0

When you create a database cluster, AlloyDB Omni creates the following monitoring services in the same namespace as the database cluster:

  • DB_CLUSTER-monitoring-db

  • DB_CLUSTER-monitoring-system

To list the monitoring services, run the following command.

kubectl get svc -n NAMESPACE | grep monitoring

Replace NAMESPACE with a namespace where your cluster belongs.

The following example response shows the al-2953-dbcluster-foo7-monitoring-system and the al-2953-dbcluster-foo7-monitoring-db service.

al-2953-dbcluster-foo7-monitoring-db           ClusterIP    <none>        9187/TCP   44m
al-2953-dbcluster-foo7-monitoring-system       ClusterIP     <none>        9187/TCP   44m

View Prometheus metrics from the command line

The port 9187 is named as metricsalloydbomni for all monitoring services.

  1. Set up port forwarding from your local environment to the monitoring service.

    kubectl port-forward service/MONITORING_SERVICE -n NAMESPACE MONITORING_METRICS_PORT:metricsalloydbomni

    Replace the following:

    • MONITORING_SERVICE: The name of the monitoring service that you want to forward—for example, al-1060-dbc-monitoring-system.

    • NAMESPACE: The namespace where your cluster belongs.

    • MONITORING_METRICS_PORT: A local available TCP port.

    The following response shows that the services are being forwarded.

    Forwarding from -> 9187
    Forwarding from [::1]:9187 -> 9187
  2. While the previous command runs, you can access monitoring metrics through HTTP on the port that you specified. For example, you can use curl to see all of the metrics as plain text:

    curl http://localhost:MONITORING_METRICS_PORT/metrics

View metrics using the Prometheus API

The label key and the metricsalloydbomni port is available as a default for all monitoring services in AlloyDB Omni. You can use them together with a single serviceMonitor custom resource to select all the services for all namespaces in your database cluster.

For more information about using the Prometheus API, see the Prometheus Operator documentation.

The following is an example spec field of the serviceMonitor custom resource that includes the label key and metricsalloydbomni port. The serviceMonitor custom resource monitors and collects all the kubernetes services in all namespaces

For more information about the complete ServiceMonitor definition, see the ServiceMonitor custom resource definition .


        any: true
        - port: metricsalloydbomni

Version < 1.0

        - key:
          operator: Exists
          values: []
        any: true
      - port: metricsalloydbomni

Upgrade AlloyDB Omni

To upgrade from AlloyDB Omni 15.5.2 or earlier to 15.5.4, follow instructions in Migrate from earlier version of AlloyDB Omni to latest version.

To upgrade from 15.5.4 and later:

  1. Restart AlloyDB Omni using a new image version.

  2. Make sure to specify your data directory to match the same path as used in earlier versions of AlloyDB Omni.

Uninstall AlloyDB Omni


To uninstall AlloyDB Omni, stop and delete the AlloyDB Omni container using the following command:


 docker container stop CONTAINER_NAME
   docker container rm CONTAINER_NAME

Replace CONTAINER_NAME with the name of your AlloyDB Omni container.


 podman container stop CONTAINER_NAME
   podman container rm CONTAINER_NAME

Replace CONTAINER_NAME with the name of your AlloyDB Omni container.


 podman container stop CONTAINER_NAME
   podman container rm CONTAINER_NAME

Replace CONTAINER_NAME with the name of your AlloyDB Omni container.

You can move, archive, or delete an external data directory depending on whether and how you want to preserve your data after uninstalling AlloyDB Omni.


Delete your database cluster

To delete your database cluster, set isDeleted to true in its manifest. You can accomplish this with the following command.

kubectl patch DB_CLUSTER_NAME -p '{"spec":{"isDeleted":true}}' --type=merge

Replace DB_CLUSTER_NAME with the name of your database cluster. It's the same database cluster name you declared when you created it.

Uninstall the AlloyDB Omni Operator

To uninstall the AlloyDB Omni Kubernetes Operator from your Kubernetes cluster, take the following steps:

  1. Delete all of your database clusters:

    for ns in $(kubectl get --all-namespaces -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.namespace}{"\n"}{end}'); do
    for cr in $(kubectl get -n $ns -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{"\n"}{end}'); do
    kubectl patch $cr -n $ns --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"isDeleted":true}}'
  2. Wait for the AlloyDB Omni Kubernetes Operator to delete all of your database clusters. Use the following command to check whether any database resources remain:

    kubectl get --all-namespaces
  3. Delete other resources that the AlloyDB Omni Kubernetes Operator created:

    kubectl delete --all --all-namespaces
    kubectl delete --all --all-namespaces
    kubectl delete --all --all-namespaces
  4. Uninstall the AlloyDB Omni Kubernetes Operator:

    helm uninstall alloydbomni-operator --namespace alloydb-omni-system
  5. Clean up secrets, custom resource descriptions, and namespaces related to the AlloyDB Omni Kubernetes Operator:

    kubectl delete certificate -n alloydb-omni-system --all
    kubectl get secrets --all-namespaces -o custom-columns=NAMESPACE:.metadata.namespace,,ANNOTATION:.metadata.annotations.cert-manager\.io/issuer-name | grep -E 'alloydbomni|dbs-al' | awk '{print $1 " " $2}' | xargs -n 2 kubectl delete secret -n
    kubectl delete crd -l alloydb-omni=true
    kubectl delete ns alloydb-omni-system

Resize your Kubernetes-based database cluster

To resize the CPU, memory, or storage of your Kubernetes-based database cluster, update the resources field of the manifests that define its pod. The AlloyDB Omni Operator applies the new specifications to your database pod immediately.

For more information about the AlloyDB Omni Operator manifest syntax, see Create a database cluster.

The following restrictions apply to modifying a running database cluster's resources:

  • You can increase a disk's size only if the specified storageClass supports volume expansion.
  • You can't decrease a disk's size.