AlloyDB Omni and AlloyDB Omni Kubernetes operator key terms

This page provides definitions for AlloyDB Omni and AlloyDB Omni Kubernetes operator terms.


AlloyDB AI
A suite of features included with AlloyDB Omni that let you build enterprise generative AI applications. For more information, see Build generative AI applications using AlloyDB AI.
AlloyDB Omni Kubernetes operator
An extension to the Google Kubernetes Engine API that lets you manage AlloyDB Omni in most CNCF-compliant Kubernetes environments. For more information, see AlloyDB Omni overview.


database cluster
A group of interconnected database instances that work together to provide high availability, scalability, and fault tolerance for database applications.
disk cache
Accelerates data retrieval in AlloyDB Omni installations in which the active working set of data doesn't fit in memory. For more information, see Accelerate database performance using disk cache.


A representation of your data housed in one or more virtual machines during the runtime of a computer program, and is the main unit of cloud computing resources in AlloyDB Omni and SQL.


In Kubernetes, a process for matching new database pods to nodes to balance node distribution across the Kubernetescluster and help optimize performance. For more information, see Assign nodes to a database cluster using scheduling.


Virtual central processing unit. A single hardware thread as observed by the operating system and available to be used for execution by an AlloyDB Omni database instance.