Generate Java Changelogs

Generate a concise code change-log entry based on a diff file for Java code.

You can query a model directly and test the results returned when using different parameter values with the Cloud console, or by calling the Vertex AI API directly.

Prompt Freeform

Generate a concise single-line changelog that summarizes the key code change in this commit.

--- /your/code/directory/
+++ //your/code/directory/

class Node {
    int data;
    Node left, right;

    public Node(int data) { = data;
        left = right = null;

public class TreeTraversal {

    Node root;

-    // Recursive Traversal Methods
-    public void preorderRecursive(Node node) {
-        if (node != null) {
-            System.out.print( + " ");
-            preorderRecursive(node.left);
-            preorderRecursive(node.right);
-        }
-    }

+    // Iterative Traversal Methods (Using a Stack)
+    public void preorderIterative(Node node) {
+        if (node == null) {
+            return;
+        }
+        Stack stack = new Stack<>();
+        stack.push(node);
+        while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
+            Node current = stack.pop();
+            System.out.print( + " ");
+            // Push right child first (changes order compared to recursive)
+            if (current.right != null) {
+                stack.push(current.right);
+            }
+            if (current.left != null) {
+                stack.push(current.left);
+            }
+        }
+    }


Added iterative preorder traversal using a stack.
Model: gemini-1.5-flash-001
Temperature: 1
Max output tokens: 8192
TopK: 40
TopP: 0.95