Google Cloud Platform Services in Scope by Compliance Program

Last modified: January 13th, 2020

Capitalized terms have the meaning stated in the applicable agreement between Customer and Google.

The following Services fall within the scope of one or more of: Google's ISO 27001 Certification, ISO 27017 Certification, ISO 27018 Certification, PCI DSS Certification, SOC 1 Report, SOC 2 Report and SOC 3 Report. A in the table below indicates that the Service (row) is in scope for the specified certification or report (column).

Service ISO 27001, 27017, 27018 Certifications SOC 1, 2, 3 Reports PCI DSS Certification
Google App Engine
Google App Engine Flexible Environment
Google BigQuery
Google Cloud Bigtable
Google Cloud Billing API
Google Cloud CDN (Content Delivery Network)
Google Cloud console
Google Cloud Data Loss Prevention
Google Cloud Dataflow
Google Cloud Datalab
Google Cloud Dataproc
Google Cloud Datastore
Google Cloud DNS
Google Cloud Endpoints
Google Cloud Functions
Google Cloud Healthcare
Google Cloud IAM (Identity & Access Management)
Google Cloud Jobs API
Google Cloud Key Management Service
Google Cloud Launcher
Google Cloud Load Balancing
Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine
Google Cloud Mobile App
Google Cloud Natural Language API
Google Cloud Pub/Sub
Google Cloud Resource Manager
Google Cloud Router
Google Cloud SDK
Google Cloud Security Scanner
Google Cloud Shell
Google Cloud Source Repositories
Google Cloud Speech API
Google Cloud SQL
Google Cloud Storage
Google Cloud Translation API
Google Cloud Vision API
Google Cloud Virtual Network
Google Cloud VPN
Google Compute Engine
Google Cloud Build
Google Kubernetes Engine
Google Container Registry
Google Deployment Manager
Google Genomics
Google Service Control
Google Stackdriver Debugger
Google Stackdriver Error Reporting
Google Stackdriver Logging
Google Stackdriver Trace

G Suite and/or Complementary Products in Scope by Compliance Program

Capitalized terms have the meaning stated in the applicable agreement between Customer and Google.

The following G Suite Services and/or Complementary Products fall within the scope of one or more of: Google's ISO 27001 Certification, ISO 27017 Certification, ISO 27018 Certification, SOC 1 Report, SOC 2 Report and SOC 3 Report. A in the table below indicates that the Service (row) is in scope for the specified certification or report (column).

Service ISO 27001, 27017, 27018 Certifications SOC 1, 2, 3 Reports
Cloud Identity Management
Google Calendar
Google Cloud Search
Google Contacts
Google Docs
Google Sheets
Google Slides
Google Forms
Google Drive
Google Groups for Business
Google Hangouts
Hangouts Chat
Hangouts Meet
Google Voice
Google Jamboard
Google Keep
Google Sites
Google Tasks
Google Vault