Stop and resume syncing configs

In some situations, you might need to quickly stop Config Sync from syncing configs from your source of truth. One such scenario is if someone commits a syntactically valid but incorrect config to the source, and you want to limit its effects on your running clusters while the config is removed or fixed.

This page is for IT administrators and Operators who manage the lifecycle of the underlying tech infrastructure. To learn more about common roles and example tasks that we reference in Google Cloud content, see Common GKE Enterprise user roles and tasks.


To use the commands in this document, you need the following Kubernetes RBAC permissions in the config-management-system namespaces on all clusters where you want to stop syncing:

- apiGroups: ["extensions"]
  resources: ["deployments", "deployments/scale"]
  verbs: ["get", "update"]
- apiGroups: [""]
  resources: ["pods"]
  verbs: ["list", "watch"]

Stop and resume syncing from a source of truth

This section is for a single source of truth and it shows you how to quickly stop syncing, and how to resume syncing when the problem is fixed. To learn how to stop syncing for more than one source of truth, see stopping and resuming syncing from more than one source of truth.

Stop syncing

To stop syncing for a single cluster, run the following commands, which are provided as a single command for your convenience, but can also be run separately:

kubectl scale -n config-management-system deployment config-management-operator --replicas=0 \
&& kubectl wait -n config-management-system --for=delete pods -l k8s-app=config-management-operator \
&& kubectl scale -n config-management-system deployment --replicas=0 --all \
&& kubectl wait -n config-management-system --for=delete pods --all

The commands do the following, in sequence. If a command fails, the remaining commands don't run.

  1. Reduce the replicas count in the ConfigManagement Operator Deployment to 0.
  2. Reduce the replicas count of all Deployments running in the config-management-system namespace to 0. The exact set of Deployments affected varies by product version.

All deployments are still in the cluster, but no replicas of the Operator or any of the processes responsible for syncing are available, so configs are not synced from the source of truth.

To verify that all processes have been stopped, use the following command and verify that all Deployments have zero replicas:

kubectl get -n config-management-system deployment

If you need to stop syncing on multiple clusters, run the preceding commands for each cluster.

Resume syncing

To resume syncing for a single cluster, run the following command:

kubectl -n config-management-system scale deployment config-management-operator --replicas=1

This command scales the Operator Deployment to 1 replica. The Operator then notices that the Pods in the config-management-system namespace Deployments are scaled incorrectly and scales them to their appropriate replica count.

If you need to resume syncing on multiple clusters, run the preceding command for each cluster.

Stop and resume syncing from more than one source of truth

The section is for more than one source of truth and shows you how to temporarily stop and resume syncing from more than one source of truth. To learn how to stop syncing for a single source of truth, see stopping and resuming syncing from a source of truth.

Only a central administrator can stop syncing in the root source of truth.

The ability to stop syncing in more than one source of truth depends on which configuration method was used when you set up syncing from more than one source of truth:

  • If the Control sources in a root source of truth method was used, a central administrator is the only one who can stop and resume syncing.

  • If the Control a source of truth with the Kubernetes API method was used, application operators can stop and resume syncing from the namespace-scoped sources of truth that they work on.

Stop syncing

The following sections show you how to stop syncing for the root source of truth and namespace-scoped sources of truth. To stop the Reconciler Manager from reverting the change, you need to stop the Reconciler Manager first by running the following commands:

kubectl -n config-management-system scale deployment config-management-operator --replicas=0 \
&& kubectl wait -n config-management-system --for=delete pods -l k8s-app=config-management-operator --timeout=60s \
&& kubectl scale deployment -n config-management-system reconciler-manager --replicas=0 \
&& kubectl wait -n config-management-system --for=delete pods -l app=reconciler-manager

The commands do the following, in sequence. If a command fails, the remaining commands don't run.

  1. Reduce the replicas count in the ConfigManagement Operator Deployment to 0.
  2. Reduce the replicas count in the Reconciler Manager Deployment to 0.

Stop syncing from the root source of truth

To stop a cluster syncing from the root source of truth, a central administrator can run the following command:

kubectl -n config-management-system scale deployment root-reconciler --replicas=0

This command reduces the replicas count in the root-reconciler Deployment to 0.

If you need to stop syncing on multiple clusters, run the preceding command for each cluster.

Stop syncing from namespace-scoped source of truth

Select the Root source of truth method or Kubernetes API method tab to view the relevant instructions.

Root source of truth method

If the Control namespace sources of truth in the root source of truth method was used, central administrators can run the following commands to stop a cluster syncing from a namespace source of truth:

kubectl -n config-management-system scale deployment ns-reconciler-NAMESPACE --replicas=0

The command reduces the replica count in the ns-reconciler-NAMESPACE Deployment to 0.

If you need to stop syncing on multiple clusters, run the preceding command for each cluster.

Kubernetes API method

If the Control namespace-scoped sources with the Kubernetes API method was used, application operators can stop a cluster syncing by running the following commands:

  1. Retrieve the RepoSync configuration and save it to use it later when you want to resume syncing:

    kubectl -n NAMESPACE get reposyncs repo-sync -oyaml > repo-sync.yaml

    Replace NAMESPACE with the namespace of your RepoSync object.

  2. Delete the RepoSync configuration:

    kubectl -n NAMESPACE delete reposyncs repo-sync

    This command triggers the Reconciler Manager to remove the namespace reconciler (ns-reconciler-NAMESPACE) from NAMESPACE and stops syncing.

    If you need to stop syncing on multiple clusters, run the preceding commands for each cluster.

Stop the admission webhook from blocking drifts (optional)

The Config Sync admission webhook is disabled by default, and you can enable and disable the drift prevention functionality provided by the admission webhook using Google Cloud CLI or kubectl.

Stop syncing from all sources of truth

To stop syncing from all sources of truth, including the root source of truth and namespace-scoped sources, run the following commands:

kubectl scale deployment -n config-management-system -l app=reconciler --replicas=0 \
&& kubectl wait -n config-management-system --for=delete pods -l app=reconciler

The commands reduce the replicas count of all Reconciler Pods running in the config-management-system namespace to 0, and wait until all Reconciler Pods are deleted.

All Reconciler Deployments are still in the cluster, but no replicas of the Reconcilers or any of the processes responsible for syncing are available, so configs are not synced from the source of truth.

Resume syncing

This section shows you how to resume syncing for the root source of truth and for namespace-scoped sources.

Resume syncing from the root source of truth

To resume syncing from a root source of truth, a central administrator can run the following command:

kubectl -n config-management-system scale deployment root-reconciler --replicas=1

This command scales the root-reconciler Deployment to 1 replica.

Resume syncing from a namespace-scoped source

Select the Root source of truth method or Kubernetes API method tab to view the relevant instructions.

Root source of truth method

If you used the Control namespace-scoped sources in a root source of truth method, a central administrator can run the following command:

kubectl -n config-management-system scale deployment ns-reconciler-NAMESPACE --replicas=1

This command scales the ns-reconciler-NAMESPACE Deployment to 1 replica.

Kubernetes API method

If you used the Control namespace-scoped sources with the Kubernetes API method, application operators can resume syncing by reapplying repo-sync.yaml which contains the RepoSync configuration:

kubectl apply -f repo-sync.yaml

This command triggers tne Reconciler Manager to create a namespace reconciler process and create a ns-reconciler-NAMESPACE Deployment.

Enable and disable the admission webhook

The Config Sync admission webhook is disabled by default, and you can enable and disable the drift prevention functionality provided by the admission webhook using Google Cloud CLI or kubectl.

Resume syncing from all sources of truth

To resume syncing from all sources of truth, run the following command:

kubectl -n config-management-system scale deployment config-management-operator --replicas=1

This command scales the Operator Deployment to 1 replica. The Operator then notices that the Reconciler Manager Deployment is scaled incorrectly and scales it to the appropriate replica count. In the end, the Reconciler Manager scales the root reconciler and namespace reconcilers to their corresponding replica count.

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