Quotas and limits

This document contains the commonly encountered quotas and limits for use of Dialogflow. Information on how to find a complete list of quotas and limits is provided below. We reserve the right to change these constraints, and this page will be updated to reflect any changes.


For quotas, see Vertex AI Agents quotas.


Limits are fixed constraints, which cannot be increased. Many resources and fields have count, duration, or length limitations, which are fixed constraints for the service implementation.

The following table lists commonly encountered limits. Feature-specific documentation and API reference documentation may provide additional limits.

Description Limit
Maximum number of agents per virtual assistant app no limit
Maximum number of playbook invocations in one turn 3
Maximum number of LLM calls per playbook invocation in same turn 10
Maximum number of examples per agent With the default example retrieval strategy, the system will automatically limit the number of examples to fit in the token limit of the model that is being used, based on the relevance of the examples to the session context.